It's been a while I know. But there isn't too much to report. I'm trying to figure out a new career path and finding all sorts or road blocks along the way. As I said before not having taken physics in high school is a problem.
I found a really cool sounding program called Cardiovascular Perfusion. But you have to either be an RN or a Respiratory Therapist first OR have a BSc. with a bunch of specific courses including physics.
I also looked into Clinical Genetics but you have to be a certified MLS (Medical Laboratory Scientist) to get into that program. I've actually thought about taking the MLS program. My mom is a MLS and my younger brother is a Medical Radiological Technologist. So I actually know a lot about Medical Diagnostics and how all of that works and what the job prospects are like. I just don't know if I would love it for the rest of my life.
It's kind of a lot to take in I guess. Stupid quarter life crisis.
Have you found the career of your dreams? Do you have any advice for me?
A collection of random sports stuff, my personal goals, analysis of my crazy dreams and other me-related craziness.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Saturday, July 24, 2010
My Adventures in Golf
So we had a family gathering this weekend. Which is fun for about an hour, then the kids start being kids (loud and well loud), you run out of things to say to your aunts and uncles, and you've already asked all your cousins how their jobs, spouses and children are doing. Then you have to
find something else to entertain yourself. In my family's case it involves pulling out a guitar. Which again gets old real quick, especially if you don't know any of the songs.
So when my cousin and brother were going golfing with his girlfriend and they were looking for a 4th, I said I'd do it. I had been golfing very briefly once in school for gym class but that was the extent of my golfing experience. So at first I kind of chickened out and changed my mind but I ended up going anyway.
Because I was sharing my brother's girlfriend's clubs we had to ride together, which was fine. Except she thought it would be funny to make me drive the golf cart, since her parents own a cart so she's driven one several times. As it turns out the best part of golfing is driving that cart around.
I was so bad that I didn't keep score and we played best ball most of the time, between the two of us girls just so it didn't take as long. Yup, golf is NOT the sport for me. But I did manage to outwit the sun this time. 2 hours on course and no sunburn.
find something else to entertain yourself. In my family's case it involves pulling out a guitar. Which again gets old real quick, especially if you don't know any of the songs.
So when my cousin and brother were going golfing with his girlfriend and they were looking for a 4th, I said I'd do it. I had been golfing very briefly once in school for gym class but that was the extent of my golfing experience. So at first I kind of chickened out and changed my mind but I ended up going anyway.
Because I was sharing my brother's girlfriend's clubs we had to ride together, which was fine. Except she thought it would be funny to make me drive the golf cart, since her parents own a cart so she's driven one several times. As it turns out the best part of golfing is driving that cart around.
I was so bad that I didn't keep score and we played best ball most of the time, between the two of us girls just so it didn't take as long. Yup, golf is NOT the sport for me. But I did manage to outwit the sun this time. 2 hours on course and no sunburn.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Post Vacay let down
You know that feeling you have when you come back from vacation and you just want to go back? Well I'm experiencing that now. I needed a couple days at home to get myself back in order again but now I'm ready for the next vacation. Lucky for me I already sort of have plans. Although they aren't exactly finalized.
I can't believe how much shopping we did. Seriously it was mostly eat, shop, drive, shop, sleep. I'd like to see the sites and do some stuff the next time and not just shop all the time. But we'll see what happens.
It was a nice trip though. But I'm glad to be back. It felt so good to sleep in my own bed.
Have you every experienced post vacay let down? Where are you planning to go next?
I can't believe how much shopping we did. Seriously it was mostly eat, shop, drive, shop, sleep. I'd like to see the sites and do some stuff the next time and not just shop all the time. But we'll see what happens.
It was a nice trip though. But I'm glad to be back. It felt so good to sleep in my own bed.
Have you every experienced post vacay let down? Where are you planning to go next?
Friday, July 16, 2010
Vacay time
Everyone needs a little summer vacation. So my brother and I are taking ours this weekend in Fargo/Minneapolis. We're mostly going to shop but also there will be food and resting. And a whole whack of driving. Follow along here if you'd like.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
A minor change
Just a quick note on the new template. I'm not in love with this one but I felt like it was time for a change. So chances are I'll be changing it in not too long. I've found a couple of templates I liked but when I tried to but it into blogger it kicked it out saying that it was ill formatted. Well until I learn XML I'll have to use the ones that do actually work here.
Let me know what you think.
Let me know what you think.
And we're off
I'm not going to attempt to live blog the World Cup Final because it's soccer and half the time I have no idea what's going on. It would really just be a bunch of "hot guy passes to other hot guy", "hot guys hit the post", "hot guy scores". So instead I'm just going to say that it started and I'm excited.

In case you some how missed it I'm cheering for Spain. Not because I have any Spainish ancestral background, but simply because the Spanish boys are hot. Even if Nando isn't starting today. I suppose I'll just have to focus on Sergio Ramos instead. Definitely an acquired taste that one.

Viva Espana!
Wednesday, July 07, 2010
How does that even happen?
I must be the most accident prone person ever. Well no that's not true, I've only ever broken one bone in my life. But I do manage to run into things, or scrape myself up on things or step on things everyday. So it should come as no surprise that I would somehow manage to get a sewing needles pierced through my toe.
That's right I didn't just step on it and it got stuck in the fleshy part of my toe. Oh no, It went right from the bottom up through my toe and out right near the side of the nail. Somehow this needle was on my bedroom floor and when I went to go to bed last night, bam! right through the toe.
It hurts like hell too, but it doesn't look infected and my brother wrapped it in gauze for me so I'm sure it will be fine. But really how does stuff like this keep happening to me?
That's right I didn't just step on it and it got stuck in the fleshy part of my toe. Oh no, It went right from the bottom up through my toe and out right near the side of the nail. Somehow this needle was on my bedroom floor and when I went to go to bed last night, bam! right through the toe.
It hurts like hell too, but it doesn't look infected and my brother wrapped it in gauze for me so I'm sure it will be fine. But really how does stuff like this keep happening to me?
Sunday, July 04, 2010
On the Show Road
I know it's been a week since the last time I've done a post and I apologize. It's been a really weird week, full of ups and downs. Capped by today's trip to yet another cattle show.
I got up shortly after 5 this morning to get the animals all packed in the trailer and get out on the road for the 2.5 hour trip. We had to make 2 pit stops along the way. The second where I bought my breakfast of beef jerky and cheddar chips. We got to the show and as always Dad had a bunch of little errands to run and people he needed to talk to, which lead to me washing every animal and fitting most of them for the show. Luckily Dad's not too picky about fitting so really it involves blowing them (with what is essentially an industrial strength blow drier) and spraying them with finishing spray (kind of like shine serum).
The show itself was kind of disappointing but there were some good cattle there. So what can you do? But this is probably the end of the summer show circuit for us (which really just consisted of the two shows). There is one more in Saskatchewan at the end of August that we might go to, but somehow I doubt it. So our next thing with be Agribition in November.
Agribition is a bitch (10 days, most of which are spent sitting around doing nothing) but if you want to be a big player on the cattle scene it's the place to be. At least in Canada. With that said I think it's sleeping time.
I got up shortly after 5 this morning to get the animals all packed in the trailer and get out on the road for the 2.5 hour trip. We had to make 2 pit stops along the way. The second where I bought my breakfast of beef jerky and cheddar chips. We got to the show and as always Dad had a bunch of little errands to run and people he needed to talk to, which lead to me washing every animal and fitting most of them for the show. Luckily Dad's not too picky about fitting so really it involves blowing them (with what is essentially an industrial strength blow drier) and spraying them with finishing spray (kind of like shine serum).
The show itself was kind of disappointing but there were some good cattle there. So what can you do? But this is probably the end of the summer show circuit for us (which really just consisted of the two shows). There is one more in Saskatchewan at the end of August that we might go to, but somehow I doubt it. So our next thing with be Agribition in November.
Agribition is a bitch (10 days, most of which are spent sitting around doing nothing) but if you want to be a big player on the cattle scene it's the place to be. At least in Canada. With that said I think it's sleeping time.
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