I don't remember if you guys have heard my rant about strollers on public transit. The essence of the rant is that I don't think people should be allowed strollers on the bus. But I deal with the fact that some people just need to use public transit. I try to do this mostly by assuming that these people actually own a car but it's in the shop or something so they had to take the bus this one time. But today takes the cake, there was not one or two strollers on my bus home today but 4. Four freaking strollers, which means 10 people were unable to sit to accommodate this contraptions.
I've had the stroller argument probably a half dozen times and my basic argument is that if you can't afford a car then you can't afford a baby. To which someone once pointed out that probably 90 percent of pregnancies are unplanned (hopefully this is a gross over estimation because if only 10 percent of children are actually born to parents who intended to have a child then there are some even more serious issues in this world. But here's the thing about unplanned pregnancy, there are options. Now I don't generally agree with the big option, but the fact is that abortion is legal in this country and maybe more people should be using this option. Or you know stepping up their birth control.
Now to my really crazy idea. Remembering that I say this somewhat if not completely tongue in cheek, there should be an economic cutoff for parent hood. If your household income falls below a certain level you should be forced to at least give up for child for adoption. It's for the child's own benefit you just can't provide everything that a child needs. Sorry a kid can't be raised on love it actually costs money. Clearly there should be other considerations for who should be allowed to be a parent, just because you're loaded isn't going to make you a good parent.
I'm kind of getting off topic here and clearly this idea is in the controversial pile. If my blog were more popular I'm sure I'd get all sorts of comments about how elitist this post is. Let me state for the record that I don't come from money, we were amazingly middle-class. I had student loans just like everyone else (still paying them off as a matter of fact). I think I've said it enough times but just in case it comes back to bite me as some point I feel that I need to point out again that this post is just something to think about and does not even receive my own full support. I'm just putting it out there. I also realize that such a policy could and should (probably) never actually be put in place in Canada. It probably violates a number of human rights laws, but I'm not a lawyer so I don't have to worry about that stuff.
A collection of random sports stuff, my personal goals, analysis of my crazy dreams and other me-related craziness.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Monday, March 29, 2010
Wikipedia is the greatest invention ever
In a world in which we are constantly stimulated visually, audibly and even olfactorilly (after much discussion of what we should call nasal stimulation this is what we came up with), sometimes I get bored. It's at these times that I turn to Wikipedia to learn random stuff.
Here's the great thing about Wikipedia, you can start with one topic and end up somewhere completely different. I don't usually go with the random article button. Usually I have something that I want to start off with and just follow links from within the article to other articles.
Sometimes the connections that are made from where you started to where you end up are truly amazing and sometimes even a little bit horrifying. You can get off topic pretty quickly but you might be surprised at what you might learn.
So is this something that you do? Or am I just some kind of weirdo? Wait don't answer that last part.
Here's the great thing about Wikipedia, you can start with one topic and end up somewhere completely different. I don't usually go with the random article button. Usually I have something that I want to start off with and just follow links from within the article to other articles.
Sometimes the connections that are made from where you started to where you end up are truly amazing and sometimes even a little bit horrifying. You can get off topic pretty quickly but you might be surprised at what you might learn.
So is this something that you do? Or am I just some kind of weirdo? Wait don't answer that last part.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Your NCAA basketball update

Last night's Duke-Purdue game pit my two current college basketball boyfriends and seniors, Jon Scheyer and Chris Kramer against each other. Why do I have two college basketball boyfreinds? Mostly because I couldn't decide between the two. Duke won and so that's the end of Chris Kramer's college career. Poor Chris Kramer, but if he's in need of some comfort I'm available.
As for the teams that are left. I'd like to see Duke win if only so that I can continue to see Jon Scheyer. Butler because thier mascot is a bulldog and come on they are adorable, also because Gordon Hayward is the leading candidate to become next year's basketball boyfriend he's also adorable. Michigan State because I just prefer that they win than Tennesee. And I could really care less who wins between Kentucky and West Virginia although the Mountaineers have provided some entertainment this week with thier twitter videos which I found while incredibly bored yesterday.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Wonderful Randomness
I had the most wonderful surprise today. I was standing in line at the cafeteria listening to the conversation of two med students when I hear someone call my name. I turned around to find one of my friends from residence who I hadn't seen in months.
So we had lunch together. It was really nice being able to catch up with someone that I hadn't seen in a while. I should really do it more often.
So we had lunch together. It was really nice being able to catch up with someone that I hadn't seen in a while. I should really do it more often.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Everyone else leads such interesting lives
Hey sorry I know it's been a while, I just haven't had anything to say. My life has been pretty boring lately.
Last week started with me finishing off my hotness bracket, just in time for games to start on Thursday. Which lead to a weekend of me watching college basketball. I'm super excited that both Duke and Purdue made it to the Sweet 16 and will be facing off against each other on Friday night.
On another front I've been trying to decide the extent of my feelings for office crush. This crush has been going on for far too long and it hasn't really followed the pattern of previous crushes. Usually once I tell a friend about a crush it quickly dissipates and becomes a non-issue. This one has managed to stick around for much longer than I would have ever thought possible. So what's with the sudden need to define my feelings? Well it has to do with moving forward. Something someone said to me in the other day about how nothing good happens unless we take chances. Whether I'm willing to take that chance or not is yet to be seen.
Last week started with me finishing off my hotness bracket, just in time for games to start on Thursday. Which lead to a weekend of me watching college basketball. I'm super excited that both Duke and Purdue made it to the Sweet 16 and will be facing off against each other on Friday night.
On another front I've been trying to decide the extent of my feelings for office crush. This crush has been going on for far too long and it hasn't really followed the pattern of previous crushes. Usually once I tell a friend about a crush it quickly dissipates and becomes a non-issue. This one has managed to stick around for much longer than I would have ever thought possible. So what's with the sudden need to define my feelings? Well it has to do with moving forward. Something someone said to me in the other day about how nothing good happens unless we take chances. Whether I'm willing to take that chance or not is yet to be seen.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
It's College Basketball Time
It's that wonderful time of year again. The time where I spend 4 days a week on my couch watching every possible college basketball game I can get my eyes on.
Although for some reason I'm not quite as excited this year. Yeah I filled out a couple of brackets and yes I did do my "hotness bracket" again this year but for some reason it just doesn't feel the same. Bo
th my hotness bracket and my real bracket predict a Kansas victory.
And who is this year's hottest player? Purdue's Chris Kramer. You may remember him as the guy who looks like Keith. There are actually a lot of look a-likes this year. I pronounce "he looks like..." several times as I made my way through the teams.
Anyway I'll be sure to keep you updated as to how my bracket is doing. Are you doing anything to celebrate the NCAA Tournament?
Although for some reason I'm not quite as excited this year. Yeah I filled out a couple of brackets and yes I did do my "hotness bracket" again this year but for some reason it just doesn't feel the same. Bo

And who is this year's hottest player? Purdue's Chris Kramer. You may remember him as the guy who looks like Keith. There are actually a lot of look a-likes this year. I pronounce "he looks like..." several times as I made my way through the teams.
Anyway I'll be sure to keep you updated as to how my bracket is doing. Are you doing anything to celebrate the NCAA Tournament?
Monday, March 15, 2010
I'd rather not know
I've discovered something about myself recently. This story is going to sound totally pathetic and it kind of is but at the same time totally revealing about some things in my life.
On Thursday night I was supposed to meet someone for dinner. I don't want to exactly call her a friend. We used to be friendly but then we both got busy and sort of fell apart. This was supposed to be our second meeting since the Facebook reconnect. I hadn't been feeling well all week and came close to cancelling a few times but didn't. Anyway I showed up to the Olive Garden where we were supposed to meet and an hour and two drinks and two bowls of soup later she still hadn't.
So what's one to make of this situation? My first thought was "well she must have got stuck in traffic". That lasted for about 15 minutes. After half an hour I figured I must have gotten the day wrong, but I was almost certain I hadn't because I double checked before I left. After an hour I figured she must have had some kind of emergency and there would be a call or an e-mail waiting for me when I got home. It's 4 days later and still no call or e-mail. So I sent her a Facebook message and tried really hard not to sound too pissed off.
Here's the thing though, at this point I'd rather not know what happened. At least if I don't know there is a chance that it was an emergency and she didn't just forget about me. I'll feel pretty bad if it was that she just didn't remember that we had plans and went ahead and did her own thing.
I also realized that there are other things that I don't want to know. For example ,I still harbor my office crush. Even though I haven't been at work for nearly a year and therefore haven't seen him I have attached certain events to him. So when I think about those things I think of him. Anyway I've decided that I'd rather not know if he likes me, than find out that he doesn't. Or if I would get accepted to my choice of graduate schools, right now I have the hope that I would, if I apply and don't get in I'd be upset.
Is there anything you'd rather not know for certain?
On Thursday night I was supposed to meet someone for dinner. I don't want to exactly call her a friend. We used to be friendly but then we both got busy and sort of fell apart. This was supposed to be our second meeting since the Facebook reconnect. I hadn't been feeling well all week and came close to cancelling a few times but didn't. Anyway I showed up to the Olive Garden where we were supposed to meet and an hour and two drinks and two bowls of soup later she still hadn't.
So what's one to make of this situation? My first thought was "well she must have got stuck in traffic". That lasted for about 15 minutes. After half an hour I figured I must have gotten the day wrong, but I was almost certain I hadn't because I double checked before I left. After an hour I figured she must have had some kind of emergency and there would be a call or an e-mail waiting for me when I got home. It's 4 days later and still no call or e-mail. So I sent her a Facebook message and tried really hard not to sound too pissed off.
Here's the thing though, at this point I'd rather not know what happened. At least if I don't know there is a chance that it was an emergency and she didn't just forget about me. I'll feel pretty bad if it was that she just didn't remember that we had plans and went ahead and did her own thing.
I also realized that there are other things that I don't want to know. For example ,I still harbor my office crush. Even though I haven't been at work for nearly a year and therefore haven't seen him I have attached certain events to him. So when I think about those things I think of him. Anyway I've decided that I'd rather not know if he likes me, than find out that he doesn't. Or if I would get accepted to my choice of graduate schools, right now I have the hope that I would, if I apply and don't get in I'd be upset.
Is there anything you'd rather not know for certain?
Sunday, March 07, 2010
To Prague or not to Prague
First of all let me say that this is my 400th post. I can't believe that I've had enough to say to write 400 posts. Okay moving on.
Ever since I went to Scotland last summer I've caught a bit of the travel bug. There aren't a lot of places that I'd really like to go. I'm not a fan of tropical or hot places so I'm not really big on the idea of South America or Australia. But one place that I have wanted to go is Prague. I don't know why exactly Prague. I'm not Czech, I don't speak Czech and while I love history there are a billion other places in Europe with the kind of history I crave. Anyway that's where I want to go.
But the tour plus the flight is $8000, which I don't have (yet). Anyone wanna come? Is there one place in the world that you want to go more than anywhere else?
Ever since I went to Scotland last summer I've caught a bit of the travel bug. There aren't a lot of places that I'd really like to go. I'm not a fan of tropical or hot places so I'm not really big on the idea of South America or Australia. But one place that I have wanted to go is Prague. I don't know why exactly Prague. I'm not Czech, I don't speak Czech and while I love history there are a billion other places in Europe with the kind of history I crave. Anyway that's where I want to go.
But the tour plus the flight is $8000, which I don't have (yet). Anyone wanna come? Is there one place in the world that you want to go more than anywhere else?
ain't it pretty?
Friday, March 05, 2010
Handbags for all
I've needed a new purse for a while now. I broke the last one by shoving 3 pairs of shoes in it and then attempting to close the zipper. Oops. I went back to using an old one that I don't really like and isn't' exactly wintery. So I've been on the look out for a new one.
Here's the thing though, I'm sick of buying cheap purses only to have them break on me. Granted the last one was totally my fault but still. So I'm looking at Guess purses, I found one that I really like but I just can't wrap my head around spending that kind of money. So right now I'm in a holding pattern. I want it but I'm going to wait it out and see if it's just an impulse thing or if I still want it in a week.
Is there anything that you want but haven't bought yet because it's too expensive?
Here's the thing though, I'm sick of buying cheap purses only to have them break on me. Granted the last one was totally my fault but still. So I'm looking at Guess purses, I found one that I really like but I just can't wrap my head around spending that kind of money. So right now I'm in a holding pattern. I want it but I'm going to wait it out and see if it's just an impulse thing or if I still want it in a week.
Is there anything that you want but haven't bought yet because it's too expensive?
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
They're here, They're here
My DVDs came today. I'm totally surprised by how quickly they arrived. Now the hard part will be forcing myself to do anything but watch them.
There was a little hitch with having the Gilmore Girls shipped via UPS. See I wasn't home to receive them so the UPS guy left them with our neighbour. I was NOT pleased. But our neighbours seemed really nice in the end and I've got my videos now so it's on to the watching. After we finish watched the last episode of the last season of Supernatural, the 8th season of Smallville, The entire series of the British Office, and the 4th Season of Psych.
Boy, that's a lot of TV to watch. Do you watch any of these shows? What series would you most like to own?
There was a little hitch with having the Gilmore Girls shipped via UPS. See I wasn't home to receive them so the UPS guy left them with our neighbour. I was NOT pleased. But our neighbours seemed really nice in the end and I've got my videos now so it's on to the watching. After we finish watched the last episode of the last season of Supernatural, the 8th season of Smallville, The entire series of the British Office, and the 4th Season of Psych.
Boy, that's a lot of TV to watch. Do you watch any of these shows? What series would you most like to own?
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