For those of you that don't know me very well I'm a country girl at heart. I was raised out in the middle of nowhere so naturally my music genre of choice is country.
So I picked some new tunes the other day. Not all that new but new to me. A lot of Johnny Reid. I love Johnny Reid. Seriously who else can get away with using bagpipes in a country song? So awesome! Also he's got a lot of really romantic songs. If I can swing it with whoever I'm marrying I want "A woman like you" as my first dance. I'm considering going to see one of his shows at the Concert Hall when he's in town in October. But I don't really want to go by myself. Anyone want to go or know someone who might?
Need I remind you bagpipes.
A collection of random sports stuff, my personal goals, analysis of my crazy dreams and other me-related craziness.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
My Lack of Physics Bites Me in the Butt Again
Every once in a while I think maybe I should go back to school and take something completely different. One of the things I've thought about a couple of times is Applied Chemistry. I took the intro chem courses as part of my first degree and I didn't do too badly. I also find chemistry kind of interesting. And mixing things to create new things? Awesome.
So I looked into it a little farther, and in order to do the industrial chemistry option I'd have to take physics. I didn't take physics in high school because my high school physics teacher was kind of a jerk. And I didn't take the prep courses in University because well why would I spend $300 for 0 credit courses that prepare you for courses you don't need to take?
So no physics means no Applied Chemistry. I'll just have to come up with something else.
So I looked into it a little farther, and in order to do the industrial chemistry option I'd have to take physics. I didn't take physics in high school because my high school physics teacher was kind of a jerk. And I didn't take the prep courses in University because well why would I spend $300 for 0 credit courses that prepare you for courses you don't need to take?
So no physics means no Applied Chemistry. I'll just have to come up with something else.
Well at least I'm looking well these days
Over the last couple of weeks I've run into several people who I would have called co-workers if not for the fact that I've been on an extended sick leave. I don't even quite know what to call them.
Anyway I guess it's not a big mystery that I'm not working there at the moment but most of them have asked where I'm working now, which concerns me because I don't know if they just assume that I've left the company or if they've been told that I'm not going to be returning. But that's not something to worry about at the moment. For now I'm just going to focus on the fact that they've said I'm looking well.
There may be several reasons for my looking better (probably more relaxed than anything else) these days. First of all I've been off work for over a year. When you don't have the stress of having to deal with work everyday. You know that look that people have when they come back from 2 weeks vacation? Well multiply that by 26. The second thing is the drugs, once you're on the right combination of things to help deal with your illness you start to feel a lot better and that probably comes out in your actions and mannerisms. The third contributing factor is probably the new man in my life. You know how people in love just have this glow about them, well I don't think we're at that point but there is some definite like going on. Things aren't exactly perfect in this respect, we're still trying to work some things out, but as he reminds me all the time we'll figure it out. But if someone were to make a movie about my life he'd definitely be the love interest.
So yeah there are probably some good reasons I'm looking better these days, even if I don't feel it all the time. Now I just need to gradually add some very mild stressors to my life to try and get things back on track.
Anyway I guess it's not a big mystery that I'm not working there at the moment but most of them have asked where I'm working now, which concerns me because I don't know if they just assume that I've left the company or if they've been told that I'm not going to be returning. But that's not something to worry about at the moment. For now I'm just going to focus on the fact that they've said I'm looking well.
There may be several reasons for my looking better (probably more relaxed than anything else) these days. First of all I've been off work for over a year. When you don't have the stress of having to deal with work everyday. You know that look that people have when they come back from 2 weeks vacation? Well multiply that by 26. The second thing is the drugs, once you're on the right combination of things to help deal with your illness you start to feel a lot better and that probably comes out in your actions and mannerisms. The third contributing factor is probably the new man in my life. You know how people in love just have this glow about them, well I don't think we're at that point but there is some definite like going on. Things aren't exactly perfect in this respect, we're still trying to work some things out, but as he reminds me all the time we'll figure it out. But if someone were to make a movie about my life he'd definitely be the love interest.
So yeah there are probably some good reasons I'm looking better these days, even if I don't feel it all the time. Now I just need to gradually add some very mild stressors to my life to try and get things back on track.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Construction, Construction, Oil Spill, Parking Ticket
Today has been a bad day for me and driving. Luckily no actual injury to the car but some definite frustration.
First of all this morning I decided I'd go to the mall to pick up some casual clothes at Old Navy. I like Old Navy because there stuff is comfortable. I got stuck in a construction zone for almost half an hour. That sucked. Then on the way back even more construction.
Then I had a nice hour and a half break to watch soccer , before I had to drive to the hospital for a treatment. A stretch of my usual path to the hospital was closed due to an oil spill so I had to detour. The traffic was so incredibly heavy on the detour that I was very nearly late for my treatment so I parked in the first available spot with an open meter, paid and ran inside. Sadly this spot was handicapped parking only but I was in such a rush and distraught from the terrible drive I didn't read the sign properly. So now I've got a $150 fine to pay.
So next time I take the bus.
First of all this morning I decided I'd go to the mall to pick up some casual clothes at Old Navy. I like Old Navy because there stuff is comfortable. I got stuck in a construction zone for almost half an hour. That sucked. Then on the way back even more construction.
Then I had a nice hour and a half break to watch soccer , before I had to drive to the hospital for a treatment. A stretch of my usual path to the hospital was closed due to an oil spill so I had to detour. The traffic was so incredibly heavy on the detour that I was very nearly late for my treatment so I parked in the first available spot with an open meter, paid and ran inside. Sadly this spot was handicapped parking only but I was in such a rush and distraught from the terrible drive I didn't read the sign properly. So now I've got a $150 fine to pay.
So next time I take the bus.
First Nando sighting of the World Cup
I haven't been watching as much of the World Cup as I had expected but today I caught part of the Spain-Honduras match, entirely accidentally. I had turned the TV on to watch Wimbledon and it was on CBC, from the last time I had tried to watch soccer. Turned it to TSN it was commericals so I turned back and there was Spain. 

Oh good times. Horray for Nando. Though he's a lot less noticeable with short dark hair than his long blonde locks. Also look at the picture above and tell me Spain isn't bringing the hotness to the World Cup. Iker, Yes. Sergio, somedays. Nando, everyday of the week and twice on Sunday.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Technological Advancement
I've decided that it's time for me to venture back into the world of cellular phone ownership. I haven't had a cell phone in about 6 years. Not since my dad lost my phone somewhere in the pasture while fixing fences.
The main argument against having a cell phone all these years was a combination of a) you needed a landline to get highspeed internet and b)I'm usually somewhere where I have a phone, you can call me at home or at work and if I'm not in either of those two places then I probably don't need to be talking to someone anyway.
But things have obviously changed. Now we have cable internet which doesn't require a landline at all. I've been off work for a while now (I can't believe it's been this long) and I've suddenly found myself without a phone when I really wished I had one. I've also been driving back and forth to the farm lately (almost every weekend) and you never know when you might need to make an emergency call from the side of the highway. The other big recent life change has been developing a relationship with someone who lives a fair distance away. We spend a lot of time IMing each other and well we could text more easily if I had a cell.
So now the problem is to choose a service provider. I know people who are on MTS and people who are on Rogers and not really a whole lot of complaints for either company. So it's a matter of figuring out what works best for what I intend to do, which is a lot of texting and a little bit of websurfing. Which then brings up the question of Smartphone or Voice Only? I'm still torn here as I don't really get enough e-mail to make it worth it, BUT I would like to have web capability that isn't going to cost me an arm and a leg. Someone recommended waiting for the new iPhone to hit Canada and I was going to take her advice, but what do I need a $700 phone for?
So anyone have any ideas or suggestions? I'm going with Rogers or MTS because come this fall they'll have the best province wide coverage. Which I'll need if I'm out at the farm a lot. Is there anything else I need to consider when looking at what to do here? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The main argument against having a cell phone all these years was a combination of a) you needed a landline to get highspeed internet and b)I'm usually somewhere where I have a phone, you can call me at home or at work and if I'm not in either of those two places then I probably don't need to be talking to someone anyway.
But things have obviously changed. Now we have cable internet which doesn't require a landline at all. I've been off work for a while now (I can't believe it's been this long) and I've suddenly found myself without a phone when I really wished I had one. I've also been driving back and forth to the farm lately (almost every weekend) and you never know when you might need to make an emergency call from the side of the highway. The other big recent life change has been developing a relationship with someone who lives a fair distance away. We spend a lot of time IMing each other and well we could text more easily if I had a cell.
So now the problem is to choose a service provider. I know people who are on MTS and people who are on Rogers and not really a whole lot of complaints for either company. So it's a matter of figuring out what works best for what I intend to do, which is a lot of texting and a little bit of websurfing. Which then brings up the question of Smartphone or Voice Only? I'm still torn here as I don't really get enough e-mail to make it worth it, BUT I would like to have web capability that isn't going to cost me an arm and a leg. Someone recommended waiting for the new iPhone to hit Canada and I was going to take her advice, but what do I need a $700 phone for?
So anyone have any ideas or suggestions? I'm going with Rogers or MTS because come this fall they'll have the best province wide coverage. Which I'll need if I'm out at the farm a lot. Is there anything else I need to consider when looking at what to do here? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Poor, Poor Independant Ice Cream Sellers
I don't know if this is a whole new franchising option or what but the Tim Horton's by our place hooked up with Cold Stone Creamery. Sadly it is right beside one ice cream place and just a block from another.
As much as I like our independant ice cream stores (the one is so punny it hurts, because I'm always laughing you see) I have to say after trying out the Cold Stone ice cream these places are screwed.
As much as I like our independant ice cream stores (the one is so punny it hurts, because I'm always laughing you see) I have to say after trying out the Cold Stone ice cream these places are screwed.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Another Fair Complete
There are probably 3 big events in my hometown that bring in a large amount of people from outside of town, the winter carnival, the bull sale, and the Agricultural Fair.
I have strong ties to each of these events. The carnival was the big finale to our figure skating season. The bull sales was more of an opportunity to socialize with people I had either met on the show road or in school when I was at University. And the fair was really THE must see event in our town. For me it meant 4-H achievement and showing cows for mom and dad.
I don't do much showing anymore, it's kind of a combination of I have my own life now and I don't get out to the farm enough. But I realized this weekend that I kind of missed it.
We took 7 head to the show this year. Which means we had a lot of work to do. Lucky for me dad did most of the prep work while I was in the city during the week but I've been home every weekend for a month to help out.
All in all this year was a pretty forgettable show as far as our results go. I don't begrudge the judge for his placements but I am disappointed that maybe our animals weren't quite ready for the show.
But anyway that's another Fair in the books. I don't know if I'll do it again next year but we'll see what happens.
I have strong ties to each of these events. The carnival was the big finale to our figure skating season. The bull sales was more of an opportunity to socialize with people I had either met on the show road or in school when I was at University. And the fair was really THE must see event in our town. For me it meant 4-H achievement and showing cows for mom and dad.
I don't do much showing anymore, it's kind of a combination of I have my own life now and I don't get out to the farm enough. But I realized this weekend that I kind of missed it.
We took 7 head to the show this year. Which means we had a lot of work to do. Lucky for me dad did most of the prep work while I was in the city during the week but I've been home every weekend for a month to help out.
All in all this year was a pretty forgettable show as far as our results go. I don't begrudge the judge for his placements but I am disappointed that maybe our animals weren't quite ready for the show.
But anyway that's another Fair in the books. I don't know if I'll do it again next year but we'll see what happens.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
And now to wait for October
In case you missed it the Stanley Cup Finals are over. Congratulations to the Chicago Blackhawks. The Chicago win is important to me for only one reason, the Cup is coming to town! I probably won't go to see the public viewing but it's nice to know that I could if I wanted to. I also won a little wager I had going with a friend so now I'm just hoping that he pays up. I'm sure he will though. Oh and also Jonathan Toews won the Conn Smythe. Good times.

No more hockey until October, what's a girl to do? My own plan is to check out sexy soccer players during the World Cup.

No more hockey until October, what's a girl to do? My own plan is to check out sexy soccer players during the World Cup.
Sunday, June 06, 2010
It's the finals
I've been so distracted this year that I've barely watched any of the French Open, which is my favorite major. It's so bad that I didn't even realize until I got up this morning that the Men's final was today.
I shouldn't really comment here because well frankly I haven't watched much of this year's tourney but Nadal is in tough against Robin Soderling, who you may remember knocked off Rafa last year at the French.
But anyway Vamos Rafa! That is all.
I shouldn't really comment here because well frankly I haven't watched much of this year's tourney but Nadal is in tough against Robin Soderling, who you may remember knocked off Rafa last year at the French.
But anyway Vamos Rafa! That is all.
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