A collection of random sports stuff, my personal goals, analysis of my crazy dreams and other me-related craziness.
Thursday, December 03, 2009
more blogcation
Anyway I think I'm going to take a break from blogging for a while. Just until things settle down a bit.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Going to Agribition
The cattle are going tomorrow and I'll be arriving on Wednesday. Then the show is on Thursday and the sale on Friday and then home again. I'm going to attempt to blog this trip on my travel blog. This is my first real trip since I went to Scotland. Well actually that's not true. I just haven't taken my camera along on some of the others.
So wish us luck and follow along if you'd like.
It appears that I have gone missing
Listen I'm just going through a prolonged period of illness right now. Things seemed to be getting better and then they got worse. So what does this have to do with you? Well mostly I just wanted to let you know what was up since I disappeared rather suddenly. It's hard to get to a computer when you're not feeling well, even though I have two of them. So I really do apologize if anyone actually kept checking to see if I'd written something new.
So thank you for supporting my blogging addiction. I promise I'll get back to it as soon as I can.
Lots of Love,
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Looking for ideas
Sunday, October 25, 2009
That's it next year I'm getting Sunday Ticket
My brother has NFL Sunday Ticket which allows you to watch any game you want, which is pretty sweet. But I didn't want to spend the money to get it. Maybe next season I'll re-think that.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Sometimes you just get bored
A friend suggested that I check out Castle. I was a little skeptical at first since I'm not big on cop shows, but I have to admit that I really like it. So what about you? Have you watched it? Do you like it? What else would you recommend for the next time I run out of ideas?
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Week 2 is in the bag
So my only new is that I got through my second week of return to work. Tuesday was a little wavery but I powered through. Hopefully I can get back to full time soon.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Wine-ing, Dining and nearly getting electrocuted
I went out for dinner with an old friend that I hadn't seen in more than 2 years. We went to the Olive Garden which is my all time favorite restaurant. I don't much like driving in the city to begin with and we went to the one that's on the opposite side of the city so I had to meet her there. I was a little nervous but it turned out that it wasn't a problem.
We had a nice dinner and tasted some wine. I couldn't finish my meal though since I filled up on soup, breadsticks and appetizers, so I've got left overs for tomorrow.
Then after our meal we walked outside to the over-flow parking where incidentally we had both parked when I realized I had left my lights on. So I sort of panicked. Well on the inside anyway outwardly I was pretty calm. But I have no clue about cars so I didn't know what to do. So I asked my friend and she thought we could probably boost it.
In my nearly 10 years of driving I've had my car boosted probably half a dozen times but I've never done it myself. I have a general idea of what to do but I'm certainly not confident enough to do it myself. Did I mention it was dark because that's probably an important part of the story. So anyway we connected the cables red first to her car and then mine. Then we tried the black cables in the same order. And let's just say the sparks flew. Luckily no one was hurt.
Anyway we were just about to give up when I decided to try my car one more time and by some fluke of nature it started and I was on my way.
Our Technological Age
You know that game you play where you pick 3 things that you couldn't live without on a desert island? Well I had a random thought while I was getting ready to go out for dinner with an old friend, I think all of the things I couldn't live with out require electricity.
Seriously how did we ever live without internet? Or cell phones (I actually do live without a cell phone but only because everyone else has one so if I need to reach them I can)? Or a flat iron?
So what can't you live without? Do tell.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
This would only happen to me
Anyway my brother and I had a fairly uneventful trip to Fargo. The first thing we did after we checked into the hotel was check out the pool facilities. This included a fairly decent sized pool, a rather luke-warm hot tub and a sauna.
After my initial disappoint at the hot tub we tried out the sauna. And I managed to blister my back by laying down on the hot bench. Yup, this could only happen to me.
Maybe it's never the right time
Take the relapse of my illness. It doesn't just happen. It showed me that I needed to make changes in the way I'm living my life. It was really crappy timing what with my promotion and everything but it is what it is. Maybe it will lead to something wonderful. But then again maybe not.As I said previously there was a job opening that I was interested in, but this just isn't a good time for me.
I have a friend who talks about going back to school but just hasn't found the right time to take that leap.Maybe the challenge is not so much finding the opportunities that we want as overcoming the problem of bad timing.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Soothing Words

Shoe Shopping:
Starbucks Coffee... or anything really. And meeting friends for coffee or lunch. Now mind you this is not in anyway a comprehensive list. It's just a few random items to keep me going until the next time.
That didn't go as well as planned
Which got me thinking why do people even ask "how are you?" the expected answer is either good or fine. Anything else and you become something of a Debbie Downer.
Anyway I didn't realize how much I missed everyone until I saw them again. I guess if nothing else I can enjoy the social atmosphere at work.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Watching Baseball

Thursday, October 08, 2009
Just another reason to get on with my GRE studying

You know you've been away from the real world too long when you don't even realize that one of your favorite (but then again I have lots of favorites) players switched teams in the off season.
Martin Havlat signed with the Minnesota Wild in the off season. So I guess that means I'd better get studying so that I can move to Minneapolis.
Actually I'm going to Minneapolis next weekend. Well if we aren't shopped out by the time it's time to go there.
I guess it wasn't meant to be
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
In the Christmas spirit... in October
I am commencing Christmas shopping next week and hope to be done by the end of October. Now I don't expect anyone else to have started their Christmas shopping yet, but have you started thinking about what you want to receive? Or who you might shop for this year that wasn't on you list last year?
You might say it's too early, I say bring it on.
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
My 2009-10 Fantasy Team
I do however have a much more clever title for this year's version. Last year I called my team "So Bad" as in "this is going to end so bad". This year I named my team "Off Constantly" which means that whenever someone is talking about when they beat me they end up saying "I beat off constantly". I can't take credit for this brilliance though. I have to give it all to my younger brother since he thought of it first.
I don't even have any bench QBs to be excited with this year. Last year I sort of fell in love with Jay Cutler (even more so now but that's a story for another time).
Instead I get this:
and the incredibly old Kurt Warner.
Have I mentioned that my team sucks?
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Paralyzed with Fear
But I'm not sure what to do. In the past when I've applied for jobs and not gotten interviews I got upset. But when I have gotten interviews and don't get the job I'm even more upset. I wish there was some way for me to only apply for jobs that I'm going to get. I also don't quite know what to do about references. It's always a bit of an issue when you're in a position and applying elsewhere, do you ask the boss and risk pissing him (or her) off or do you try to find an older reference hoping that they will at least give you a glowing recommendation.
Anyway the details of the job go like this:
- Small-ish town, which is totally perfect for me since I hate living in the city
- perfect fit for my education and training, even if the advertisement says Master's preferred
- 2 year term, so I'm not going to feel like I'm stuck if I don't like it and it ends with just the right amount of time off before I'd head off to grad school
- Much better salary range than I currently make, but then again I'm over qualified for the job that I have.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
New boots for all

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
The First Hurdle to Cross
So now I'm thinking maybe instead of killing myself to do well on the GRE so that I can get into my dream schools, maybe I ought to be looking for schools that don't require the GRE. None of the Canadian school that I would apply to require the GRE and some other schools like Oklahoma State and North Dakota State don't require the GRE. So maybe I should just take the easy way out. Then again I might kick myself for not at least trying to write the GRE.
Alright that's 7 mentions of the GRE in one post. Far more than enough.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
I've started writing again
I've also been known to write short stories. Terrible, awful short stories. I don't do it with the hopes of being published or anything like that. I know my limits. These stories are just for fun. The last on I wrote was back when I was in University. It amused the other girls in residence and gave me something to do when I was bored in class.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
When bad TV shows happen to good movies
I do have to say though that while I've seen a lot of books turned in to movies, this is the first show I've ever seen based on a movie. Or at least that I can remember. Can you think of any?
Monday, September 14, 2009
Are we heading to another election?
Although it sounds like the NDP isn't going to go along with the Liberal plan. Which is good because instead of spending money on an election the government should just cut a check to every adult in the country.
Slight Delay on the Dream Train
So now I'm thinking I should be looking forward to the fall of 2011 so that I don't have to be completely miserable for a year in order to afford the next two years. That takes a lot of the pressure off since now I'm giving myself another year the prepare for the GRE. It also means I'll be 29 before I'm finished grad school.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Just trying to keep it together
Actually I saw a bad car accident today or the wreckage at least. A van had into the back end of a semi-trailer. Scary looking stuff though my brother figures that only a couple of legs were broken based on the condition we saw the cars in.
I guess I just have to focus on one day at a time and hope things work back.
Friday, September 11, 2009
That's a scary thought
If people in my industry are applying for jobs for which they are over qualified doesn't that mean that there aren't many jobs out there. And perhaps rather than complaining about my job all the time I need to realize that at least I have a job. It also puts into rather sharp focus the importance of going to get my Master's degree before it's too late and I do actually have to compete for jobs with the over qualified.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
It's finally here...
I am participating in the fantasy pool this year with the guys from work and this year we have another girl playing with us. Look like maybe I should be thinking about organizing a girl's pool for next year. I thought about doing one and a whole draft based on hotness but everyone else would have to share my level of commitment to make it work. I'll try to get it going for March Madness and the hotness bracket this year. Of course now it's getting to the point where it's creepy for me to say that Freshmen are hot. So this will probably be the last year for hotness bracket... sigh.
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
What was I worried about
Has anyone noticed that they always put the verbal section first in these GRE study books. Of course that's probably because the verbal section is first but I feel much more confident having completed one math chapter than I did after the whole verbal section.
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Sometimes you just need the right motivation
See work has once again screwed me over with their HR policies and so I'm being demoted because I got sick. But the thing is I deserved that promotion. I put a lot of work into it and now it's all gone by the way side.
And so my renewed commitment to higher education.
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
I swear computers were invented to make me cry
Monday, August 31, 2009
Another birthday another U.S. Open
It was my birthday on Thursday and I didn't do anything really exciting but today the U.S. Open started. Now that we've switched to Shaw I don't have to miss a single point (well that's not exactly true since they don't televise every game). Not only can I record the games but I can also watch them in HD (provided my brother doesn't want to watch wrestling).
Last night I watched my first football game in HD. It was pretty awesome, even if it was only pre-season.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
The 3 month itch
Oh I wish I had my laptop back. I've been using my brother's computer to do stuff but it's really really really slow and crappy and I miss the portability. I've considered getting a wireless card for my desktop but then I think what's the point since I won't use it once my laptop comes back. Have I mentioned that I hate computers.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Every day it gets a little bit easier
A couple of days ago I saw people from my work on the bus and I didn't quite know what to say. I wasn't sure how much they already knew and I didn't want to give out more information than I needed to. So I just didn't say anything. Today I saw someone else that I work with on the bus and I even got up and moved closer. It was good that it was someone that I'm really comfortable with and who kind of knew what was going on without me really having to tell her and she seemed genuinely excited to see me too.
So yeah some day I might be able to transfer buses infront of my work and not feel like I'm about to bawl. And that will be the first sign that maybe I can think about going back. Until then I'll just continue to take it one day at a time.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Folklorama Llama
This year I've been to 7 shows. Columbia, Belgium, Slovenia, Alpine (Switzerland/Austria/Germany), and 2 different Ukrainian Pavilions. I'm going to take in one more show tonight and that will be the end of Folklorama for me this year. If you ever get a chance to go to Folklorama you should do it. They often have bus tours that bring people from all over Canada and the United States. But be prepared to spend money. I've had to go to the bank twice since it started to get more money for the shows.
update to arrg...
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
The Mid Summer update.
I have been reading up a storm though. I've been thinking that maybe I should start a book club. It was be more of a social activity than I'm used to and I DO love to read. Anyone interested?
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
I miss the old days. When life was simple and my parents fought my battles for me. Or at least owned everything I used so they were responsible for getting things fixed.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
It's so boring at home
But for now I'm bored. I used to think that I wanted to work until I had enough money to retire and then just sit around and read books all day but even that has lost it's appeal. I've been doing alot of knitting lately but even that's boring. I guess I'm going to have to take up some other hobby.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Things I wish I was at work to say
That being said there are some things and people at work that I miss. If I was at work right now some of the things I would say are:
- My trip was amazing. I love Scotland but everything is uber expensive
- Shark week starts on August 3rd (KEG tell Mike I told you to tell him this, he'll know what you mean)
- I'm with the guys on switching to Shaw, which I will be doing at the end of August
- I miss everyone terribly and I'm hoping to come back soon
but the first thing I'm going to do when I get back is give people my home e-mail so that I can get e-mails. I miss getting random follow up e-mails about random topics left over from our lunchtime debates.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
I must look like I need saving
If I want to hear about your beliefs I'll go to church or temple or whatever with you. But for some reason I seem to be approached by those spreading the word of God more often than the average person and frankly it makes me a little bit angry.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
The Update
- On the illness front I'm still off work. I'm hoping to return late this summer or early fall but we'll see what the doctor says.
- My laptop is broken. Well not completely broken but it's randomly shutting down for no reason and I haven't been able to get it down to the shop for repairs yet. It's only started doing this since we got back from our trip.
- I currently have 3 books on the go. That's reading not writing. One is the next Diana Gabaldon book from the Outlander series. One is a history of Scotland and one is a romance novel that I borrowed from the library.
- I got a new cat. and by new I mean new like I got him today new. The Humane Society had a sale on cats and since I wanted a new one anyway this seemed like the perfect opportunity. I've named him Davey Crockcat. Yes I'm just that geeky.
Thursday, July 02, 2009
It's almost over
We're back in Glasgow now and we've parted way with the others. We fly out of here tomorrow and spend about 19 hours before we get to our final destination.
I have some more pictures to add to my blog but I left my SD card upstairs in our hotel room and I don't really want to go up and get it so I'll add them later. Since wireless is only available in the hotel lounge.
We're staying in the same hotel that was stayed in at the beginning of our trip so it's like we're back tracking our steps now which is kind of neat.
Our day in Edinburgh and at the show
It's been a while since I did an entry. There has just been so much to see that the days were packed and I have been really tired. Today was a shorter day. Mom and I went into Edinburgh city centre today where I bought a new ring and bracelet as well as some souvenirs for my brothers at home. We saw the castle and Holyroodhouse Palace but we weren't able to enter them because the Queen was in residence at the palace and we ran out of time at the castle.
As for the Royal Highland sow it was pretty damn good. The show itself was interesting. There were a lot of things that they did differently over here than we would but overall it was mostly the same. As for the grounds they were pretty huge. There was all sorts of things to do and see. There was a sheep shearing competition and crafter's tents and an outdoor living section with chainsaw sculpting demonstrations and pole climbing exhibitions. It was very interesting. Oh and the Queen was at the show too but we missed her.
Tomorrow we head up to the Highlands. It's supposed to be beautiful scenery and I'm sure there will be lots of pictures taken.
Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Yesterday we were in Portree in the Isle of Skye. We took a drive around the island and then returned to the hotel. I'm now done all of my gift shopping so anything else I buy should be just for me. Today we're just outside of Fort William at a B&B. Fort William is an outdoor town.. It's right on a lack and the highest mountain peak in the UK is right here. I of course hate the outdoors so this is not my kind of town.
Also our traveling companions are starting to get on my last nerve. I don't want to stereotype Americans because I do know a lot of really nice ones but these ones are obnoxious. For example we left the Isle of Skye early this morning and hopped on the ferry back to the mainland (or at least as much of a main land as you can consider a larger island). Anyway we arrived at the B&B an hour before check in which I knew would happen because we left so early. So we drove all the way back to Fort William for an hour of shopping but only an hour because our driver was tired. And he wanted to come back and unpack the van and then maybe we could drive back to Fort William. It turned out okay though because daddy and me took a little nap before supper and mom did some reading.
For supper we took a ferry to a little restaurant/inn. It was really nice and I got to see most of the Andy Roddick/Lleyton Hewitt match on the TV in the bar. Roddick of course won. I can't believe I'm in Britain during Wimbledon and I'm not there.
Monday, June 29, 2009
In search of Nessie.
Today was probably the best day of our trip so far. it started off a little shaky, I got up really early, unnecessarily. And then we got out of the hotel too early and nothing was open which meant a lot of useless walking around. I should be used to this walking around by now. My mother loves to just walk around. Personally I'm not a huge fan AND the blisters on my feet were screaming at me to stop. Then we got on a Jacobite tour of Loch Ness. First we bussed from Inverness to the Loch. Then we jumped on a boat to go to Urquhart Castle which is really just the ruins of an old castle but that's what you see in a lot of pictures of Loch Ness. Anyway then we hit up the visitors centre there before getting back on the bus again to get to the Loch Ness exhibition centre. It was really interesting. I'm rather convinced now that the Loch Ness monster is a giant sturgeon.
Then we came back to Inverness on the bus and found a used book store where I picked up some book including a history of Scotland. I love books stores. I also love museums which is what we did before returning to our hotel.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Our vacation Act II
For those of you who have been trying to follow my trip each day I do apologize for the sparseness of my blogging. I have only had free WiFi at one hotel that we've stayed at and well frankly I don't want to spend the money for the ridiculous internet rate over here. So that's what's been happening. That's also why you'll see some backdated entries.
Okay now on with the vacation update. Today we drove from Edinburgh to Inverness. The day started off kind of disastrous. We didn't get as big of a vehicle as we thought we would and we weren't sure if we could fit all the people and luggage into the van (there are 6 of us traveling in a 7 passenger van). But we packed it in there pretty tight and just barely made it.
The people we're traveling with are kind of difficult. Although this trip has been pretty difficult for me since I was the only person under 50 on the first part of the tour. One of the people that we're traveling with makes me particularly uneasy. And given such close quarters it's difficult to avoid him.
Tonight we actually went for supper at a restaurant owned by the cousins of one of the farmers we went to see on the earlier portion of our trip. It was very good. Funny story we ran into a tour guide outside the visitor's centre and told him where we wanted to eat and he laughed. He said he'd never been asked where that particular restaurant was and asked who recommended it. Then we had a nice little chat and we might go on one of his tours tomorrow. We'll see how we feel.
Tomorrow we're going to try to get on a boar cruise of Loch Ness. Of course I'll be keeping an eye out for Nessie. I'm almost done all of my shopping for this trip, at least the souvenirs for other people part. The rest of it I haven't quite decided.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Cattle Day
Today was the first day of the cattle portion of our trip. I haven't been on the farm fr a while so I've kind of lost the ability to pick a good animal in a herd, but anyway. There was nothing really eventful today. Although I've noticed that they feed you really well on this trip. I do love e some food. We even had entertainment for our evening meal. It was a jazz band, they were pretty good for all I know about jazz music.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
The first day of the rest of my vacation
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Welcome to Scotland
I think I'm going to like it here the fir
We just got back from supper in the restaurant in our hotel. Now I don't know if this is just a kind of high class establishment or if there really isn't anything like a hamburger in Scotland. Here's what we hate from supper.
Friday, June 19, 2009
In the Middle of the Night
Wow it sure does get dark when you travel forward into the night. It's probably about midnight outside the plane right now even though it's only 8 PM back home. We're supposed to be landing at 7 AM in London so we've got another 5 hours on this place. Actually it'll probably be a bit longer since we got off a little bit late.
Is it pathetic that I've only been away about 12 hours and I'm about ready to come home? It's just been a long day is all. One down, 10 days to go.
So I've made it to Montreal and now we're on our way across the Atlantic. It's pretty insane, but I'm super excited. The first part of our trip has not been without it's ups and downs. First of all my mother and I got into a bit of a row on the tail end of our last flight. Then mom and dad got into it just a little.
Everything at the airport is s incredibly expensive. Here I was thinking $25 was plenty of domestic currency to leave with me since after all we would be overseas after the first day. Clearly I was wrong about that.
I'm seated in the window seat and my poor seat mate is going to know more about my bathroom habits than anyone should about a complete stranger but I have been informed that he's not one for sleeping on planes so at least I know he'll be up. It's also really noisy since it's a large plane and I'm right behind the engine. Good seating choice mom/CAA. But at least my seat mate is cute.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
It's here it's here it's finally here
I'm so excited I may not be able to sleep tonight.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Why you shouldn't hang out with your brother's friends
Thursday, June 11, 2009
I changed my background again
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
I might just have to switch back
See I can do some basic HTML stuff but I haven't really done a lot of it since high school and this is a lot more complex than anything I've ever done before. So depending on how fed up I get with it you might be seeing even more changes in the near future.
Monday, May 18, 2009
More changes
I actually really like this one and might have to take a look at it the next time I feel up for a change.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Goal of the Week
Thursday, May 14, 2009
It's time to get down to work
Last night I had a dream that I just blew up one day at work and quit. You know I'm not very far from it right now. I'm not actually feeling as bad as I have in the past when I get home from work but I am having some trouble containing my anger. I'm terrible for bottling up my emotions and then letting them bubble up and get the better of me.
And so it's time to go. I just don't know where. But this is the first step.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Book of the day club
It's not that I'm a slow reader it's just that I don't commit myself to a book. First of all I have to be in the mood to read. I go through stretches where I read a lot and then others where I just won't even think about picking up a book.
I'm also often busy doing other things that aren't exactly conducive to reading. Watching NHL playoffs for example. Although I've developed a system for this now. I mute it during TV time outs and intermission and read rather than listen to Don Cherry gripe about how soft Europeans are.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Countdown to travel time
I haven't had a real go away type vacation in about a year and a half. The last time was when I went to Quebec with my parents. I actually like traveling with my parents because they like to see a lot of the same things that I do. I really like history especially Canadian history so when we went to Quebec we did things like visit Old Quebec and the Citadel and the Chateau Frontenac.
A few years before that we went on a trip to Saskatchewan. It wasn't very exciting but we did get to see some cool stuff. We went to Batoche and then the Saskatchewan Western Development museum in Yorkton. Yup we're dorky like that.
I'm just hoping we can get some of the historical stuff in too while we're there. We are going to Loch Ness and I'm pretty sure there is a museum there. Even if it is dedicated to a fictional lake monster. I totally want to go.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
I guess I'm just not a Cosmo Girl.
Funny thing happened this time though. It was Saturday afternoon and I had spent most of my day catching up on the current season of Gossip Girl (hey don't judge me I was bored), so I thought I'd pick it up. But once I got home and started to read I realized that it just wasn't holding my attention. Even the Cosmo confessions seemed boring and uninteresting. Seriously the guy confessions were mostly about getting caught cheating. Super classy.
I think this experience was enough to convince me to avoid Cosmo from now on. Unless there is a really good celeb interview or something.
Friday, May 08, 2009
Cabin Fever
I guess I don't really understand the allure of the cabin. Perhaps this is because until I was 18, I lived less than 10 minutes from a lake. Sure I thought I was pretty but I never had a desire to own a piece of it. Additionally I'm not the most outdoorsy person, so sure the cabin is better than say camping but still, no electricity, no running water. Nope not for me.
Then I thought about it some more and I realized just exactly how far I've come. You see the other people at work who are my age have family cabins, that is cabins that actually belong to their parents. I realize that not all cabins are created equally but I can't help but think that perhaps some of these people come from money and got where they are because mommy and daddy helped them. I had to earn it.
I can't help but think now about the cabin people who came in to my town in the summer and referred to us as "townies"meaning it entirely derogatory, as if somehow we weren't as good as them. But you know what? I think I've just proved that I AM better than them.
Thursday, May 07, 2009
What I've been up to
Oh and I found an ice cream place I really like.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Athlete Crush of the Day
So yeah my athlete crushes come and go. This week it's Chris Pontius of D.C. United. Again I know nothing about soccer but hell I might just have to learn. I stole this picture from Kickette which provides regular gossip on all things soccer related.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009
The Story of Cheap Chinese food
First of all I only ate about half of it at lunch and saved the rest for later. Of course I had the brilliant idea to stick it in my purse. Lucky for me it didn't spill or anything but my purse does smell like cheap Chinese food.
I ate the rest of it at my desk later this afternoon. Which also seemed like a good idea at the time. But now my stomach is punishing me. So I'm probably off Chinese, even good Chinese for at least 6 months.
Monday, April 27, 2009
And once again I'm late to the party
Last year it was the first 3 seasons of Bones which came highly recommended. Then Greek which has just started airing new episodes again.
And now I've gotten into watching Kings. Which I have recently discovered as been all but cancelled. There are supposed to be new episodes starting up in June but who knows how long that'll last.
Anyway I had seen the trailers for the show and had wanted to watch it when it was on TV but I just kind of missed it and since they only showed 6 episodes it wasn't real easy to just pick up. But at the end of every episode I watch I actually end up saying "what a good show". I hope it does better this summer and that NBC picks it up for another season.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Thing I take for granted
There are things that are just so second nature to me now that I don't even think about it. Recently SA posted on her blog about making her first grilled cheese sandwich. Although her second attempt looked pretty good. I don't know when I made my first grilled cheese sandwich but I'm going to guess I was probably about 11. One of the joys of growing up with boys is that you learn to cook.
Another of my friends told me that she didn't learn to do her laundry until she moved away from home for school in her early 20's. Again this is something I've been doing for so long that I don't remember when I started.
Just the other day I was complaining about having to clean the oven when I moved out of my old apartment to a woman in her late 20s who recently purchased a home but didn't know how to clean an oven.
I never really thought of myself as independent. My family is really close and we certainly help each other out a lot, but having to move away from home at 18 to go to school does lead to a certain amount of Independence I suppose. I even did my own taxes this year.
I know my Mom won't read this since she barely uses the Internet but thank you anyway Mom teaching me how to take care of myself and thank you for taking care of me even though I could do it myself.
Friday, April 17, 2009
Goal of the week
There really isn't too much left, 1 box of bathroom stuff, a couple of milk crates of personal stuff and then the sports stuff. That should do it. There is also still some stuff in the old apartment which we may go and retrieve this weekend. And there is also cleaning and stuff to do there but maybe that will be next week's goal. We'll see.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
And yet another reason to be pissed off at Kevin Martin
I've already mentioned John Morris and Marc Kennedy a little bit and really Ben Hiebert probably isn't hot enough to make me cheer for him alone, like if he left and joined a different team I probably wouldn't cheer for that team just because he made the jump. But as long as the three of them all stay on Martin's team I will probably cheer for them.
Monday, April 13, 2009
We're getting there
It was quite the ordeal. Then I went to my parents for the long weekend which meant that I unpacked pretty much nothing. Getting ready for work this morning was a bit of a challenge since everything is still in boxes or crates or bags.
The bus ride in this morning was a lot less painful than I thought it might be. Between my new home and work you're in one of the scarier ends of town so you never know who's going to get on that bus. I get the feeling that a book and my iPod may become my new best friends.
Monday, April 06, 2009
Moving is bad
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
At least things can't get any better...
The computer place informed me that the company that makes my laptop is no longer in business and that they didn't have the part and weren't sure if they could get it. I only bought my laptop about 8 months ago so it's still technically under warranty but if the company doesn't exist well who knows.
Then today I left home with my purse but apparently no wallet. Thankfully I played good Samaritan yesterday and lent a co-worker some money which he paid back today so at least I can eat.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Bracket Update
Hotness bracket - The only reason I still have teams in the hotness bracket is because only half of the Sweet 16 games are played tonight. Teams left: Duke, North Carolina, Gonzaga, Oklahoma, Michigan State, Kansas and Louisville.
Actual Bracket - This one looks a little better. Mostly because I didn't have any crazy upsets picked in the first couple of rounds. Teams left: Louisville, Kansas, Michigan State, U Conn, Missouri, Memphis, UNC, Syracuse, Oklahoma, Gonzaga, Pitt, Villanova, Duke.
I'm currently 3rd and 6th on 8 in our office pool.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
You know you have a problem when...
Imagine that you are doing a job and then you find out that your company went to other companies in the industry to find someone who does the same thing as you do and tried to hire them without telling you. You'd be a little pissed right? But eventually you'd get over it and all would be well. Or you'd try to find somewhere else to work. OR you'd covertly try to screw your company and undermine your boss while continuing to collect a pay cheque and explore other options.
That's pretty much what's going on here. Except instead of handling the situation like a mature adult Cutler has decided to go the whiny child route. And instead of being disgusted by his lack of maturity I find it somewhat endearing. What does that say about me?
Monday, March 23, 2009
Connor Atchley, you will be missed.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009
New Purse Store May Cause Brokeness
So yeah I can see this ending badly. Although KEG has said that now we can't go back until at least April. It's 2 weeks into March so that's not so bad. Let's just hope I can stick to it.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Oh curling I've missed you
If you're not so inclined to the strategy of the game well then there's always the men to check out. Some of my personal favorites include:

John Morris - Third - Alberta
Marc Kennedy - Second - Alberta
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
When it rains, it pours
Of course now that we've found a place all of the places that we left messages at before are starting to call us saying that they have something. It's pretty crazy. Especially now that I've calmed myself down about the whole homeless thing.
I'm sure everything will work out. I'm just nervous that if we turn down some of the other places and then we don't get the one we want we'll be back in the no place to live situation.
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
I'm boring
Finish reading Drums of Autumn by Diana Gabaldon. I'm currently on page 135 of 1070. I'm probably about half way through now. I actually lost my book for a while so I couldn't read it and I also read another book in between. Haven't really been in a reading mood lately to tell you the truth.
Finish watching Season 4 of Weeds. Done and Done. I finished this, caught up on The Tudors and have started watching Big Love. Yeah I'm weird and clearly have a lot of time on my hands.
Research and determine 3 grad schools to apply for. This one amuses me since I'm almost ready to give up on grad school. Taking the monetary hit, plus the whole fear of not finding a job when I'm done. But we'll see what happens. It depends how the next couple of weeks go I guess.
Set a tentative date for the GRE. This one goes right along with the last one.
Watch some college hoops. Done. I watched the Duke-UNC game a couple of weeks ago, the Texas-Oklahoma game and one other Duke game this past weekend. Other than that I've spent a lot of time watching curling.
Finish sewing the dress I started last year. I've thought about this a couple of times but I never did pull it out to finish it.
Buy and elliptical machine or a bike. I'm now waiting until I move to do this one. No point in buying something just to move it 2 weeks later.
So that's how I did for February. I'm planning to go back to the regular goal of the week, for March. So we'll see how that goes.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Dream Diary Episode 8: Another what the hell moment
Last night I dreamed that I was curling, which I haven't done since I was in high school and even then not very well. This is easily explained by the fact that I've been watching 2 matches a day. It's the National Women's Championships this week for those of you who didn't know.
The second one involved a guy that I work with where we had a moment in an elevator or something and then when I asked if we needed to talk about it he said he didn't have time to talk about it. I'm not even sure what that says about me, that even in my dreams guys don't want to start relationships with me. I can't say I blame them though, I'm totally scattered.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
My emotional baggage
Work - I suppose it pays the bills. Actually it's going fairly well. Except for the sabotage. Seriously my paranoia is getting so bad that I actually thought that someone purposely took the papers off my desk yesterday just to get me in trouble. Turns out someone just accidentally took them off my desk but still.
Home - Home is pretty good. I'm still having trouble with the neighbours and I'm not renewing my lease for this coming year so I'm going to have to find somewhere else to live. That's not going so well. I've probably made about 30 phone calls and have gotten about 5 replies. Only one of them would work and they don't have any openings right now.
School - School is on pause for now. I'm seriously considering quitting my job and going back to do my pre-reqs for lab. It's tough to give up the money but it's probably worth it in the end. Well maybe. I'm thinking though that I would probably do part of a Master's degree by distance ed at the same time. I don't know sometimes I think I think about this stuff too much.
Friends - I don't see a whole lot of them these days. Well if you don't count work friends anyway. it was spring break last week and exams and papers are coming due this week. It's hard having a lot of friends in school when you're not.
And there I am. Oh also I've been watching a lot of curling lately mostly because it's on.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
It's been a while
But besides the sniffling, sneezing and teary eyes there isn't a whole lot going on with me these day.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Business Ethics
Anyone who has seen this movie knows that the other guy selects "business ethics" as his topic for the final phase of the academic decathlon.
I make this connection because I've been trying to determine if it's unethical to be sending out my resume while I'm at work. It probably is and it's not like I've seen postings that I want to apply for but then I haven't been looking real hard either.
It also reminds me of that episode of the Office where Dwight doesn't want to be a time thief. Seriously if you do not watch this show you really need to. My brother has also suggested that if I'm angry at my co-workers I might try suspending their office supplies in Jell-O (see first season). I'm very, very tempted to try this.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Numbers Never Lie
One of the things I like to do is take personality related career quizzes to determine if I'm where I should be. About 4 years ago I took one that had to be sent away for grading, it was very long and really scary, but it told me that I was probably taking the correct course of training for the professions best suited to me. I just did a color based career quiz and it said that the place I should be is somewhere very much like the place I'm in now.
It's just a little frustrating because I'm so unhappy being where I am now. Anyway if you'd like to check out the quiz it's here .
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
How to get over a bad day at work
2. Blog about how to get over crappy day.
3.Remind self that the Duke-UNC (aka evil and evil-er) game is on tonight and that you must watch to see if blood will be shed (answer: god I hope so)
4. Re-read (or read if you haven't yet) baby punching post as this is possibly the most hilarious thing you have read this year.
5. Find baby to punch.
Well okay maybe not that last one.
Think Happy Thoughts
So you can see how this might be a little bit weird. Of course if I think it's going to be awkward then it definitely will be awkward so I just have to keep thinking happy thoughts.
Edit: you know what the easiest way to deal with above awkwardness is? Don't work with them. It's probably a long story that I shouldn't bother getting into.
Monday, February 09, 2009
It's funny I was always told that there is always someone worse off than you and that you should be happy with the things that you have and not worry about what everyone else has. It seems like the only way to stop being miserable about what everyone else has and get the same things is to go against my better judgement and do all the things that would make me miserable.
I have a constant struggle with myself to reconcile the way that the world is with the way that the world should be. I don't think that people should get ahead in this world because they know someone who can help them get ahead. I have trouble understanding a world where 25 year olds are still living at home with their parents. I don't believe it is the place of management to determine whether you should be offered other positions in your company. I don't think that any of these beliefs are entirely out of line and yet they are all contrary to what happens in the world.
The saying goes life isn't fair, but beyond that life is morally bankrupt (in so much as an inanimate object or idea can have morals).
Friday, February 06, 2009
I guess I'm turning into a shoe girl
So I went on a bit of a shopping spree. I bought some new tops and a new dress, two necklaces, a new bag and wallet and these shoes which I love because they go with everything.

Wednesday, February 04, 2009
The Economic Crisis and Me
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Well at least someone agrees with me

Saturday, January 31, 2009
It's Done, It's Done
Friday, January 30, 2009
My Last Vacation Day
I only accomplished some of what I wanted to do today. I attempted to check on my graduation status but they apparently have to get back to me. I did go to the bank to see about mortgages and have discovered that I will never be able to own a home. Life just isn't made for single people. I also got my hair cut and colored. It's short and dark but I love it. I had wanted to get together with some people I hadn't seen in a while but it just wasn't going to happen. And I only got some of my laundry done. Oh and I didn't call my potential grad schools.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
It's been a really weird week
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Just 4 Days left
- Finish reading Drums of Autumn by Diana Gabaldon. I'm currently on page 135 of 1070.
- Finish watching Season 4 of Weeds. Is it weird that I'm 2 and a half seasons in and I still haven't decided if I even like the show?
- Research and determine 3 grad schools to apply for.
- Set a tentative date for the GRE
- Watch some college hoops. It's almost March and I need to get myself caught up.
- Finish sewing the dress I started last year
- Buy and elliptical machine or a bike. I'm more likely to use the bike but have you seen the thighs on cyclists?
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
On the Budget
Monday, January 26, 2009
Why do I only do this stuff when I'm alone
So there is this show that deals with these sort of things ghostly and demonic called Paranormal State, where these college students investigate weird phenomena. I don't even know if the show is still making new episodes or if I'm just watching back episodes but anyway it seems like I only watch this show when I'm alone. For example, my brother is away this week so I'm alone in our loud apartment. I make sure not to watch it at night because I know how things I'm thinking about just before bed tend to seep into my dreams. But even so I find that when I wake up in the night I get a little spooked which is weird because I'm not actually afraid at all when I'm watching the show.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Well that sucked
Saturday, January 24, 2009
A couple of changes
Friday, January 23, 2009
What a rotten day
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Far, Far Away
Perhaps it's a good thing then that my office crush is taking some time off soon. Perhaps not being around him all the time will help me get over it. I'd really like to move on although the way things have been going in my dreams lately maybe I'm better to just stick with what I've got.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
It's interview time
1. leave me a comment saying you want to be interviewed.
2. I’ll email you five questions, of my determination not yours!
3. You update your blog with the answers to the questions.
4. You offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
Before we start the Q & A I'd like to say that these questions are incredible and incredibly difficult.
1. When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? How different is it (if it is) to what you now are/want to be?
Well my kindergarten yearbook says that I wanted to be a farmer when I grew up. My parents have a farm and I grew up thinking there is nothing greater you can do with your life than provide food for the world. However like everything that is good for the soul it pays next to nothing. So by the time I had graduated from high school I was looking more at a career in the agriculture industry as opposed to primary production. At my current job I do talk to farmers every day, so I guess it's not so far off. I also own some cattle, but I don't make any sort of decisions about them. I leave that to my Dad.
2. If you got to live in any city in the world where you live? Why?
I always thought I wanted to live in Paris. Back in my high school days I loved french class and languages in general. I now live what is considered the french quarter of Winnipeg but don't speak a lick of French. I'd still like to visit Paris and Prague and London but I'm not really a city girl at all.
3. What food have you never eaten that you've always wanted to try?
4. You get 10 minutes alone with any one person in the world (currently living). Who is it and what happens during this 10 minutes?
This one is probably the most interesting and toughest question of the lot. This could easily turn smutty rather quickly but I'd like to think that there are other, better things I could do with this question. So I think I'd like to talk to Stephen Harper for 10 minutes, conduct some sort of quick interview. I don't think anyone should be too surprised by this, I'm generally a Conservative supporter but some of the stuff they've done in the past year is kind of questionable. So trying to figure out that political strategy in some of the moves they've made would be very interesting and since it's said that he doesn't allow his cabinet to make any decisions one can only assume that he had some sort of reason to do the things he did.
5. What's one thing you want to do before you die?
I've actually thought about this question a lot during my lifetime and I really don't have an answer to this question. For example, if I was diagnosed with cancer and given a 3 month prognosis today there is nothing that I would say I need to do in the next three months in order to make my life complete. Quit my job and I'd spend the time with my family. I probably should admit to office crush that I have a crush on him but you don't do that to someone when you know you're dying.
And there you go, that's my interview.