A collection of random sports stuff, my personal goals, analysis of my crazy dreams and other me-related craziness.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
My guilty pleasures
I have quite a few guilty pleasures. The first one is romance novels. Not just love stories but really cheesy, you-already-know-what's-going-to-happen-from-reading-the-first-page romance novels. The second is bad Canadian TV shows. I blame this on my upbringing of watching every episode of the original Degrassi ever made. Shows I watch on a weekly basis include Instant Star, Blood Ties and The Murdoch Mysteries. The last one in this quick list is ordering pizza so that I can talk to the cute delivery guy. I try not to do it very often because ordering out is expensive but it's especially nice after a long day when I probably wasn't going to cook anyway.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
I haven't been feeling very bloggerly lately
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Let it slide
It's true. This combined with my constant over analysis of situations leads to many of my life problems. So I guess I'm going to try to take more of a let it go approach. I always say I'm going to try this and some how I end up slipping right back into my old patterns.
Monday, July 28, 2008
I almost forgot

At least I'm in training for the next two days
But really this post in not about new office crush but old office crush. Yeah, yeah I know that's confusing too given that new office crush is actually 3rd office crush and old office crush could be used for either of the previous to the current office crush. And yes I'm babbling to avoid actually describing the dream I had about old office crush.
Right, so I had this strange dream about my workplace. For some reason we had a pool in our office, which doesn't sound so strange until you know that it's a swimming pool. There is definitely not a swimming pool in my work place. But anyways so for some reason old office crush and I were dating or something but hiding it, probably because at work relationships are usually a bad idea. But we weren't hiding it very well. Very strange dream. Especially since it was on a Saturday night which is usually my "there is no way I'm thinking about work tonight" night.
I am glad that I'm in training for the next couple of days which will help me to get over the internal awkwardness.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Things I thought today
Today was a ridiculous day at work. Why does everyone wait until the last minute to do everything? It's just weird timing for me I guess because I'm kind of between jobs at the moment. So there is lots of work to wrap up what I have been doing and lots of work to get caught up to where I need to be when I go back to my old job. a
I was thinking about something that H-Dot said to me last year when I was going through first office crush. She asked me what color his eyes were and at the time I couldn't tell her. I know now but I was applying that question to my current crush and again found that I couldn't answer. What does that say about me? Am I just not observant so I somehow missed it? Is it that I'm so into him that I have trouble looking him in the eye? Could you actually have a relationship with someone who I can't look at? Do I just not care about people's eyes? I'm thinking it's probably this last one.
The last thought I had was that I'm possibly the best sister ever. Tonight I had OB2 over for dinner and I made pie for desert. I made lasagna (though with ready to cook noodles and canned sauce). All after I got home from my rotten day at work. So I sent a bunch of food home with him.
Monday, July 21, 2008
In the Name of Diversification
Anyway here's a link to the recipe. For those of you who are slightly less domestic than myself don't worry it's really not that hard and this particular site has pictures to show you exactly what each step should look like.
My recommendations:
1. Go with the blue cheese dressing. Even if blue cheese isn't your thing, and it costs way more than Ranch because you can only get it in small sizes it's totally worth it. Seriously the first several times I made it with ranch dressing (because if I don't have ranch dressing in my house I probably just moved in) and it was totally awesome but tonight I splurged on the Blue Cheese and it was incredible.
2. Uses Tostitos or some comparable chip. While the site recommends celery, vegetables are just wrong on principle.
3. Go and buy yourself one of those Safeway pre-cooked chickens. It makes the whole shredded chicken process so much easier.
4. Use Jalapeno Havarti on top. Again it costs a little more but it's kind of worth it. Although to be perfectly honest you probably can't taste the difference due to the Frank's Red Hot sauce.
I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry
Just a quick note because I'm starting to notice a pattern here. I'm either writing posts to bitch or write about sports. I'll try to mix it up a bit from now on but I'm not making any promises.
Stupid People Make Me Angry
Now I will commence the bitching. Anyone who has ever even considered grad school is aware that unless you're planning to continue in the field in which you have your undergraduate degree (or degrees) you're going to have to take at least one pre-masters year to catch up on all of the courses that you didn't take in the first place. I had someone try to tell me that they were going to study in an Animal Science field when their first degree was in Agribusiness. Having taken some 3rd and 4th year animal science courses myself and considering either graduate work or a second degree in genetic research I was told in no uncertain terms that I would not qualify immediately for consideration for a Animal Sci masters and I would have to do at least one year of pre-masters work including Bio-Chemistry. The ensuing argument about the possibility of jumping from one field to another was kind of ridiculous.
Sure there are some graduate programs that you can sneak into with an agribusiness degree. An M.A. in Economics, yes. A MSc. in Business probably. But an MSc. in an actual science field pretty doubtful. Even for someone who has the first year Chemistry (which is not a requirement of an a BSc. in Agribusiness). Would have a hard time getting in without taking further Science courses as pre-requisites.
Oh right and complaining about a late shift when it's part of the job description for the position to which you applied plus the $45,000 starting wage does not endear you to anyone. Everyone has to take their turn on the late shift. That's just the way it is.
I apologize to anyone reading this who thinks it's about them. It probably isn't.
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Is it Friday yet?
It takes 4 hours to get there and back and it's not the world's most relaxing drive either. Plus my bed at home is really comfortable when you're actually in it but your back reminds you the next day that its not the most structurally sound bed. It's always nice to see the family though. Well except when you're arguing which always seems to happen with me and mom. Not that my mom and I aren't close but just that things always get a little heated right around the time I intend to leave.
On the plus side of going out to the farm I got to do all my laundry for free. Sure it cost me $60 to fill up my car but I saved $12 on laundry. So I'm going to call it even. So now to bed to prepare for yet another soul-crushing week at work.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Dream Diary Episode 4: More dreams about work.
The weird thing is that all of this happened while I was at a party on a boat with a bunch of people that went to my high school but were much younger than me. The boat was kind of like a cruise ship or something and it was more of a dance/ball than a party.
Logic: In the department where most of my work friends work there is a lot of speculation about a job shifts and promotions. Last week they did a whole bunch of interviews and people are still waiting to hear the results. The boat thing was probably because I was watching American Princess last night and they had a highland ball.
I'm glad I can actually use logic to figure this one out versus how these things normally work.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Not only am I a bad hockey fan I'm also a terrible person
"Okay this is going to sound horrible but..."
"don't get me wrong..."
"I'm going to be a horrible friend for saying this..."
How does someone at my age become so grouchy? I've really got to smarten up or I'm going to die bitter and alone. Well I'm already 2/3, I just hope that the dying doesn't happen for a while. Oh right I also said "well I can't be your friend anymore", but that was totally in jest and was understood as such.
No but seriously I think it's just exhaustion and frustration at the whole work situation. Tomorrow I will be doing 3 jobs because no one else knows how to do them. Which quite frankly is kind of sad given that I'm leaving my department in just over 2 weeks and that I've only been there for 8 months. It also makes you wonder what all of the permanent staff have been doing all these years. Granted it's holiday season but still. Additionally I'm not really seeing any hope for vertical movement from my current post but I'm not quite ready to jump to the next car on the career train just yet. So probably there will be much more complaining to come. I'll apologize in advance.
Monday, July 14, 2008
I am probably the worst hockey fan ever
About a year and a half ago I got the movie Miracle for Christmas. Somewhere between school, graduating, moving and stepping out into the real world I entirely forgot to watch it. It also doesn't help that it's glorifying American hockey and so watching it makes me feel just a little bit dirty. So in the dead of summer with all the "good" shows in re-runs and all the good sports in the off-season I felt it was about time I sit down and watch it.
Anyway I'm about a 1/3 of the way through and it's turning out to be not so bad which is surprising because I don't think I've actually seen a movie that I liked in the past 5 years. Well except the Lord of the Rings movies but that's because I'm super dork.
You'd think I could at least walk by now
Sunday, July 13, 2008
The Wild, Wild West: Part 1
My favorite event is the calf roping, sorry tie-down roping because it’s the most useful in a real ranching/farming situation. This year they’ve dropped the 6 second rule at the Stampede. That means that after the calf is tied the calf doesn’t have stay down 6 seconds for the time to hold. That means that all of the times this year should be faster than any other year. The defending champion in the tie down just missed his calf so he’s now out of this evenings final. Now Josh Peek who had the fastest time this week also went out. As I’m watching this I’m realizing that most of these ropers are are from Texas. Monty Lewis also missed his calf. This is turning out to be pretty sad. Oh a 9.8 time for Stran Smith that’s brutal. Just a little slip of the rope and he lost a bunch of time.
On a little non-rodeo related side note: I just saw a commercial for the local 6 o’clock CBC news where they’ve poached both the anchor and the weatherman from the local CTV affiliate. Kind of sad.
Alright back to the rodeo. I hate the riding events. I think they’re ridiculous. You can never actually tell who’s going to win because it’s all based on points. The first bareback rider is Cimmaron Gerke, cute but who names their kid that? The second horse just didn’t want to get out of the gate. I can only imagine how that’ll ruin your ride. I guess we’ll see when he gets his 8 seconds and the ride is scored. 84 points, not real great. You wanna know how stupid cowboys are? The third rider, Ryan Gray hyper extended an ACL and an MCL and is riding today. Some people will say it’s brave I say it’s retarded. But I guess you only get one shot at this a year. It’s kind of like the Superbowl of rodeo, well except the World Championships. At least no one has been bucked off yet. Holy crap now there’s a 21 year old from Oklahoma, Justin McDaniel riding. That’s crazy for the Stampede because it’s a big deal, this guy must be good. Almost a buck off for Russ Halabee right about 6 seconds he’s hanging off the right side of the horse and he scored an 86. You see now why I hate the riding events? Dusty Lavalley got a re-ride and he made it into the final. Again riding events are crap. Don’t worry I’ll repeat this at least once for both the saddle broncs and the bull riding. The 86 was the top score.
Oh yay another semi-real event. Steer Wrestling. One of my big rodeo issues is the livestock. These are not good looking animals. But I guess they don’t have to. A 4.1 time is not bad for Curtis Cassidy from Alberta. I’m always cheering for the Canucks. The next rider has a 4.9 not good enough to get into the final. Wow a 3.8 for Wade Sumpter that’s nice. 3.9 for Sean Mulligan. You know the steer wrestling is possibly the most painful event, well as long as you stay on the bull/horse. But you have to basically throw yourself on the ground in the steer wrestling. I also like the time events more because it’s all about how good you are not about how someone judges you. Odd given that I used to figure skate and that’s 100 percent about how you’re judged.
This whole post got a little away from me so for the other events check out part 2, below.
The Wild, Wild West Part 2
Now onto the Saddle Broncs. 82 points for the first rider. Wow that landing looked a little painful for Jeff Willert he kind of fell off the horse instead of jumping but he made his 8 seconds. Anthony Bello has an 86 so that 82 probably isn’t going to hold up. Wow this horse is sure jumping but didn’t really kick out so Cody Wright is going to be getting a re-ride. Wow this is the third South Dakotan of the 10 in the Saddle Broncs. And there was a buck-off. Actually the horse kind of fell down, could have been scary. These re-rides make the event seem to go on forever. Especially when it’s an event that you don’t like. Okay what’s with cowboys named Cody? Seriously it seems like there is at least one in each event here. So lowest score is 85.5.
Barrel racing is up next. Actually I think barrels is my least favorite event of all of the rodeo events. I’ve seen women fall off of their barrel horses and the horse will go ahead and finish the circuit. It makes me wonder then how much is actually the rider and how much of it is training the horse and could you hire a trainer to train the horse and then go ahead and win a bunch of barrel events? Don’t get me wrong obviously these women train hard and spend a lot of time with their horses but if you can buy a good barrel horse then you’re way more than half way to success. Oh here’s a barrel down for Lisa Lockhart, that’s 5 seconds added on to her time. So Tammy Key-Fischer had a 17.03 to qualify first for the finals.
And now for the marquee event of all rodeos the bull riding. Waste of a good bull if you ask me. So the first guy. Matt Bohon turned down a rodeo scholarship to ride on the PBR tour. First of all there are rodeo scholarships? Secondly this just proves my point about bull riders being stupid. Brian Canter scored an 85.5. Oh now they’re playing the Chicken Dance in the background, that’s exactly what you expect at a rodeo. Not. We have our first BO of the bulls, but at least Scott Schiffner got back up. Watching this I just can’t imagine that bull riding would be any fun. Although I guess I do a lot of things that people would never think are much fun either. And there’s another BO for Beau Hill. Oh I hope Tyler Thomson gets a re-ride ‘cause that sucked, the bull just stopped bucking. And the next bull just kind of got down on his front knees and that kind of ruined the whole ride for Wiley Petersen but the judges are calling it a BO. No re-rides were awarded so only 3 qualifiers.
I highly doubt I’m going to blog tonight’s finals but I hope you enjoyed my review of the qualifying round.
Friday, July 11, 2008
It's almost Olympics time
As it turns out because it’s a Bombers home game we’re in blackout territory, so no football game. In it’s place was E60 which I’m assuming is some sort of sports magazine type show. Anyway the first story was about a paralympic sprinter named Oscar Pistorius. He was a gold medalist at the Athens Paralympics and it turns out he might actually be good enough to compete with able bodied athletes except that the IAAF (the track governing body) has banned him because they say his prosthetics are considered technical aids and are therefore banned. The ban was over turned and he’s resumed full time training. At the moment he’s still a little short of making the Olympic standard in the 400m. I can’t help but think that having to fight the legal battle has probably hurt his qualifying efforts. For the record he’s also kind of cute. He's also only 21 so he might be able to qualify for the 2012 Olympics but that seems so far away and a lot can happen between now and then.
Oh and while I’m at it there is a South African swimmer Natalie Du Toit who will be competing in both the Olympics and the Paralympics. That’s pretty freaking awesome. It actually reminds me of another story that I heard during the 2006 winter Olympics about a Canadian Cross Country skier who had a degenerative eye condition and had started his career as a regular cross country skier but as his sight got worse he wasn’t allowed to compete with the able bodied athletes anymore.
If you want to read more about the sprinter’s story check out these links
Goal of the Week
This weeks goal is one that I'm probably going to finish tonight. I want to finish reading the third book in the Stephanie Myers Twilight series. Thanks to KEG* for suggesting these books to me. They're pretty good and not terribly heavy reading.
*This is the blog moniker I'm giving her because she refuses to come up with anything better for me to work with and I suspect I will need to mention her often
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Today was the Big Reveal
I've always believed that it's better to say what you're feeling than to keep it bottled up. Additionally as soon as I tell someone about my crushes they start to fade (it's a wonderful pattern). So why don't I feel better now that it's all out in the open?
I believe that the first reason is that she didn't seem over enthusiastic about the idea. Not to read too much into it or anything but I can't help but wonder if she doesn't have him kind of marked for herself. It would explain some things. Secondly now I've said it and we've discussed it I realize that there was really no reason for me to believe that he would ever feel anything for me anyway.
I'm actually more worried about the whole thing now that I've talked to her than I was when no one knew anything.
Since when do we get Around the Horn?
As it turns out it is on in Canada. I don't know how long is has been going on but the other day when I turned on my TV there was Tony Reali and the rest of the gang doing their sports talkshow thing.
To be honest it's not the greatest show and I actually think I enjoyed the disembodies voices better but Reali is hot. I don't care if he just got married he's still hot.
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
You asked for it
I don't really care about swimming, except that there are boys in pretty much no clothes. But as my faithful reader's favorite sport I thought I'd better include just a little here. Here is a picture that I stole from Ladies... from the US Olympic swim trials. The beautiful dimples in the middle there is Ryan Lochte. Apparently he's an IM swimmer. I may have missed that the first 3 times I read that post.
1986 was a Good Year
We’ll start with Rafael Nadal since he’s fresh on my mind. Okay so this is maybe not the best picture I’ve ever seen of him but he’s holding the Wimbledon championship trophy so that’s hot. He’s also a 4 time French Open champion and you’ll remember that the French is my favorite of all the majors.
Speaking of french here's another tennis player, Richard Gasquet. I'm not really sure what it is about him that I find attractive exactly but I think he's cute.
Moving on. Cam Barker of the Chicago Blackhawks. I always have a bit of an issue trying to remember how old these guys are come Christmas time when the Canadian Junior Hockey team is kicking butt. Anyway Cam is a good ol' Manitoba boy. He also played for the Medicine Hat Tigers in Junior. They were one of my favorite junior teams because I won a Medicine Hat Tigers ball cap from their website and they actually shipped it to me.
David McClure of the much hated Duke Blue Devils basketball team. I discovered him last year during the NCAA championships when I was doing hotness match ups. I don’t really have much else to say here. He looks way better in a suit. Oh he was my first College Basketball boyfriend.
Sergio Ramos, soccer player from Spain. This one I’m just a little bit conflicted on. I have seen pictures where he looks hot. But I have also seen pictures where I feel a little bit sick after looking at them and remembering that I thought he was hot. So I don’t know which way I’m leaning on this one.
I’m sure I’m missing a whole bunch of people. But these are the ones I can think of off the top of my head.
As I’m writing this I’m also realizing that 1987 was maybe even a little better. I may have to get around to doing a similar post of this fashion for that year. Although I will feel a WHOLE lot creepier about it.
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Living by myself can't be good for me.
Lately I've been talking stuff out in my apartment at normal talking volume. This isn't so bad as still no one can hear me. But yesterday I caught myself doing it on the street while I was walking home. Additionally I've started saying things out loud that are best left in the deep recesses of my mind and not put out there for the general public.
The worst is when I do it at work. It's not good.
Monday, July 07, 2008
Next on the agenda is getting it colored I haven't figured out quite what to do with it. I kind of wanted to go darker but the hair stylist told me that it's not such a great idea if you're not going to touch it up every couple of weeks otherwise it'll look like I have grey roots. I can't do anything too crazy with it either because it wouldn't go over so well at work, so there will be no green or blue or purple.
I think it'll depend on how I'm feeling the day I go in for my coloring. I can tell you right now I'm not going orange again. I've had enough of that for a while.
Sunday, July 06, 2008
What a great day for Tennis
I don't even really know how to describe how amazing the Wimbledon Men's Final was.
Live Update: They're doing the trophy presentation as I'm writing this and they've just introduced Roger Federer as the Men's Runner-up. Which of course means that Nadal won. He's holding that trophy like it's a child. I think he's in love. He also looks like he's going to cry.
Nadal took the first 2 sets 6-4 and then Roger won the next two sets in tie breaks. Oh right there were a couple of rain delays in there too. It's very close to 9:30 in England at the moment and the match just ended. Nadal took the 5th set 9-7 .The game has been on since the time I got up this morning and it just finished.
So for the first time in five years I'm not pissed off that Federer won. I used to hate when he'd beat Andy Roddick (who was my first tennis boyfriend) and then later when he'd beat Nadal so today is a good day. It's so dark in England right now, they probably would have stopped to match after that game if Nadal hadn't won it.
Dude, John McEnroe just asked Federer for a hug. That's just a little BPA free. Oh and I love English with a horrible Spanish accent.
Friday, July 04, 2008
And The Shopping Spree Continues
Then I went to the mall to get my glasses fixed, or at least that what I told myself when I went. The first store I visited was the Body Shop. I have a bit of a problem with that store I can't just walk by it I have to go in and of course as soon as I walk in I get the urge to spend money. So two body butters (bringing my current total to 6) and two home fragrance oils (total too many to count) later I was relieved of another 50 bucks. Then too the bookstore where I bought 3 new books (it's not like I have a distance ed course I should be working on or anything). To end my trip I did get my glasses fixed and paid my Sear bill. I also stopped in at SportCheck so see what they had left over from Euro. The answer is Greece, England and Germany. I guess no one likes a loser.
Within 5 minutes of my returning home my mom showed up at my apartment. I kind of knew she was coming into the city but I didn't actually expect her to stop and visit. Anyway it wasn't much of a visit as she was really tired and so she napped in the spare room. Then we went to the Olive Garden for dinner, which is my absolute favorite restaurant of all time but just a little pricey. Oh well I guess that means I'm going to have to be a shut in for the rest of the weekend so that I don't spend anymore.
Thursday, July 03, 2008
Goal of the Week
Oh and normally I do this on a Friday night but I'm doing it today because I have the day off tomorrow so it's the start of my weekend now. Okay NOW we can move on to my goal of the week. This week I intend to finish sewing the dress I started way back in February. I've only got the sleeves and the bottom hem to do and then it's done. The secondary goal is to buy a digital camera so that I can post a picture of the finished product.
As for the previous goal of the week I do intend to get my glasses fixed this week. Finally.
The Shopping Spree
So today as the beginning of a long weekend of me watching tennis I decided to treat myself a little. I tried on a lot of clothes and only came out with a little and a couple of pairs of shoes. Did I need any of this stuff? Absolutely not. Did it get me out of the apartment for a while that wasn't going to work? Yes.
I didn't actually spend that much money. I know some girls who own purses that cost more than what I spent, but for me it's a big deal because it was really on a whim. I had no intention of going shopping tonight but I looked at my clock at around 6 and said "holy crap it's only 6, I need to do something". And a shopping spree was born. Oh I also had a little excursion when I missed my turnoff and got a little lost. But even that was relaxing.
Dream Diary Episode 3 - And I thought that last time was messed up
For the record I DO NOT speak any other languages. I took a little french in high school but living in the French part of the city now I've learned just how little French I know. I also attempted to learn Czech once, didn't get very far with that one. So there is no reason for me to dream in any other language. In a "let's think about this logically" kind of way I suppose it may be because I've been watching a lot of YouTube videos in Spanish, due to my little crush of Fernando Torres. But it's not like I've understood any of it.
As we learned in this post my crazy dreams come in pairs. So the second one is even more inexplicable in the "where the hell did that come from" kind of way. The dream was set at the NHL draft, which was only a couple of weeks ago so that might make sense. The thing about the Draft is that it's a bunch of 18 year olds and yes when I was younger I used to love watching the draft. However now that I'm getting older and 18 is out of my age range I find it just a little creepy and a list of which teams drafted who is sufficient. Other weird parts of the dream include that the number 1 draft pick was from Switzerland. Which has never happened. In fact there aren't all that many Swiss players to begin with. Secondly, the guy was hot. And thirdly instead of kissing his mom, dad, siblings and girlfriend when his name was called, he was at the draft with his boyfriend. Which again to the best of my knowledge has never happened.
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
It's Like a Part of Me Died
So now I'm torn, do I stick with the Sens or abandon ship and go with someone else? I won't ever be a Rangers fan but the Oilers are still pretty high up there for me. Granted I've been a horrible hockey fan as of late so maybe this shouldn't really matter to me but it still does. Gah! I'm so angry. What are the 5 stages of grieving again? Anger, denial... CRAP!
But let's throw in a picture of Wade in a Sens jersey for old times sake.
What to do with a day off
You would think that with all the complaining I do about work I would be ecstatic with a day off but not so much.
So then what did I accomplish on my nearly mid-week day off from work? Not a whole hell of a lot. I didn't get up until about 9 this morning, which was wonderful as I couldn't sleep last night and ended up staying up past midnight (which is late for me). I didn't shower until nearly noon. Then I made the mistake of going out for coffee. After watching soccer for the past couple of weeks I've decided that I should probably start doing some regular physical activity, so I figured I'd walk to the Robin's that's about 3 blocks from here. No big deal except that it's freaking hot(25 Celsius) and my hair was still wet from my shower. So the water in my hair got all warm and well I'm sure you've all had the experience of doing some sort of physical activity right after showering.
Pretty much immediately when I got back home I realized that I don't have any milk and of course Safeway is closed. I watched some TV and a couple of episodes of Scrubs that I had downloaded and pissed around on the internet until about 4 when I ventured out the 7-11 for my milk. Followed by more pissing around on the internet which leads me to this exact moment in time.