A collection of random sports stuff, my personal goals, analysis of my crazy dreams and other me-related craziness.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
It's Done, It's Done
Friday, January 30, 2009
My Last Vacation Day
I only accomplished some of what I wanted to do today. I attempted to check on my graduation status but they apparently have to get back to me. I did go to the bank to see about mortgages and have discovered that I will never be able to own a home. Life just isn't made for single people. I also got my hair cut and colored. It's short and dark but I love it. I had wanted to get together with some people I hadn't seen in a while but it just wasn't going to happen. And I only got some of my laundry done. Oh and I didn't call my potential grad schools.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
It's been a really weird week
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Just 4 Days left
- Finish reading Drums of Autumn by Diana Gabaldon. I'm currently on page 135 of 1070.
- Finish watching Season 4 of Weeds. Is it weird that I'm 2 and a half seasons in and I still haven't decided if I even like the show?
- Research and determine 3 grad schools to apply for.
- Set a tentative date for the GRE
- Watch some college hoops. It's almost March and I need to get myself caught up.
- Finish sewing the dress I started last year
- Buy and elliptical machine or a bike. I'm more likely to use the bike but have you seen the thighs on cyclists?
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
On the Budget
Monday, January 26, 2009
Why do I only do this stuff when I'm alone
So there is this show that deals with these sort of things ghostly and demonic called Paranormal State, where these college students investigate weird phenomena. I don't even know if the show is still making new episodes or if I'm just watching back episodes but anyway it seems like I only watch this show when I'm alone. For example, my brother is away this week so I'm alone in our loud apartment. I make sure not to watch it at night because I know how things I'm thinking about just before bed tend to seep into my dreams. But even so I find that when I wake up in the night I get a little spooked which is weird because I'm not actually afraid at all when I'm watching the show.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Well that sucked
Saturday, January 24, 2009
A couple of changes
Friday, January 23, 2009
What a rotten day
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Far, Far Away
Perhaps it's a good thing then that my office crush is taking some time off soon. Perhaps not being around him all the time will help me get over it. I'd really like to move on although the way things have been going in my dreams lately maybe I'm better to just stick with what I've got.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
It's interview time
1. leave me a comment saying you want to be interviewed.
2. I’ll email you five questions, of my determination not yours!
3. You update your blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
Before we start the Q & A I'd like to say that these questions are incredible and incredibly difficult.
1. When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? How different is it (if it is) to what you now are/want to be?
Well my kindergarten yearbook says that I wanted to be a farmer when I grew up. My parents have a farm and I grew up thinking there is nothing greater you can do with your life than provide food for the world. However like everything that is good for the soul it pays next to nothing. So by the time I had graduated from high school I was looking more at a career in the agriculture industry as opposed to primary production. At my current job I do talk to farmers every day, so I guess it's not so far off. I also own some cattle, but I don't make any sort of decisions about them. I leave that to my Dad.
2. If you got to live in any city in the world where you live? Why?
I always thought I wanted to live in Paris. Back in my high school days I loved french class and languages in general. I now live what is considered the french quarter of Winnipeg but don't speak a lick of French. I'd still like to visit Paris and Prague and London but I'm not really a city girl at all.
3. What food have you never eaten that you've always wanted to try?
4. You get 10 minutes alone with any one person in the world (currently living). Who is it and what happens during this 10 minutes?
This one is probably the most interesting and toughest question of the lot. This could easily turn smutty rather quickly but I'd like to think that there are other, better things I could do with this question. So I think I'd like to talk to Stephen Harper for 10 minutes, conduct some sort of quick interview. I don't think anyone should be too surprised by this, I'm generally a Conservative supporter but some of the stuff they've done in the past year is kind of questionable. So trying to figure out that political strategy in some of the moves they've made would be very interesting and since it's said that he doesn't allow his cabinet to make any decisions one can only assume that he had some sort of reason to do the things he did.
5. What's one thing you want to do before you die?
I've actually thought about this question a lot during my lifetime and I really don't have an answer to this question. For example, if I was diagnosed with cancer and given a 3 month prognosis today there is nothing that I would say I need to do in the next three months in order to make my life complete. Quit my job and I'd spend the time with my family. I probably should admit to office crush that I have a crush on him but you don't do that to someone when you know you're dying.
And there you go, that's my interview.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
My real life as described in movies
Monday, January 19, 2009
Dream Diary Episode 7: Okay now this is just getting weird
So last night I dreamed a bunch of things that aren't even true about him. But anyways apparently I was going with my parents to meet his parents (possibly for the first time I'm not entirely sure). But instead I met his 8 siblings (trust me he doesn't have 8 siblings, plus I'm not sure I would want to get involved with someone who comes from such fertile stock). Each kid had their own washing machine (yeah, I don't get it either). And one of his sisters wouldn't leave us alone. It was all very odd.
If anyone has any experience interpreting dreams I could clearly use the help.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Maybe it's time to shut down
But it kind of got me thinking about the blogs I read. They all seem to be written by actual writers or at least people with some journalism training. The closest I come to that is the class I took in grade 11. Which was total crap and taught me nothing. But anyway, I also noticed that even though I've posted every day this month (so far) there has not been a single comment. I also tried that break thing for December and while there was a single slight protest everyone made it through unscathed.
So I'm thinking perhaps it's time to pack it in and get out of the blogging business. There are a

Saturday, January 17, 2009
I'm losing my mind
I don't actually have anything interesting to say at the moment. I get the feeling that this is going to be another one of those lazy weekends spent watching tv and playing games.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Dream Diary Episode 6: What the hell was that?
This week I'm just listening, for the next two week we're getting details about all of the things that go on at the company. After that we do a week of transcription where we take notes on the calls that we get and then we're on the phones. In all of this time we have mentors to help us with any questions that we might have about the job or the things they do or the things we do at the company as a whole.
So now the dream. I dreamed that my mentor decided that I was ready to actually take calls today and then instead of sitting with me, in case I didn't know how to deal with the call they just took off and left me to answer these questions. Not only that but they were questions about things that don't even exist. And then I started getting sick. Of course I couldn't just hang up on the guy so I was trying to finish the call. Then I really was sick, but I was throwing up clothes. And then my alarm clock went off.
So that was my extremely messed up dream. I really wish I had decided to stay home today. Dreaming about being sick is not a good way to start a Friday morning.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
I'm half way through
I may not be able to sleep for the next 2 weeks though. Jay Cutler with mouth eyes is just all sorts of wrong. I actually thought the first one they did with Philip Rivers was kind of funny but this is just disturbing.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Is there such a thing as harmless flirting?
I suspect that if you've got really good self control you could consider it harmless. But really the thing is there is generally some sort of underlying emotion behind it. Just because you're flirting doesn't mean that anything has to come out of it. But if you're not careful it could.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
How did I forget about this?

Monday, January 12, 2009
Nope, that wasn't awkward at all
I don't even have my fall back athlete hottie since at the moment everything is on pause. Okay I could get into hockey again. I did enjoy the World Junior's after all. But I think I've outgrown that phase. College basketball, maybe? Yeah that might work if I make sure I'm sticking to juniors and seniors otherwise it's just wrong.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Am I self-centred?
Perhaps I need to find a little more focus for this thing. But usually I do just write whatever is on my mind at the time. Which of course is harder when you're trying to write everyday for a month.
The thing about blogs is that I think they should give some sort of insight on something otherwise they're just kind of there. And what do I have more insight on than me? Nothing. But I think I should probably change the tagline so that I don't sound like people actually care what s going on in my life.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Knittin' Mittens
I've been knitting on and off for about five years now and I've got a rather large collection of little bits of yarn that are just kind of hanging around.
So I decided to adjust my favorite mitten pattern to add a little holiday flair.Two hockey games and one episode of the Outer Limits later I ended up with these mittens to add to my collection.
I'm rather proud of them as this is the first time I've added a color pattern beyond basic stripes by creating my own pattern to follow.
It also used up a little bit of that extra cream colored yarn that I had originally bought to make a sweater that I never finished. Now I'm going to have to find something else to work on.
Friday, January 09, 2009
Look if you see something you want to buy then buy it. Do you need a new car every year? hells no. Buy a car and be done with it. I still drive a car that was built in 1995. Do you need to buy a Wii just because it exists? well no. But if you want a gaming system and it's available then go for it.
I don't know about this pollution stuff. There is a law in science that says energy can be neither created nor destroyed which always leads me to question how polluting pollution really is. Really we're just changing something that already exists in to something else.
Thursday, January 08, 2009
BSC Bowl reminder
So why do I love Tim Tebow? I don't really know. Well except that he's left handed so we could have tiny little left-handed babies. Actually I don't know if he's actually left-handed or he just throws with his left hand. Either way I'm cool with it. Also I'm kind of loving this picture of him But what's up with the rubber bracelets? That's kind of gay.
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
My emotional roller coaster
Good lord is this what it's like for teenage girls when the Jonas Brothers come to town? What am I, twelve?
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
How I spent my Winter Vacation
Well I've been playing the Sims2, which passes the time quite nicely. Don't worry I'm not one of those people who trying to make a new life for them self in the game. I just like to see what kind of new challenges I can make up. I never play 2 sims the same way.
I've finished watching the 4th season of House. It's one of those shows that I really only watch when I can't come up with anything better to do. I've watched the first 4 seasons now and I'm still not sure if I like it. But I must if I keep watching it.
Also I've watched every televised game of the World Junior Hockey championships except for the one Sweden-Russia game on New Year's eve day. I was at work for that one. Well most of it, I was on lunch for part of it. Congrats to Canada on taking home the gold.

And finally I watched the entire 7th season of Smallville. I generally like Smallville but I can't be bothered trying to keep up with when new episodes are or when it's changed to a new time. Also I know that my younger brother will be getting the most recent season on DVD for Christmas. You know what I like about Smallville, besides trying to find inconsistencies with previous seasons ("continuity error"), the men they find for this show. First it was Tom Welling who is totally hot. Then Jensen Ackles who played Jason Teauge. Any one remember when he played Sammy's twin on Days of Our Lives? I was smitten. And then there was Justin Hartley (see right), who was Fox Crane on Passions before he was on Smallville as the Green Arrow/Oliver Queen.
Just for the record I watched Days of Our Lives in high school but haven't seen an episode since and as for Passions I don't watch that one either but I did see the very first episode of the show ever so I thought perhaps I owed it just a little bit of loyalty.
Monday, January 05, 2009
Mission Accomplished
Anyway in order to do any leaving of the country now I'm required to have a passport. Okay wait that's technically not true, I can still drive across the U.S. border until June, but to fly anywhere I need to have a passport.
So I've been planning to get one done for months, since September actually. But every time I had a day off I decided that I didn't want to get out of my nice warm bed and venture into the frigid wilderness (okay it's just Winnipeg) to go to the Passport office. Which is of course ridiculous since I'm one door away from the Passport office every time I go to work. There were also a lot of setbacks, first the photos which I got done in early November, then finding 2 people that have known me for 2 years who have passports and aren't related to me and thirdly the whole going outside thing.
Anyway today I hopped a ride with my brother on his way to work he dropped me off and one stop at Starbucks and an hour later I was home and now I'm just waiting for my passport to make it's way to me in the mail.
It must have been a good Karma day for me because not only were they super nice at the passport office, since I showed up early and they didn't make me wait at all. But my bus home was also the 2nd bus to arrive at the stop. In fact I was just coming to down the stairs when it arrived.
One slightly funny incident from this morning. I apparently spelled my name wrong on my passport application. Brilliant. But I don't ever use my middle name except in official documents. So I guess that explains it.
Sunday, January 04, 2009
I get the feeling this is going to be a long month
In my general laziness I watched exactly no football today. Mostly because I'm still pissed that the Colts lost last night.
I also feel that I need to mention that it's freaking cold out right now. It's -37 Celsius with the windchill which is extremely freaking cold. Makes me glad I barely left my bed today.
Saturday, January 03, 2009
Just wow.
Decisions, Decisions
The second one is a whole lot tougher. The Canadians are playing the Russians which should be a fantastic game unless the Canadians get out in front early and often. The football game is the Colts vs. the Chargers. Which is probably the game of the weekend football wise. While the Colts are generally my favorite team I haven't been very good about watching them this year. There always seems to be something else to do whenever they happen to have a televised game. So I guess it will depend how the first period of the hockey game goes. If it's ugly then I'll turn to football. If it's close then I'll really have to make a game time decision.
Friday, January 02, 2009
Boy am I Glad I Took Today Off
So Slovakia will go on to play Sweden for a shot at the gold medal. Canada will play the winner of Russia and the Czech Republic which is going down tonight.
I suppose if I had been sneaky about it I could have watched the game at work since TSN was streaming it but I wouldn't do a thing like that. Well except for when I did it last year. But that was different.