Now I'm not a big follower of American politics but I always helps to stay informed of the direction of our Southern neighbour and largest trading partner. I find American politics confusing as hell, what with the primaries and delegates, super delegates, electoral college, I really have no idea who's winning or losing.
One thing I have noticed though it talking to both Americans and Canadians my age is that there is a definite Anti-Republican sentiment. Actually to put it slightly more accurately it is an Anti-Bush sentiment. I'm not surprised that my Canadian peers would support the Democrats because as one of my college friends said once the Democrats are more right wing than our most right wing party. I'm more surprised by people who support them blindly. I talked to someone the other day about Obama's speech at the convention (which I didn't watch because quite frankly I don't care enough), her favorite parts were the Bush-bashing. Which makes me wonder, do people even know WHY they don't like Bush?
I am a little surprised by the choice of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin as the Republican Vice Presidential candidate. I also think it's kind of cool. Yeah I realize that's not the most descriptive of words but nothing that I've read so far about her makes me dislike her, which is more than I can say about most politicians. I'm also amused by other people's reaction to it. For example, I was talking to a young woman the other day about the selection and her reaction was "that was an interesting choice... what if she becomes pregnant, would she just take a mat leave?" In reality I'm less amused and more appalled by that statement, less because someone said it but more that it was someone who is well educated and career focused. But I guess it does make you think that if someone here is thinking that it's a safe bet that Americans are thinking the same thing.
As we get closer to an actual election and I start paying a little bit more attention I'll probably have more to say on the topic.
A collection of random sports stuff, my personal goals, analysis of my crazy dreams and other me-related craziness.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Cake for supper one day? Brilliant. 2 Days is a row? STUPID!
I think that title is self explanatory. It doesn't really help that I had left the two largest pieces of cake for today and ate the smaller one yesterday. It also doesn't help that I didn't feel so hot at the end of the day at work today either. Maybe I just need to sleep it off.
I should mention that this cake is pretty awesome. It's chocolate with chocolate icing and a layer of custard. But seriously if I even see another piece in the next week I'm going to hurl.
I should mention that this cake is pretty awesome. It's chocolate with chocolate icing and a layer of custard. But seriously if I even see another piece in the next week I'm going to hurl.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Did I just eat birthday cake for dinner and other random thoughts
The answer the the birthday cake query is YES! It's left over from the family thing and it's been sitting in my fridge for 2 days already. I was trying to hold out until my actual birthday tomorrow but it was calling to me.
Moving right along, I've downgraded (or upgraded perhaps) my most recent office crush to office hotness. You see old office hotness left us a couple of weeks ago for some other job and I hadn't replaced him. Also I think I've found a way to define office crush vs. office hotness. I think that an office crush would be someone who I could actually picture dating, whereas office hotness is someone who is incredibly attractive but I don't think I could actually talk to without turning to mush. Except to apologize for almost running into them coming around a corner, which actually happened.
I had a meeting with someone from the HR department at work. Sounds like there may be some things opening up so we'll see. I've also been doing further grad school research. I've settled on U of M (Minnesota) or U of M (Manitoba) with one other target school yet to be decided.
Moving right along, I've downgraded (or upgraded perhaps) my most recent office crush to office hotness. You see old office hotness left us a couple of weeks ago for some other job and I hadn't replaced him. Also I think I've found a way to define office crush vs. office hotness. I think that an office crush would be someone who I could actually picture dating, whereas office hotness is someone who is incredibly attractive but I don't think I could actually talk to without turning to mush. Except to apologize for almost running into them coming around a corner, which actually happened.
I had a meeting with someone from the HR department at work. Sounds like there may be some things opening up so we'll see. I've also been doing further grad school research. I've settled on U of M (Minnesota) or U of M (Manitoba) with one other target school yet to be decided.
Monday, August 25, 2008
A sportsless weekend
Yes I realize that this was the last weekend of the Olympics and I probably should have been watching them but this weekend was reserved strictly for family stuff.
We didn't have a family Christmas last year because my cousin just had her baby and of course everyone has a bunch of family get togethers right around that time so we've replaced it with a summer get together. Surprisingly it was kind of fun. My family has never been particularly close given that some of my cousins lived far away and there is a pretty huge age gap in the cousins (20 years between the oldest and the youngest).
Anyway it was pretty cold and wet all weekend, except Sunday morning. We spent most of the time in my Aunt's house or on her patio, so by the end of the weekend I'd vowed never to have children. Speaking of vows my aunt just got married a couple of weeks ago so they did a wedding re-enactment for us because we couldn't be there. Not that it's her first wedding or anything.
We also did a family history version of the Amazing Race, which just proved what I already knew that my family is a bunch of liars, cheaters and a witch. Actually the witch part is my great-grandmother on my Grandpa's side and she wasn't exactly a witch but she did the herbs and potions thing. We also did a family history quiz, it was pretty bad.
But all in all a good time and they're already planning for next year.
We didn't have a family Christmas last year because my cousin just had her baby and of course everyone has a bunch of family get togethers right around that time so we've replaced it with a summer get together. Surprisingly it was kind of fun. My family has never been particularly close given that some of my cousins lived far away and there is a pretty huge age gap in the cousins (20 years between the oldest and the youngest).
Anyway it was pretty cold and wet all weekend, except Sunday morning. We spent most of the time in my Aunt's house or on her patio, so by the end of the weekend I'd vowed never to have children. Speaking of vows my aunt just got married a couple of weeks ago so they did a wedding re-enactment for us because we couldn't be there. Not that it's her first wedding or anything.
We also did a family history version of the Amazing Race, which just proved what I already knew that my family is a bunch of liars, cheaters and a witch. Actually the witch part is my great-grandmother on my Grandpa's side and she wasn't exactly a witch but she did the herbs and potions thing. We also did a family history quiz, it was pretty bad.
But all in all a good time and they're already planning for next year.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Playing with the Big Boys
As you should be well aware by now I'm something of a sports nut (though granted not as much as I used to be). As a female sports fan I spend a lot of time talking sports with the boys at work and trying to prove that I know my stuff. I guess I did a pretty good job last year because they've invited me to join their fantasy football league this year. Either that or they just want to take my money.
Of course I've already lost $10 on football during the off season as I conceded that Brett Farve is un-retired, so I'm not really sure if it's worth it. Also I'm a little scared. I am historically very, very bad at sports pools and fantasy leagues. I spend so much time trying to perfect it and then doing absolutely horrible. It doesn't really help that guys either retire or get injured on me. Plus I'm not really into stats and all that, at least not anymore.
So here's the dilemma. If I don't play I'm never going to be invited to play again, but if I play I may undo all of the work I've done to prove myself as a sports fan in the last year. Really it's $10 and I shouldn't really care what these guys think but really I only see this ending badly for me.
Of course I've already lost $10 on football during the off season as I conceded that Brett Farve is un-retired, so I'm not really sure if it's worth it. Also I'm a little scared. I am historically very, very bad at sports pools and fantasy leagues. I spend so much time trying to perfect it and then doing absolutely horrible. It doesn't really help that guys either retire or get injured on me. Plus I'm not really into stats and all that, at least not anymore.
So here's the dilemma. If I don't play I'm never going to be invited to play again, but if I play I may undo all of the work I've done to prove myself as a sports fan in the last year. Really it's $10 and I shouldn't really care what these guys think but really I only see this ending badly for me.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Just to Cleanse the Palate
Alright as we can see from my previous posts I tend to be kind of single minded. But in honor of a certain co-worker's new shirt here is some Joe Maurer of the Minnesota Twins. Have I mentioned I hate baseball? But I like baseball players. Oh and he's 6'5 so he's both age and height appropriate.

Is there anything hotter than an athlete doing stuff with little kids. Yes, I realize that sounds really bad but you know what I meant.

One More Thought on the German gymnast
Okay before I give up on this topic completely I wanted to post these pictures which I found this morning. Not only does he have a pouty face but he also sticks out his tongue when he's concentrating which I find totally adorable. 

Okay so now we can go back to not discussing gymnastics for another 4 years and then being plesantly suprised when we see him again in London. Oh also he's slightly balding as I noticed this morning, 21 year olds are not supposed to be going bald!
It must be some kind of illness
Who doesn't need a new office crush? That would be me. And yet a new one is developing. Not good. You would think after a while I would run out of people to have crushes on but apparently not. It's just a good thing I don't have to see him all the time because I always act a little bit silly around my crushes, especially in the beginning stages.
Back to my new Olympic crush on Fabian Hambuechen, besides being too young (21 in October) and too short (5'5) for me is also kind of pouty. I got up early this morning to watch the High Bar final in which he was the top qualifier. He was the first to compete and from the time he got off the bar he didn't look too happy. Kind of like in this picture which I borrowed from what could possibly be my new favorite blog (even though it is on hold at the moment), but with more pout.
Back to my new Olympic crush on Fabian Hambuechen, besides being too young (21 in October) and too short (5'5) for me is also kind of pouty. I got up early this morning to watch the High Bar final in which he was the top qualifier. He was the first to compete and from the time he got off the bar he didn't look too happy. Kind of like in this picture which I borrowed from what could possibly be my new favorite blog (even though it is on hold at the moment), but with more pout.
Anyway he didn't fall off the bar this time so that's a good thing. He also ended up with the bronze medal so that's not so bad given his other 4th place finishes so far.
Monday, August 18, 2008
My love hate relationship with amateur sport
I'm a little bit ticked off after my day at work so I thought I'd go on a little rant to release at least some of my pent up anger.
Every couple of years motivated by the fact the Canada isn't winning so many medals at the Olympics people get the big idea that we should throw more money into amateur sports because we aren't winning enough medals. It's not that I don't support amateur athletics. I do truly love the Olympics. I also appreciate how hard these athletes work to be at the top of their sports. You hear stories about athletes who can't train as hard because they don't have the funding or some like David Ford even pay their own way to compete after they lose their funding. Sure we hear about things like Team Visa and RONA who pay to help a few athletes pay for their training but most don't really get that kind of help.
The thing is that as soon as someone says something like "we'd do better at the Olympics if we spent more money on amateur sport", I start thinking I already pay 1/3 of my annual salary to the government to pay for things like health care, the military, subsidized tuition and low income housing. All things that I feel are just a little bit more important that seeing someone with a medal hanging around their necks. The thing about spending tax money on anything thing is that the money has to come from somewhere, either something has to be cut or the citizens need to be taxed more.
I've also found that high performance athletes do actually receive a whole lot of extra little bonuses that the average person doesn't get either. Even if these are not professional athletes getting the big bucks for what most of them are able to receive at least some scholarship funding for college. Many of the large American schools even offer full scholarships for athletes (though granted most of these are for sports in which you can turn professional. But I came out of university with a piece of paper, a couple of letters to put behind my name and a whole lot of debt. Scholarship athletes could come out with the same things and a whole lot less debt.
I guess what I'm trying to say is not that these athletes shouldn't be rewarded for their dedication to their sport and their desire to compete for their country but I shouldn't be expected to foot the bill. Do I feel a tiny sense of pride when I see a Canadian up there on the podium? Sure I do. But I also work hard for my money and if I want to donate to sport of my own free will then I will but I'm not so sure it should be mandatory as part of my citizenship.
One more thing before I end my little rant. I realize that the Federal government as well as the Provincial government in BC have been and will continue to throw a whole lot of money into the Vancouver 2010 games and I'm not entirely sure I agree with that either but at least that is leading to changes such as improved infrastructure which will still be around (if done properly of course) long after all of the athletes that compete in 2010 are retired.
And end rant.
Every couple of years motivated by the fact the Canada isn't winning so many medals at the Olympics people get the big idea that we should throw more money into amateur sports because we aren't winning enough medals. It's not that I don't support amateur athletics. I do truly love the Olympics. I also appreciate how hard these athletes work to be at the top of their sports. You hear stories about athletes who can't train as hard because they don't have the funding or some like David Ford even pay their own way to compete after they lose their funding. Sure we hear about things like Team Visa and RONA who pay to help a few athletes pay for their training but most don't really get that kind of help.
The thing is that as soon as someone says something like "we'd do better at the Olympics if we spent more money on amateur sport", I start thinking I already pay 1/3 of my annual salary to the government to pay for things like health care, the military, subsidized tuition and low income housing. All things that I feel are just a little bit more important that seeing someone with a medal hanging around their necks. The thing about spending tax money on anything thing is that the money has to come from somewhere, either something has to be cut or the citizens need to be taxed more.
I've also found that high performance athletes do actually receive a whole lot of extra little bonuses that the average person doesn't get either. Even if these are not professional athletes getting the big bucks for what most of them are able to receive at least some scholarship funding for college. Many of the large American schools even offer full scholarships for athletes (though granted most of these are for sports in which you can turn professional. But I came out of university with a piece of paper, a couple of letters to put behind my name and a whole lot of debt. Scholarship athletes could come out with the same things and a whole lot less debt.
I guess what I'm trying to say is not that these athletes shouldn't be rewarded for their dedication to their sport and their desire to compete for their country but I shouldn't be expected to foot the bill. Do I feel a tiny sense of pride when I see a Canadian up there on the podium? Sure I do. But I also work hard for my money and if I want to donate to sport of my own free will then I will but I'm not so sure it should be mandatory as part of my citizenship.
One more thing before I end my little rant. I realize that the Federal government as well as the Provincial government in BC have been and will continue to throw a whole lot of money into the Vancouver 2010 games and I'm not entirely sure I agree with that either but at least that is leading to changes such as improved infrastructure which will still be around (if done properly of course) long after all of the athletes that compete in 2010 are retired.
And end rant.
We have Medals
Yes I am aware this probably should have been posted about 2 days ago but I just didn't get around to it. So yes we have medals. The first ones were Women's Wrestling and rowing. I figured we'd get a couple of rowing medals and we did which is great because I like watching rowing.
I also watched 15 minutes of 8 guys swimming 30 laps of the pool to see Ryan Cochrane win a bronze medal. He's only 19 so he'll be back in 4 years. I've actually watched far more swimming than I have in quite some time given that I'm not the world's hugest swimming fan. I also missed Ian Thorpe hugging Michael Phelps' mom twice.
In non-Canadian medal news Rafael Nadal won gold in men's singles tennis, My favorite German male gymnast finished 4th in the floor final and the Jamaican women won first through 3rd in the 100m sprint.
I also watched 15 minutes of 8 guys swimming 30 laps of the pool to see Ryan Cochrane win a bronze medal. He's only 19 so he'll be back in 4 years. I've actually watched far more swimming than I have in quite some time given that I'm not the world's hugest swimming fan. I also missed Ian Thorpe hugging Michael Phelps' mom twice.
In non-Canadian medal news Rafael Nadal won gold in men's singles tennis, My favorite German male gymnast finished 4th in the floor final and the Jamaican women won first through 3rd in the 100m sprint.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
I take it back
Yesterday I was talking about the Men's gymnastics competition and a certain German Gymnast who I discovered will not be 21 until October, which makes him just a little too young for me. This fact didn't stop me from staying up until almost 1 am to watch the men's all-around final though.
In case you weren't crazy enough to stay up to watch it Yang Wei of China won the gold medal. He was 2.6 points ahead of the silver medalist. The Canadians finished 15th and 17th which is pretty awesome given that it's the first time since 1992 that a Canadian has even been in the Men's all-around final. Hambuechen fell off the high bar which is apparently his best event even though both times that I've seen him on it at these Olympics he has fallen off the bar. But again he's cute so I'll look past it, though it does make me wonder about my power of jinx .
Oh yeah and since I'm on the subject of Olympics still no medals for Canada.
In case you weren't crazy enough to stay up to watch it Yang Wei of China won the gold medal. He was 2.6 points ahead of the silver medalist. The Canadians finished 15th and 17th which is pretty awesome given that it's the first time since 1992 that a Canadian has even been in the Men's all-around final. Hambuechen fell off the high bar which is apparently his best event even though both times that I've seen him on it at these Olympics he has fallen off the bar. But again he's cute so I'll look past it, though it does make me wonder about my power of jinx .
Oh yeah and since I'm on the subject of Olympics still no medals for Canada.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
It's Olympics Time
Surprisingly I'm not so into the Olympics this year I blame it on Canada kind of sucking so far. Seriously win a medal already. I have however discovered my gymnastics crush a place that was previously unfilled until last night. I was watching the Men's team finals which Canada failed to qualify for. Fabien Hambuchen of Germany fell during his high bar routine which was kind of sad. But he's good looking so it's okay. He's also a favorite in the high bar apparatus final, which I will attempt to watch as long as it's not in the middle of the night.
Sunday, August 10, 2008
More on my irrational hatred
As I have previously discussed I have some hate issues . New to the list of random people I hate is Michael Phelps. I'm sure he's actually a really nice guy but I could care less if he's going for 8 gold medals in Beijing. I'd like him to lose just one race so that the media can just shut up. I also wish that Ian Thorpe would come back. But that's a whole different issue. A brief side note on the Thorpe story because I found it while I was borrowing this picture of Phelps, apparently Thorpe is suing a French newspaper for saying that he took performance enhancing drugs.
The current object of my hate Michael Phelps. I think that maybe I'm just jealous
Friday, August 08, 2008
Random Thoughts to End My Vacation
Crap, I have to go back to work on Monday. Am I looking forward to it? Not at all. Not that my week off has been spectacular or anything what with the spending all sorts of money that I don't have yet (but hey at least work knows I have to come back), getting stopped at the US/Canada border on the way back, losing my 12 pack of Folklorama tickets at the very first show I went to, getting in a huge fight with my mom when I went home and having a terrible cold for the last 2 days and accomplishing pretty much nothing that I wanted to get done.
On the upside I bought a bunch of new stuff down in the States, dyed my hair (I looked better as a blonde), watched a whole season of Gossip Girl (still haven't decided if this is a good thing) and watched the Olympic opening ceremonies 3 times (well only part of it each time really).
Oh I also watched a little bit of the Disney Channel games. Yes it's a little embarrassing but after a week off I kind of ran out of stuff to watch and I certainly didn't feel like getting up off my couch today. But I've decided that the Jonas brothers are the Hanson of the younger generation. Geez, when did I become part of the older generation?
On the upside I bought a bunch of new stuff down in the States, dyed my hair (I looked better as a blonde), watched a whole season of Gossip Girl (still haven't decided if this is a good thing) and watched the Olympic opening ceremonies 3 times (well only part of it each time really).
Oh I also watched a little bit of the Disney Channel games. Yes it's a little embarrassing but after a week off I kind of ran out of stuff to watch and I certainly didn't feel like getting up off my couch today. But I've decided that the Jonas brothers are the Hanson of the younger generation. Geez, when did I become part of the older generation?
Sunday, August 03, 2008
Taking my blog show on the road
So I'm on vacation this week. A much deserved one if I do say so myself. I was starting to feel just a little worn out. The first part of my vacation is being spent in the U.S. doing a little (and by that I mean a lot) of shopping with my brother.
The Border was just absolutely insane. Note to self: don't go to the States on a long weekend. We left pretty early in the morning, or at least early for 2 people who are supposed to be on vacation anyway. We hit the border around 9am. I can't imagine what it's going to be like coming back. I'm seriously considering staying an extra night just to avoid the traffic.
Anyway I'm already within $10 of my $400 duty-free dollars after one day.I did buy a fantastic pair of cowboy boots yesterday. Today we're hitting Albertville Outlets. I suspect it will be full of people and that more money will be spent.
I may not be posting much this week due to the vacation schedule of sleep until noon, in bed by ten. Gotta recharge that battery after all.
The Border was just absolutely insane. Note to self: don't go to the States on a long weekend. We left pretty early in the morning, or at least early for 2 people who are supposed to be on vacation anyway. We hit the border around 9am. I can't imagine what it's going to be like coming back. I'm seriously considering staying an extra night just to avoid the traffic.
Anyway I'm already within $10 of my $400 duty-free dollars after one day.I did buy a fantastic pair of cowboy boots yesterday. Today we're hitting Albertville Outlets. I suspect it will be full of people and that more money will be spent.
I may not be posting much this week due to the vacation schedule of sleep until noon, in bed by ten. Gotta recharge that battery after all.
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