I've now spent 5 hours volunteering at the Museum and hope to spend many more. It's great!
The first day I spent 3 hours doing transcription which you would think would be totally boring but really it's not. I'm transcribing interviews that were done with people who were influential in the development of one of the exhibits. So it's really interesting to hear the process of the development of the exhibits rather than just the history behind the actual artifacts.
The other thing that I'll be doing is working on what they call "animation carts" where I get to explain artifacts to people. This could be really cool or really boring depending on how many people you get and how interested they are. Today we did training and there were a lot of kids running around the Museum so maybe not my ideal audience but we'll see how it goes. First official gallery shift starts next week.
A collection of random sports stuff, my personal goals, analysis of my crazy dreams and other me-related craziness.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Just a little spring cleaning
I've been running on the same template for a while now and while I still like it, I thought it was time for something a little different. Some day I'm going to have to learn how to build my own template so that I can really personalize my blog but for now this is going to have to do. Hope you enjoy it.
Have a good day!
Have a good day!
I miss the old Facebook

It's hard to believe that I've been on Facebook for over 4 years. I've seen it go through numerous makeovers and "enhancements". But I have to say that I'm longing for the old days, where Facebook was just between you and other college kids.
Granted under that definition I would no longer qualify to have a profile and I get that as people who had profiles graduated the site was going to have to be expanded so that those people could continue to enjoy the site. But opening it up to everyone and apparently everything has just made it kind of a joke.
First of all having prospective employers scan the site to check up on your hijinx. The thing that gets me about it though is that you can't always control what other people do or say or write on your wall. I've personally asked all my friends not to tag me in pictures. Not because I do anything that I'm embarrassed about but just because well I'm a person and yes I do like to have the occasional drink. But no future employer needs to see this. Especially since it may seem that I drink a lot more than I do if the only time I'm tagged in photos is when I've been drinking. It's none of their business and I certainly don't go around posting these pictures myself but I also don't think that I should have to worry about what my acquaintances decide to post. Yes, you can untag yourself from photos, but who wants to spend all their time fixing other people's mistakes? Now I'm pretty good about being appropriate. If you google my name you get about 3 entries about me. None of which are embarrassing or inappropriate. But I don't trust Facebook to be the same.
And then there is the issue of who to friend. I personally try not to friend anyone that I don't know in the flesh. I think I've got about 4 people who I don't actually physically know. Most of these are people who share my surname and because I'm all about history and knowing where you came from I didn't think it could hurt to add them for genealogical reasons. Who knows they might be a not so distant relative. But then you have my real relatives, you know the ones you only see on Christmas and special family occasions like weddings. Under old Facebook rules this would not even be a discussion since my cousins chose the pregnant and married route (and sometimes just the pregnant part). But they are technically family and I would feel bad if I had rejected their friend request. But really the more they post random status messages and choose to "like" different groups or phrases the more I want to just tear into them for being utterly ridiculous. And yet I hold my tongue for the aforementioned potential employer problem.
Which brings me to the next thing on my list of reasons Facebook is no longer the social networking site that I had grown to love. The stupid groups. Doesn't it just seem like there is a group for absolutely everything? I mean, really "I bet this steak can get more friends than PETA"? Really?!? This needs a group? Sure I've gone ahead and marked some things as "like". Starbucks for example, Moss from "The IT Crowd" (which if you work in an office and haven't watched I highly recommend), but I mean these are things that people are going to learn about me pretty quickly in regular conversation.
Okay I think that's enough of this for now. All I'm saying is that I miss old Facebook and there is a pretty good chance that I'll be disappearing from the Facebook scene in the very near future.
What are your thoughts on Facebook? Greatest invention ever or the potential downfall of civilization?
Granted under that definition I would no longer qualify to have a profile and I get that as people who had profiles graduated the site was going to have to be expanded so that those people could continue to enjoy the site. But opening it up to everyone and apparently everything has just made it kind of a joke.
First of all having prospective employers scan the site to check up on your hijinx. The thing that gets me about it though is that you can't always control what other people do or say or write on your wall. I've personally asked all my friends not to tag me in pictures. Not because I do anything that I'm embarrassed about but just because well I'm a person and yes I do like to have the occasional drink. But no future employer needs to see this. Especially since it may seem that I drink a lot more than I do if the only time I'm tagged in photos is when I've been drinking. It's none of their business and I certainly don't go around posting these pictures myself but I also don't think that I should have to worry about what my acquaintances decide to post. Yes, you can untag yourself from photos, but who wants to spend all their time fixing other people's mistakes? Now I'm pretty good about being appropriate. If you google my name you get about 3 entries about me. None of which are embarrassing or inappropriate. But I don't trust Facebook to be the same.
And then there is the issue of who to friend. I personally try not to friend anyone that I don't know in the flesh. I think I've got about 4 people who I don't actually physically know. Most of these are people who share my surname and because I'm all about history and knowing where you came from I didn't think it could hurt to add them for genealogical reasons. Who knows they might be a not so distant relative. But then you have my real relatives, you know the ones you only see on Christmas and special family occasions like weddings. Under old Facebook rules this would not even be a discussion since my cousins chose the pregnant and married route (and sometimes just the pregnant part). But they are technically family and I would feel bad if I had rejected their friend request. But really the more they post random status messages and choose to "like" different groups or phrases the more I want to just tear into them for being utterly ridiculous. And yet I hold my tongue for the aforementioned potential employer problem.
Which brings me to the next thing on my list of reasons Facebook is no longer the social networking site that I had grown to love. The stupid groups. Doesn't it just seem like there is a group for absolutely everything? I mean, really "I bet this steak can get more friends than PETA"? Really?!? This needs a group? Sure I've gone ahead and marked some things as "like". Starbucks for example, Moss from "The IT Crowd" (which if you work in an office and haven't watched I highly recommend), but I mean these are things that people are going to learn about me pretty quickly in regular conversation.
Okay I think that's enough of this for now. All I'm saying is that I miss old Facebook and there is a pretty good chance that I'll be disappearing from the Facebook scene in the very near future.
What are your thoughts on Facebook? Greatest invention ever or the potential downfall of civilization?
Monday, April 26, 2010
More Mauer
While extremely bored last night I started looking at the feature articles on Yahoo, where I came across this . Now I'm not usually a fan of Yahoo blogs but it was Joe Mauer and so totally worth the time. Although I'm finding that the more I learn about Mr. Mauer the more there is to dislike. Hip Hop? Chevys? Ummm... no. So from now on I'm going to skip the interviews and just focus on his excellent play and smokin' good looks. And this commercial which I find totally hilarious:
About the NFL Draft
The NFL Draft was last week. It started on Thursday night and then came back for subsequent rounds until Sunday. I didn't really watch it as I was busy watching playoff hockey but I was interested in where my now former college football boyfriend would end up. There was some intrigue about where Tim Tebow would get drafted and which team would take a chance on him.
Most folks figured somewhere in the second round. He went in the first round 26th overall to the Denver Broncos.
Now after the whole Jay Cutler trade incident I really can't support the Broncos and so this is the end of the line for me and Timmy T (unless he gets traded, oh please oh please oh please). But immediately after I found out he was going to Denver I decided to take one more trip through google images to get him out of my system.
Here's what I found:

Most folks figured somewhere in the second round. He went in the first round 26th overall to the Denver Broncos.
Now after the whole Jay Cutler trade incident I really can't support the Broncos and so this is the end of the line for me and Timmy T (unless he gets traded, oh please oh please oh please). But immediately after I found out he was going to Denver I decided to take one more trip through google images to get him out of my system.
Here's what I found:

Thursday, April 22, 2010
Add me to the list...

Does this post make me sound as pathetic as I think it does? Yeah, alright I'll just have to learn to deal with it. So what are your thoughts on Sidney Crosby?
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
In search of a success story
All through my illness doctors and other medical professionals have been telling me about how recovery is possible and how many people go on to live long, healthy and successful lives afterwards. I need to find these people and figure out how they do it.
I had this fear when I went on sick leave that it was going to ruin my career. Don't worry the doctor's said they can't fire you for being sick. This is true but they can make it awfully difficult to come back, or to find another job. It really makes me think that it's about time to take that leap and move in a completely different direction, since the path that I'm on doesn't seem to be going anywhere.
I just need to find some uplifting stories of people who have been able to get their lives back on track. Just to prove that it can be done.
I had this fear when I went on sick leave that it was going to ruin my career. Don't worry the doctor's said they can't fire you for being sick. This is true but they can make it awfully difficult to come back, or to find another job. It really makes me think that it's about time to take that leap and move in a completely different direction, since the path that I'm on doesn't seem to be going anywhere.
I just need to find some uplifting stories of people who have been able to get their lives back on track. Just to prove that it can be done.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Team Edward vs. Team Jacob
There is a debate within fans of the Twilight saga over which guy Bella should be with, Edward or Jacob. I've read the books and I have to say that I was leaning towards Team Jacob. Now that I've watched the first half of New Moon I'm going to say that I'm firmly planted on the Jacob side.
So readers what do you thing? Are you an Edward or a Jacob?
So readers what do you thing? Are you an Edward or a Jacob?
Saturday, April 17, 2010
I need a verdict
All right folks here's a question I've been struggling with for some a while. Cristiano Ronaldo is a an amazing soccer player, I don't think anyone argues this point. But I can't decide if he's hot or if he's just a giant douche. My opinion seems to change depending on the picture.
The man does have an amazing body and isn't shy about letting the world know it.And he sure is pretty. See the following example:
The man does have an amazing body and isn't shy about letting the world know it.And he sure is pretty. See the following example:
But I find hat when he's not half naked he's either
- carrying a man bag (well he is European but still)
- wearing too much hair gel
- or making hideous fashion choices
You can find prime examples of these by doing a quick google image search but here's a couple to start:
So please vote in my poll and help me take a stance on C-Ron.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Now if only my pizza delivery guy looked like this
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Spring Fever
Anyone remember that time that Peyton Manning hosted SNL? No, just me. Okay then. Anyway there was this skit where the comediennes (one of them is Amy Pohler the other one I don't know because I don't generally watch SNL because it's crap) were flirting with Joey the zookeeper (PeyPey in a zookeeper outfit) and attributing it to Spring Fever. Anyway it's Peyton Manning so you know I loved it. Totally getting off track here but I think I'm experiencing a little of my own Spring Fever. I'm having dreams about someone that I really wish I wasn't (not the first time I've had naughty dreams about this person. Does that mean something?) and like every guy I pass on the street seems to be attractive. What the hell is wrong with me?
In other news I'll be volunteering at the Museum for the summer, which I'm super excited about. And I think I just blew out both of my knees playing volleyball last night. But on the plus side my hitting is getting better.
In other news I'll be volunteering at the Museum for the summer, which I'm super excited about. And I think I just blew out both of my knees playing volleyball last night. But on the plus side my hitting is getting better.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Because the Joe Mauer tag doesn't get enough use
Baseball season is upon us once again, I know that technically it started a couple of weeks ago but, I freaking hate baseball. I know I mention it every time I talk about baseball but I really think that it can't be said enough.

Anyway you'll also know by now if you've been following my blog for any amount of time that my baseball boyfriend is Joe Mauer of the Minnesota Twins. It's been a while since I've bothered to mention his hotness so I thought since I had nothing else to talk about that perhaps it was time to bring him up again. Just in case you're trying to find some reason to watch baseball this year. So here he is just doing his job and also in eye-black. YUM!

Sunday, April 11, 2010
I may never buy another book again
I love to read. But I never understood why my brother would read e-books that he downloaded from the internet. Until today.
See a couple of weeks ago he bought an e-book reader. It cost a lot of money and he doesn't really read much anyway but today he let me borrow it and I've got to say it's growing on me. I have 3 book shelves full of books in my apartment and everytime I move I have to haul these books around with me. But the process would be so much more simplified if all I had to do was pack up a couple of flashdrives or an external hard drive.
So I may have to go out and buy myself one of these e-book readers. Is there any new technology out there that you want to try? The i-pad for example.
See a couple of weeks ago he bought an e-book reader. It cost a lot of money and he doesn't really read much anyway but today he let me borrow it and I've got to say it's growing on me. I have 3 book shelves full of books in my apartment and everytime I move I have to haul these books around with me. But the process would be so much more simplified if all I had to do was pack up a couple of flashdrives or an external hard drive.
So I may have to go out and buy myself one of these e-book readers. Is there any new technology out there that you want to try? The i-pad for example.
Thursday, April 08, 2010
What I want this week
I have been known to be impulsive from time to time. I've also been known to become obsessed with things that I want but don't yet have. The sad this is that it's not that I can't afford these things but just that I know that I don't need them, so I try not to buy them until they are all I can think about.
Take my new purse for example. I went to visit it in the store on a Friday. Then spent the whole weekend stalking it via the Guess website until I couldn't take it anymore and broke down and bought it.
This week's new obsession is these earrings. I found them yesterday while I was digging around the NCAA store. It's not the greatest picture in that you can barely make out the Musketeer in the middle of them, but that's what it is. It's the mascot of the Xavier Musketeers. I have absolutely no connection to Xavier University, hell I don't even know anyone from the state of Ohio but I love these earrings. The closest I come to a connection with Xavier is picking them to go one round too far in the NCAA tournament every year and cheering for them simply because thier mascot is D'Artagnan. This makes so much more sense once you know that my favorite book is The Three Musketeers. There was a similar pair for Purdue, which would make so much more sense given that I still harbour a dream of going there for grad school but they didn't have the Musketeer awesomeness. They aren't terribly expensive either it's just a matter of convincing myself that it's okay to spend $12 on shipping for a pair of earrings that only coss $16.
Take my new purse for example. I went to visit it in the store on a Friday. Then spent the whole weekend stalking it via the Guess website until I couldn't take it anymore and broke down and bought it.

Wednesday, April 07, 2010
We Start Volleyball Today
I've been trying to come up with something to post about that didn't involve Jon Scheyer, Gordon Hayward or Kyle Singler gobbling like a turkey (don't ask). But ever since that crazy game on Monday night I haven't really thought about much else.
Until today. My brother and I signed up to play rec co-ed volleyball for the next 8 weeks. I'm really excited. My brother is really good, he even played in college. I on the other hand haven't played volleyball (or sports in general) since I was in high school. So I'm terribly out of shape but hopefully I don't totally suck.
I'll keep you posted.
Until today. My brother and I signed up to play rec co-ed volleyball for the next 8 weeks. I'm really excited. My brother is really good, he even played in college. I on the other hand haven't played volleyball (or sports in general) since I was in high school. So I'm terribly out of shape but hopefully I don't totally suck.
I'll keep you posted.
Monday, April 05, 2010
Butler is just too adorable
I was going to try not to post until after the national championship game but I felt that I needed to tell you what was going on in my head.
First of all I find myself cheering for Duke mostly because it's Scheyer's senior year and I'd like to see him win a national championship. Most of the Bulldogs are still in their early years so they at least have a chance to make it back to the final, regardless of how unlikely that is considering how tough the tournament is.
But Butler is just too cute. Everything from the bulldog logo to the actual bulldog is just adora
ble. For a school of just over 4,500 just getting to this point is amazing. Then there is Gordon Hayward, he really doesn't photograph well so finding the right picture to capture his cuteness is not so easy but this one is not bad (right). He's only 20 and super humble. Also he's apparently a computer engineering major (thank you wikipedia). And then there is the Butler coach Brad Stevens. He's only 33 and pretty cute in his own right.

So mostly I've just been cheering for Hayward when he has the ball and cheer for Duke the rest of the time. We'll see how it ends up. Right now it's a really tight game.
Saturday, April 03, 2010
Everything's coming up Milhouse
If you didn't get it that was a Simpson's reference. There aren't many times when I can say that things went exactly the way I wanted. Especially when it comes to sports. Mostly because I have no control over them. But today turned out pretty much perfectly. Sorry I'm talking about the final four here.
Frankly I didn't really care whether Michigan State or Butler won the first game. I probably could have been equally happy regardless of the result. But I am glad that Butler won. I've already decided that Gordon Hayward is going to be my college basketball boyfriend next year once Jon Scheyer has graduated. Provided he doesn't go to the NBA next year. I might cry.
As for the Duke/West Virginia game I was totally pulling for Duke in that game. I think I've made it pretty clear that I love Jon Scheyer but it never hurts to keep mentioning i
t. The rest of the team is growing on me too. But besides being the home of my basketball boyfriend I kind of share the rest of the world's hatred of Duke, just on principle.

So now I'm not quite sure who to cheer for. I fully expect Duke to win the National Championship and I'd love to see Scheyer win the title in is senior season. But Butler has the sort of Cinderella story going on. I might just have to see what happens and be happy either way. Or I just go with the Bulldogs. But I'm not going to cry if Duke wins. Go Bulldogs!
We've gone wireless
Well actually we've been wireless in our apartment since we moved there. But the big news is that my mom and dad are wireless now. The internet is still impossibly slow but now I'm able to sit in the living room and type this without disturbing my mom's game of freecell.
I'm so excited. This can only mean that I'll be able to blog more while I'm on the road.
I'm so excited. This can only mean that I'll be able to blog more while I'm on the road.
Thursday, April 01, 2010
The funniest thing I've seen so far today
What's a girl who isn't working and doesn't have anything to do all day going to do to waste time? Apparently read the CBSsports one blogging moment blog. Not everything on there is hilarious but some of it is good. And sometimes they find social media (youtube, twitter, facebook) source material that is worth sharing.
Like this gem from the Duke basketball team:
Granted it's terrible but it's got some things going for it. For one the production value, it's well done even if the acting is terrible. And two, it features Jon Scheyer who should probably not take up acting as a career but makes me love him more every time I see him. Third, the sweaty johnson! And Kyle Singler being attacked by lemurs. This is great stuff.
I'm going to miss the tournament when it's all over and my basketball boyfriends retire from college hoops.
Like this gem from the Duke basketball team:
Granted it's terrible but it's got some things going for it. For one the production value, it's well done even if the acting is terrible. And two, it features Jon Scheyer who should probably not take up acting as a career but makes me love him more every time I see him. Third, the sweaty johnson! And Kyle Singler being attacked by lemurs. This is great stuff.
I'm going to miss the tournament when it's all over and my basketball boyfriends retire from college hoops.
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