A collection of random sports stuff, my personal goals, analysis of my crazy dreams and other me-related craziness.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
gone fishing
Yesterday I went ice fishing for the first time in my life. And I even caught a fish. My dad often goes fishing with his cousin and her husband and yesterday when they went I got to go too. Between the 4 of us we caught 28 fish. Not great numbers but it was fun none the less. And we got to have a nice fish dinner for supper.
The Christmas Haul
Okay obviously Christmas isn't about the gifts you get. For the more religious amongst us it's about the birth of Jesus. For me it's about getting my family all together in one place. This year that place was my parent's farm. Everyone gathered there on the 27th except OB1's girlfriend who was supposed to have the day off but ended up being scheduled to work. We had a lovely turkey and ham dinner. It was really great to see my family.
But there were also gifts. I got pretty much everything I wanted this year. My brother's all went together to purchase me a sony ebook reader. It's the touch screen one. It's pretty sweet. My parents bought me a Tassimo, just like I asked for. I also got some socks and some jewelry from my folks. OB2's girlfriend bought me a pack of 3 DVD games, "family feud", "who wants to be a millionaire" and "deal or no deal". And my younger brother bought me a wireless router for when I get my internet hooked up in Guelph. Oh and I got a book from my parents and a little book with quotes about courage from my dad's cousin.
There is still one mystery gift to be had. It's coming by post, it was supposed to be at my parent's waiting for me when I got home but alas it did not arrive. So now they're going to have to ship it too me in Guelph when it does get out to the farm.
But there were also gifts. I got pretty much everything I wanted this year. My brother's all went together to purchase me a sony ebook reader. It's the touch screen one. It's pretty sweet. My parents bought me a Tassimo, just like I asked for. I also got some socks and some jewelry from my folks. OB2's girlfriend bought me a pack of 3 DVD games, "family feud", "who wants to be a millionaire" and "deal or no deal". And my younger brother bought me a wireless router for when I get my internet hooked up in Guelph. Oh and I got a book from my parents and a little book with quotes about courage from my dad's cousin.
There is still one mystery gift to be had. It's coming by post, it was supposed to be at my parent's waiting for me when I got home but alas it did not arrive. So now they're going to have to ship it too me in Guelph when it does get out to the farm.
Friday, December 24, 2010
Christmas Christmas Christmas!
I'm flying home tonight! I'm so excited! I can't wait to sleep in my own bed again. And see my family of course. I just want to wish everyone a safe and happy holiday season. Merry Christmas to all!
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Want of the Week
I want an e-book reader. I was thinking about a kindle. But with all the upcoming flying and what not I'd love to have it now. However I'm waiting until after Christmas, just in case anyone actually paid attention to my Christmas list this year.
So as soon as Christmas is over I will be getting myself a Kobo.
So as soon as Christmas is over I will be getting myself a Kobo.
More Things are Falling Into Place
Wowie. The last couple of months have been everything that I could have asked for. New job when I was just barely looking, place to stay while I looked for an apartment, an amazing guy in my life who is planning a visit in just over a month, and now I have an apartment to call my own.
Well technically I don't get possession until the 7th but still it's pretty much everything I had hoped for. Close to work? check. Walking distance to shopping? Check. Allows pets? Check. Also it has air conditioning, a balcony, an indoor pool, a weight room and laundry facilities in the building.
It's a little pricier than I had originally intended. But I can live without a car for a while. And since heat and electricity are included I only really have to worry about TV & internet and food of course. Now to furnish it.
Well technically I don't get possession until the 7th but still it's pretty much everything I had hoped for. Close to work? check. Walking distance to shopping? Check. Allows pets? Check. Also it has air conditioning, a balcony, an indoor pool, a weight room and laundry facilities in the building.
It's a little pricier than I had originally intended. But I can live without a car for a while. And since heat and electricity are included I only really have to worry about TV & internet and food of course. Now to furnish it.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Living on coffee and carbs
Since I've moved I've not been eating healthy at all. Part of this is that I'm lazy and I don't want to pack a proper lunch for myself in the morning and part of it is that I'm not living in my own place so I don't feel comfortable making a mess of the kitchen. I'm not one for particularly healthy eating to begin with. I LOVE fast food. These factors taken together present a bit of a challenge for my overall nutritional health.
Lets start with lunch. I like to sleep for as long as I can in the mornings. Particularly when I've stayed up late making phone calls to people 2 times zones away (you know who you are!).Not that I'm complaining about the phone schedule. I manage to survive that but it does mean that I don't want to have to deal with making something for lunch everyday. So usually I just grab something out of the cupboard, which usually means I'm eating a cup of noodles for lunch. Today I went with Uncle Ben's Bistro Express rice.
And supper is usually a matter of trying to eat something quickly so that the lady I'm living with doesn't try to tell me her life story. She's about 75 so she's had a long time to come up with these stories. So usually that doesn't leave a lot of time for proper balanced meal making. Usually it's whatever I pull out of the freezer and heat up.
And then there's the coffee. My work place offers free coffee, so I've gone from my usual pre-work double tall caramel machiatto to about 4 cups of regular joe throughout the day. Some days I feel like it's the only things that gets me through the day.
Lets start with lunch. I like to sleep for as long as I can in the mornings. Particularly when I've stayed up late making phone calls to people 2 times zones away (you know who you are!).Not that I'm complaining about the phone schedule. I manage to survive that but it does mean that I don't want to have to deal with making something for lunch everyday. So usually I just grab something out of the cupboard, which usually means I'm eating a cup of noodles for lunch. Today I went with Uncle Ben's Bistro Express rice.
And supper is usually a matter of trying to eat something quickly so that the lady I'm living with doesn't try to tell me her life story. She's about 75 so she's had a long time to come up with these stories. So usually that doesn't leave a lot of time for proper balanced meal making. Usually it's whatever I pull out of the freezer and heat up.
And then there's the coffee. My work place offers free coffee, so I've gone from my usual pre-work double tall caramel machiatto to about 4 cups of regular joe throughout the day. Some days I feel like it's the only things that gets me through the day.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
First week review
Well I've been in my new city, at my new job for a week now and I thought I'd better let all of you know how I'm doing.
First of all I'll talk about the place I'm staying. For an apartment it's HUGE. Very nice and only a 15 minute walk from work. It's also right behind the mall, which has the only Starbucks in the entire city. Yes I have already been thrice! There is also another Cafe not far away that I went to study in today.
I've looked at a few apartments. I plan to look at a few more early this week and then put in a few applications. The only thing is I'm not sure how long I'll be staying, since I've got 3 months probation.
Things at work aren't going that well to be honest. The people are really nice. One of them even invited me to have dinner with her and her family next week. But I'm just not sure that I'm the right person for the job. I guess I have high expectations of myself and thought I could just fit right in, but I guess there is a bit of a learning curve as I get used to what they're looking for from me.
So that's the first week! I'll try to update more frequently now that I'm a little more settled.
First of all I'll talk about the place I'm staying. For an apartment it's HUGE. Very nice and only a 15 minute walk from work. It's also right behind the mall, which has the only Starbucks in the entire city. Yes I have already been thrice! There is also another Cafe not far away that I went to study in today.
I've looked at a few apartments. I plan to look at a few more early this week and then put in a few applications. The only thing is I'm not sure how long I'll be staying, since I've got 3 months probation.
Things at work aren't going that well to be honest. The people are really nice. One of them even invited me to have dinner with her and her family next week. But I'm just not sure that I'm the right person for the job. I guess I have high expectations of myself and thought I could just fit right in, but I guess there is a bit of a learning curve as I get used to what they're looking for from me.
So that's the first week! I'll try to update more frequently now that I'm a little more settled.
Tuesday, December 07, 2010
500th Post
Well here it is people, my 500th blog post. Although I have a lot to update you about what with the move and the new job and all I'm going to leave this post for you, the reader.
Please help me make my blog better. Let me know in the comments what you want to see, what you like or don't like about my blog. Is there anything that I've said that you'd like more follow up on? Should I open it up to guest blogger? Give me a shout and let me know what you want to see!
And don't forget there is a giveaway going on, so you could be rewarded handsomely for your efforts.
Thanks for stopping by, stay tuned for more!
Please help me make my blog better. Let me know in the comments what you want to see, what you like or don't like about my blog. Is there anything that I've said that you'd like more follow up on? Should I open it up to guest blogger? Give me a shout and let me know what you want to see!
And don't forget there is a giveaway going on, so you could be rewarded handsomely for your efforts.
Thanks for stopping by, stay tuned for more!
Sunday, December 05, 2010
I'm here
Well I made it to my new temporary home. Tomorrow I start work at 9. I've very nervous. But it will be a good change for me. I'm excited to be going back to work. It's been a very long hiatus and a whole lot of stuff has happened since then. Hopefully this is the beginning of a whole new chapter for me.
Also a plus, the apartment building where I'm staying for December is right beside/behind the mall, which has a Chapters and a Starbucks.
Also a plus, the apartment building where I'm staying for December is right beside/behind the mall, which has a Chapters and a Starbucks.
Wednesday, December 01, 2010
Hey commenters,
In honor of my upcoming 500th post (have a seriously had enough to say to write 500 posts?) I will be doing a giveaway. I've never done this before so you'll have to bare with me a bit. But the idea is that one of my commenters will get an Amazon.ca (or .com if you're American) gift card. I haven't settled on a value yet probably $25.
Essentially if you comment between now and the end of December I'll put your name in a draw for the card and then announce the winner. Thanks to the new commenting features on blogger I'm able to figure out when comments were made. I'll also be announcing this on 20 something bloggers once I've done my 500th post.
The only thing is you're going to want to put in some identifier so that I'm able to tell who commented since I can't really send a gift card to anonymous. So using a nickname that I'll be able to identify or using a blogger ID would be helpful. If you're not sure that I'll know who you are you can e-mail me at j_sweetl@yahoo.com with your name and e-mail.
Good luck and thanks for dropping by.
In honor of my upcoming 500th post (have a seriously had enough to say to write 500 posts?) I will be doing a giveaway. I've never done this before so you'll have to bare with me a bit. But the idea is that one of my commenters will get an Amazon.ca (or .com if you're American) gift card. I haven't settled on a value yet probably $25.
Essentially if you comment between now and the end of December I'll put your name in a draw for the card and then announce the winner. Thanks to the new commenting features on blogger I'm able to figure out when comments were made. I'll also be announcing this on 20 something bloggers once I've done my 500th post.
The only thing is you're going to want to put in some identifier so that I'm able to tell who commented since I can't really send a gift card to anonymous. So using a nickname that I'll be able to identify or using a blogger ID would be helpful. If you're not sure that I'll know who you are you can e-mail me at j_sweetl@yahoo.com with your name and e-mail.
Good luck and thanks for dropping by.
Need a new car
So I've talked about the move a little bit and that's going to happen. Besides finding a place to live the most important item on my list of things to do (other than go to work and make money) is to buy a new car, since my current car wouldn't even make it to southern Ontario. So I've been pricing things a bit. Oddly enough the Ford Focus, the Chevy Cobalt and the Honda Civic all work out to about the same price so assuming I would get the same financing regardless of what I choose (which I realize isn't exactly realistic because companies offer different financing at different times of the year) I have no idea what to get.
I haven't test driven any of them, so that's the next obvious step. But does anyone have any comments on these vehicles or any advice on other things I should consider? This will be the first car I've bought so it's kind of a big deal.
I haven't test driven any of them, so that's the next obvious step. But does anyone have any comments on these vehicles or any advice on other things I should consider? This will be the first car I've bought so it's kind of a big deal.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
A case of nerves
This moving thing is making me crazy. It's less than a week away and I feel like I still have so much to do. I don't REALLY have that much to do, it just feels like it. But yeah by this time next week I should be in my new (temporary) home. I'm staying with a friend of some people that I know. I don't expect to be there too long as I'm hoping to find my own place for January, but this gives me a little breathing space on the apartment hunting.
As for the nerves, well the week before last I was on the phone with my parents telling them that I just didn't think I could go. Now that I've booked my flight and made my pick up arrangements I feel a little better. I also get a week off at Christmas so I've booked my flights for that too. So if things don't work out in those first 3 weeks then I just won't go back after Christmas. But I'm really hoping everything works out fine.
As for the nerves, well the week before last I was on the phone with my parents telling them that I just didn't think I could go. Now that I've booked my flight and made my pick up arrangements I feel a little better. I also get a week off at Christmas so I've booked my flights for that too. So if things don't work out in those first 3 weeks then I just won't go back after Christmas. But I'm really hoping everything works out fine.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Are you kidding me Winnipeg?
Nothing like a nice wintery send of for me. It was -23C with the windchill this morning. And we're expecting 8 inches of snow over the next 3 days. Compare that to my future home where it was 13C last night. I just did a quick historical to compare the temperature here to the temperature there for last January, the low for here -30C there -22C. Both pretty cold but if you wonder how much that 8 degrees makes a difference? LOTS!
I can't wait!
I can't wait!
Monday, November 22, 2010
God that feels good
Alright it's time to step out of sick mode now. Time to get back to real life. That means trying to find joy in all of the things that I used to or at least finding new activities that I enjoy doing.
I started yesterday by sitting down to watch some football. Due to a number of different reasons I haven't had nearly as much time to watch as I used to. Today I decided to check out some political blogs, which I haven't done in ages. It felt really good to reconnect with the that nerdy side of myself.
What are some of the things that you enjoy doing that you just haven't had time for lately?
I started yesterday by sitting down to watch some football. Due to a number of different reasons I haven't had nearly as much time to watch as I used to. Today I decided to check out some political blogs, which I haven't done in ages. It felt really good to reconnect with the that nerdy side of myself.
What are some of the things that you enjoy doing that you just haven't had time for lately?
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
It's fast approaching
Alright it's been 6 days since I had my wisdom teeth out and while I'm still in a little bit of pain it's much better today.
Now I have to go about all of my business to get ready for the big move and my new job. I know I haven't talked about this much yet so here's the whole story.
As you know I've been off work for quite some time with illness. While I was away apparently there were some scary times at my workplace and there was a whole departmental restructuring. In some ways I'm glad that I missed all of that, but at the same time I got lost in the shuffle. I was terminated. End of story there. They say it wasn't due to performance but come on I hadn't been there in over a year so while I was a good employee they just decided they didn't need me.
Anyways I started to feel better my doctor and I discussed going back to work somewhere else, so I started looking for something. I found a position that I really wanted and I applied. I had no idea that I would even get an interview since I wasn't the ideal candidate but I guess I was good enough. I had a phone interview the day before I found out I had lost my job. And then within an hour of my meeting with my former employer I got a call asking if I would come out for an interview.
So I flew out 3 days later, they offered me the job and here I am packing and preparing for a new career. I start in 3 weeks! Which means I have to say goodbye to all of my Winnipeg friends before I go. I've already started the process a little bit, had a few farewell lunches and what not. But over the next 2 weeks I'm going to have a bunch of them. I'll try to see as many as I can when I'm back for holidays and to see my folks. But there won't be much time for that for a while.
Wish me luck!
Now I have to go about all of my business to get ready for the big move and my new job. I know I haven't talked about this much yet so here's the whole story.
As you know I've been off work for quite some time with illness. While I was away apparently there were some scary times at my workplace and there was a whole departmental restructuring. In some ways I'm glad that I missed all of that, but at the same time I got lost in the shuffle. I was terminated. End of story there. They say it wasn't due to performance but come on I hadn't been there in over a year so while I was a good employee they just decided they didn't need me.
Anyways I started to feel better my doctor and I discussed going back to work somewhere else, so I started looking for something. I found a position that I really wanted and I applied. I had no idea that I would even get an interview since I wasn't the ideal candidate but I guess I was good enough. I had a phone interview the day before I found out I had lost my job. And then within an hour of my meeting with my former employer I got a call asking if I would come out for an interview.
So I flew out 3 days later, they offered me the job and here I am packing and preparing for a new career. I start in 3 weeks! Which means I have to say goodbye to all of my Winnipeg friends before I go. I've already started the process a little bit, had a few farewell lunches and what not. But over the next 2 weeks I'm going to have a bunch of them. I'll try to see as many as I can when I'm back for holidays and to see my folks. But there won't be much time for that for a while.
Wish me luck!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
And They're Out
I've been dragging my feet about getting my wisdom teeth out for years. They never bothered me much but they were growing in crooked and starting to push my other teeth out of line so it was time to get them out. I was also hoping to get them out before I lost my dental insurance. That last part didn't really work out but it's okay.
They're gone now. I had to have oral surgery to get them out. So I had general anesthetic and well once I got masked I don't remember anything until waking up in recovery. Then my mom drove me out to the farm and here I am. Lots of gauze (for the bleeding), several ice packs (for the swelling) and half a dozen T3s later and honestly I'm not feeling too bad.
The great thing about being on a liquid/soft food diet is that most of the soft foods are sugary. Jello, pudding that sort of thing. Delicious though not overly nutritious. I should be able to have soup tomorrow and I'm kind of looking forward to that.
They're gone now. I had to have oral surgery to get them out. So I had general anesthetic and well once I got masked I don't remember anything until waking up in recovery. Then my mom drove me out to the farm and here I am. Lots of gauze (for the bleeding), several ice packs (for the swelling) and half a dozen T3s later and honestly I'm not feeling too bad.
The great thing about being on a liquid/soft food diet is that most of the soft foods are sugary. Jello, pudding that sort of thing. Delicious though not overly nutritious. I should be able to have soup tomorrow and I'm kind of looking forward to that.
Monday, November 08, 2010
That's What Friends Are For
I'm starting to do my goodbye lunches since I will be moving soon to start my new job. Oh I neglected to mention that I have a new job? Oopps. Well actually that was kind of intentional since I didn't want to say anything until things were all settled with my old job. But it looks like that's been done now so now I can talk about it a little bit. But that's not the point of this post.
This post is about having wonderful friends. See I went for lunch today with a former classmate and the co-worker. We talked about the job situation but mostly we talked about the boy situation. The thing is she reacted exactly the way I had expected her to, very happy for me but also warning me to be a little cautious. She also said I had a perma-grin on my face as I was talking about him.
So many big changes in my life. I can't wait to have goodbye lunches/dinners with all of my friends so that they can see how happy I am now because it's been a long time since I've felt like this.
This post is about having wonderful friends. See I went for lunch today with a former classmate and the co-worker. We talked about the job situation but mostly we talked about the boy situation. The thing is she reacted exactly the way I had expected her to, very happy for me but also warning me to be a little cautious. She also said I had a perma-grin on my face as I was talking about him.
So many big changes in my life. I can't wait to have goodbye lunches/dinners with all of my friends so that they can see how happy I am now because it's been a long time since I've felt like this.
Monday, November 01, 2010
Want of the Week
I don't know if you guys know this but I love Starbucks. When I was working a double tall caramel machiatto was sometimes the only reason I made it to work in the morning. Now I've moved on to more soothing drinks since I'm trying to mellow out and deal with the things that have been happening so I'm drinking far more Chai Lattes and Cinnamon Dolce Lattes. If you've never had one with soy milk then you really must try it!

The problem with making coffee for myself if that I only really need one cup. And while there are a number of one cup coffee makers out there I'm also not a huge fan of drip coffee (although I'll drink it). So with that in mind I present this week's want of the week, a Tassimo Coffee maker.
This is the one with the discs, where you put in the disc, you put in the water and BOOM!, a perfectly brewed cup of coffee, tea, hot chocolate or a latte. Definitely a gift for the Christmas list.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
It's been a while
Yeah, I know it's been a long time since I've posted anything. There has just been a lot going on with me lately and I haven't been able to put it into words.
First of all I lost my job. It was kind of a big shock and I felt like a horrible failure. But now I've been able to see a bit of a light at the end of the tunnel. I've done my grieving and now it's time to move on to bigger and better things right?
I'd like to thank a very special person in my life for helping me through all of this. I can't even describe how much I appreciate all of the support he's given me over the last couple of weeks. It's really shown me how much he cares about me, and well I feel the same about him. So that's kind of the other big news. And while I'm not quite ready to call him my boyfriend I think I'm getting pretty close.
So that's the current update. I'll try to stay more current, I promise.
First of all I lost my job. It was kind of a big shock and I felt like a horrible failure. But now I've been able to see a bit of a light at the end of the tunnel. I've done my grieving and now it's time to move on to bigger and better things right?
I'd like to thank a very special person in my life for helping me through all of this. I can't even describe how much I appreciate all of the support he's given me over the last couple of weeks. It's really shown me how much he cares about me, and well I feel the same about him. So that's kind of the other big news. And while I'm not quite ready to call him my boyfriend I think I'm getting pretty close.
So that's the current update. I'll try to stay more current, I promise.
Monday, October 18, 2010
I got an interview
I've been holding this one for about a week but I had an interview for a new job today. It didn't go as well as I would have liked but I managed. Apparently there were 70 applicants for the job and I was one of 6 that they interviewed, so I guess something in my application must have impressed them.
It was a phone interview. Phone interviews are hard. You can't tell anything about how your answers are affecting the interviewers. But I guess we'll find out in a week or so how I did. Thanks to everyone who wished me luck.
And even if I don't get the job it's good experience to do the interview.
It was a phone interview. Phone interviews are hard. You can't tell anything about how your answers are affecting the interviewers. But I guess we'll find out in a week or so how I did. Thanks to everyone who wished me luck.
And even if I don't get the job it's good experience to do the interview.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
I got my boots on
For normal people getting a pair of boots on might not be an accomplishment, but I can't even describe how excited I was that I could get my cowboy boots on this morning.
At both of the shows we went to this summer I was unable to get my $200 boots on. I had only worn them about 3 times and I thought I'd have to give them away. But I managed to get them on today, so maybe it'll turn out okay.
At both of the shows we went to this summer I was unable to get my $200 boots on. I had only worn them about 3 times and I thought I'd have to give them away. But I managed to get them on today, so maybe it'll turn out okay.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Want of the Week
I've started doing my Christmas gift shopping (sort of), right now I'm in the price comparison stage. I'm also going to Minneapolis in a couple of weeks so I'll probably do a lot of my shopping there.
But I've come up for another thing that I want:
For those of you that don't know Civ is a computer game, possibly the most awesome strategy gaming franchise ever. It allows me to fulfil my life's dream of taking over the world.
But I've come up for another thing that I want:

Wednesday, October 13, 2010
An eye opening moment
I never thought I really cared what people thought of me. I just went along doing whatever I felt like doing and not really worrying about whether someone else would think it was right or not. For example I've been told that I might be more attractive if I lost some weight, but I like to eat and I hate to exercise. So if somebody thought I was fat that's their problem not mine.
Then I went to the library today. I love the library, I'm a read-aholic and they have FREE books! Lately I've been spending a lot of time up on the 4th floor where they house the non-fiction. I've read books about the Clinton impeachment, I've read books about how George Bush should have been impeached. I've read about how the Obama presidency so far resembles Tony Blair's leadership of England, and most recently how the American right has been hijacked by crazies. As you can see it's quite a complex mix.
Well today I was just wandering the stacks for no specific reason when I came across a book about Women and the KKK and I kind of want to read it. I want to read it because often when you see documentaries or movies about supremacists,the women are often portrayed as brain washed by their spouse, partner or male parent. That somehow this isn't their idea but an idea that has been implanted in them by someone else. Now I'm no feminist but I've got to wonder about the accuracy of this portrayal and I'm wondering if this book sheds some light on the issue, or if it's just more of the same.
But getting back to the point here, I didn't borrow it because I was worried what somebody looking at my library record might think of me. I know that's a little bit silly but frankly I've heard enough about conservatives being connected to these kinds of groups to know that someone just might try to make that connection here. And so I'm avoiding my pursuit of knowledge so that I don't look bad... for now.
Then I went to the library today. I love the library, I'm a read-aholic and they have FREE books! Lately I've been spending a lot of time up on the 4th floor where they house the non-fiction. I've read books about the Clinton impeachment, I've read books about how George Bush should have been impeached. I've read about how the Obama presidency so far resembles Tony Blair's leadership of England, and most recently how the American right has been hijacked by crazies. As you can see it's quite a complex mix.
Well today I was just wandering the stacks for no specific reason when I came across a book about Women and the KKK and I kind of want to read it. I want to read it because often when you see documentaries or movies about supremacists,the women are often portrayed as brain washed by their spouse, partner or male parent. That somehow this isn't their idea but an idea that has been implanted in them by someone else. Now I'm no feminist but I've got to wonder about the accuracy of this portrayal and I'm wondering if this book sheds some light on the issue, or if it's just more of the same.
But getting back to the point here, I didn't borrow it because I was worried what somebody looking at my library record might think of me. I know that's a little bit silly but frankly I've heard enough about conservatives being connected to these kinds of groups to know that someone just might try to make that connection here. And so I'm avoiding my pursuit of knowledge so that I don't look bad... for now.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Trip Planning Take 2
I think I've found myself the perfect travel companion, now I just have to figure out where to go.
I'll address the first part first. So back in April I met these a few people through a chatroom. One of whom you've already heard quite a bit about as our relationship has progressed through friend and more than friend to basically to mere acquaintance status and everything in between. The other I've mentioned briefly here (don't worry I'm sure you'll be hearing more about him in the future as well). As we talk more I feel like we're becoming closer and closer each day. And we've discussed things like places we've always wanted to visit. Turns out we enjoy many of the same things so finding something to do that we would both enjoy is really no problem.
Some of the places we've talked about going are Denver (roughly half the distance between the two of us), Boston, Nova Scotia, and Portland or Seattle. I've already looked into Nova Scotia a bit for myself, as you might remember. And today I took a look at Boston. After reviewing the tourism website, I have to say I want to go even more now.
Now all I have to do is convince my parents that this guy is on the level (which given how they reacted to the previous situation might be difficult) and that it's safe for me to travel with him.
I'll address the first part first. So back in April I met these a few people through a chatroom. One of whom you've already heard quite a bit about as our relationship has progressed through friend and more than friend to basically to mere acquaintance status and everything in between. The other I've mentioned briefly here (don't worry I'm sure you'll be hearing more about him in the future as well). As we talk more I feel like we're becoming closer and closer each day. And we've discussed things like places we've always wanted to visit. Turns out we enjoy many of the same things so finding something to do that we would both enjoy is really no problem.
Some of the places we've talked about going are Denver (roughly half the distance between the two of us), Boston, Nova Scotia, and Portland or Seattle. I've already looked into Nova Scotia a bit for myself, as you might remember. And today I took a look at Boston. After reviewing the tourism website, I have to say I want to go even more now.
Now all I have to do is convince my parents that this guy is on the level (which given how they reacted to the previous situation might be difficult) and that it's safe for me to travel with him.
Friday, October 08, 2010
Goal of the week
Another week has come and gone. Last week's goal was to finish unit 3 of my course and that didn't happen. The last 3 days or so I've just been living in survival mode. I've had little or no motivation. Sometimes when a goal seems so far into the future and maybe even improbable you tend to lose focus. Hopefully I can get some of that back starting with this post.
So this week's goal of the week is to finish up with unit 3 and then do the reading for unit 4. Wish me luck!
So this week's goal of the week is to finish up with unit 3 and then do the reading for unit 4. Wish me luck!
Saturday, October 02, 2010
Time to Pick a new course
My psychology course is going really well. I don't technically start until Nov.1 but I've already taken two of the unit quizzes. On the first one I got 80% the second I did much better 95%. There are 8 units. So I'm 1/4 of the way through which means I should be registering for a new course.
But I can't decide which. You can take a look at all the courses I need to take in this post . This morning I had decided to register for Physics I, but my registration didn't go through so now I can change my mind. I could also do Chem since there is a lab component that I'd have to do in January and I was planning to register for it to start in December anyway. Or Bio since I didn't actually schedule it into my plans at all (oops!).
Anyway I should get to work on the course I do have and worry about the others later.
But I can't decide which. You can take a look at all the courses I need to take in this post . This morning I had decided to register for Physics I, but my registration didn't go through so now I can change my mind. I could also do Chem since there is a lab component that I'd have to do in January and I was planning to register for it to start in December anyway. Or Bio since I didn't actually schedule it into my plans at all (oops!).
Anyway I should get to work on the course I do have and worry about the others later.
Friday, October 01, 2010
Want of the Week
Since I'm trying to save money for school I won't be able to buy all the things that I want so I'm starting a series of posts to keep track of things I want so that I can ask for them for Christmas. Either that or buy them when I start making money again.
So this week's want of the week comes from NFLshop.com

Goal of the Week
I know I haven't done this in a while but now that I'm getting back into the school thing I have a lot more motivation to get started again.
This week's goal of the week is to finish the reading/study notes for unit 3 of my psychology course. This means that I have to finish off unit 2 and then get on with the reading.
This week's goal of the week is to finish the reading/study notes for unit 3 of my psychology course. This means that I have to finish off unit 2 and then get on with the reading.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
You've got to be kidding me
No sooner does a whole online relationship end and I finally feel like I'm over it when a new guy appears on the scene. Okay that's not an entirely true statement. He just wasn't on my romantic radar until recently. But as we get to know each other better I feel more and more like this is someone that I could share my life with.
As for the other guy? Well we're still talking but I'm pretty sure KEG is right, we're not going to be friends. He says he never lost the romantic feelings for me because his other thing ended so quickly. But my heart is saying "you just can't trust him", while my head is saying "everyone deserves a second chance".
How do you choose? Not surprisingly I've never been in the position where I've had to before. I don't want to hurt either of them but making a choice leads to that very thing. At least it does if they like me as much as they say they do.
As for the other guy? Well we're still talking but I'm pretty sure KEG is right, we're not going to be friends. He says he never lost the romantic feelings for me because his other thing ended so quickly. But my heart is saying "you just can't trust him", while my head is saying "everyone deserves a second chance".
How do you choose? Not surprisingly I've never been in the position where I've had to before. I don't want to hurt either of them but making a choice leads to that very thing. At least it does if they like me as much as they say they do.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Embarking on a New Path
I just got my books for my first pre-chiro class. It's Psychology. I'm really hoping to have the whole thing done by Mid-November. I'm planning to finish the first lesson tomorrow. And have all the reading done for the second lesson by next weekend.
I think it's doable. There are 8 lessons in all. I just have to get my brain back into school mode. It's been a while!
I think it's doable. There are 8 lessons in all. I just have to get my brain back into school mode. It's been a while!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Everything is coming up Milhouse
I just got another info package from a chiropractic school and I have to say I'm very excited. There is so much work left to do though.
First of all pre-reqs. Lots of science courses. But I'm hoping to expedite things a little bit. I'm starting to take courses through University of Athabasca. My first one starts in November.
So here's what I'm looking at taking:
First of all pre-reqs. Lots of science courses. But I'm hoping to expedite things a little bit. I'm starting to take courses through University of Athabasca. My first one starts in November.
So here's what I'm looking at taking:
- General Chem 2
- Bio 1
- Bio 2
- Psychology as a Natural Science (in Nov)
- English
- Physics 1
- Physics 2
- Organic Chem 1
- Organic Chem 2
I'm going to take some of them through Athabasca and some hopefully over summer through U of M. We'll see how it goes.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
For the first time pretty much ever I'm going to have to learn to stay within a budget.
Here's the deal, I'm still off work so I'm living on insurance money. This generally covers my basic costs of living - rent, hydro, heat, ect. My work place actually has pretty good benefits so it also leaves me with a little extra once all the bills are paid. But in the time that I've been off work I haven't really changed my lifestyle all that much, I still go to Starbucks, I still eat out regularly and I've still added to my already large wardrobe.
So now comes the budgeting part. Chiropractic school is going to set me back about $80,000 for tuition alone. Now I can manage to live on the cheap while I'm going to school. I did it when I was an undergrad I can do it again, but I do need to save up so that I don't have such massive loans when I'm done. The things about Chiropractic school is that my parents aren't 100% supportive. Yes they love me unconditionally, but they aren't convinced that this is what's going to make me happy. So I'm on my own financially if this is something I want to pursue.
Here's the deal, I'm still off work so I'm living on insurance money. This generally covers my basic costs of living - rent, hydro, heat, ect. My work place actually has pretty good benefits so it also leaves me with a little extra once all the bills are paid. But in the time that I've been off work I haven't really changed my lifestyle all that much, I still go to Starbucks, I still eat out regularly and I've still added to my already large wardrobe.
So now comes the budgeting part. Chiropractic school is going to set me back about $80,000 for tuition alone. Now I can manage to live on the cheap while I'm going to school. I did it when I was an undergrad I can do it again, but I do need to save up so that I don't have such massive loans when I'm done. The things about Chiropractic school is that my parents aren't 100% supportive. Yes they love me unconditionally, but they aren't convinced that this is what's going to make me happy. So I'm on my own financially if this is something I want to pursue.
Monday, September 13, 2010
More Education Planning
Alright so I've officially given up on grad school. At least as far as agricultural economics goes. In fact I've kind of given up on agriculture all together. My new plan is to become a chiropractor. I could write a whole essay about why I want to become a chiropractor and I will have to do that for some admissions (or interviews), but for right now I'm just going to focus on getting all of the pre reqs out of the way. Starting with Psychology. I'll be starting a course called Psychology as a Natural Science by distance ed in November. if that goes well I'll take another course and then if that goes well maybe I'll look at summer courses.
Although it all depends what happens with work. I'm also hoping to be well enough to go back to work and then hopefully move to a different department or perhaps a new company altogether. We'll see what happens.
Although it all depends what happens with work. I'm also hoping to be well enough to go back to work and then hopefully move to a different department or perhaps a new company altogether. We'll see what happens.
Thursday, September 02, 2010
The Wisdom of a Country Song
People give me a lot of crap about being into country music with the whole "my wife left me, my car broke down and my dog hates me stuff", but given the recent love life situation I've found that country music covers pretty much every emotion you could possibly have.
There are two songs in particular that are really hitting me these days. Both of them are by George Strait. One of them has been on my iPod forever the other one I pretty much forgot about until recently.
The first one is "You can't make a heart love somebody". This has been one of my favorite songs since the first time I heard it. I still remember exactly where I was, what I was doing and who I was with when I first heard it and it's stuck with me ever since. I actually remember crying when I heard it for the first time.

The other is "I know she still loves me", which if you listen to the song isn't exactly how the situation went down but as time goes on I think this is kind of how I feel. Yes I still care, but in someways I don't even have the urge to talk to him anymore. Possibly a sign that I'm ready to move on. Or a sign that I'm going back into Janalee Robot mode in which I don't really feel anything about anything.
Are there any songs out there that really speak to you? Has listening to a specific song ever gotten you through a tough spot?
There are two songs in particular that are really hitting me these days. Both of them are by George Strait. One of them has been on my iPod forever the other one I pretty much forgot about until recently.
The first one is "You can't make a heart love somebody". This has been one of my favorite songs since the first time I heard it. I still remember exactly where I was, what I was doing and who I was with when I first heard it and it's stuck with me ever since. I actually remember crying when I heard it for the first time.

The other is "I know she still loves me", which if you listen to the song isn't exactly how the situation went down but as time goes on I think this is kind of how I feel. Yes I still care, but in someways I don't even have the urge to talk to him anymore. Possibly a sign that I'm ready to move on. Or a sign that I'm going back into Janalee Robot mode in which I don't really feel anything about anything.
Are there any songs out there that really speak to you? Has listening to a specific song ever gotten you through a tough spot?
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Vacation Planning
I'm getting to that point in my life where I've got to start thinking about doing all of the things that I want to do in my life. I guess in someways I hoped to have someone to share that with and I'm getting kind of old to go on vacation with my parents, although I had a great time with them in Scotland last summer. So I'm starting to plan my first trip alone.
I've always wanted to go to the Fortress of Louisbourg in Nova Scotia. So I'm looking into that. But so far I've run into a couple of obstacles. Number one, there is next to nothing to do in Sydney and if I'm going to pay $500 round trip for a flight I want it to be a couple of days at least. Also anything I have found to do so far has been for couples or familys. And since I am neither a couple or a family that leaves me with nothing to do, except rent a car and go out to Louisbourg for a day. I was thinking I might be able to hit up a spa or something too. But that's all I've got.
Anyone ever been? Any ideas? Should I just wait until I have someone to go with or scrap the idea altogether?
I've always wanted to go to the Fortress of Louisbourg in Nova Scotia. So I'm looking into that. But so far I've run into a couple of obstacles. Number one, there is next to nothing to do in Sydney and if I'm going to pay $500 round trip for a flight I want it to be a couple of days at least. Also anything I have found to do so far has been for couples or familys. And since I am neither a couple or a family that leaves me with nothing to do, except rent a car and go out to Louisbourg for a day. I was thinking I might be able to hit up a spa or something too. But that's all I've got.
Anyone ever been? Any ideas? Should I just wait until I have someone to go with or scrap the idea altogether?
Monday, August 30, 2010
The Birthday Weekend
This weekend was my birthday weekend. Normally I don't do birthdays they aren't a big deal but I had already made plans anyway so I thought I'd make a whole weekend of it.
It started out Friday with the baseball game and dinner, which I've already talked about. But before that I had a little time to do some shopping around the Forks. I didn't get to a lot but I went to Kite and Kaboodle and picked up the second book in the Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins. Now some of you may be saying "but aren't those books written for teenagers?" To which I would reply, what's your point. Seriously they're good. You should check it out.
Then on Saturday I went to see Dinner for Schmucks with my brother and his girlfriend. Overall I would say it wasn't a good movie but it had funny moments. But I got to the mall early, so again I had shopping time. So I stopped in at Chapters and picked up a couple more books. The last book in that series and also the latest book in the Outlander series which I also recommend. I've been putting off buying this book because the paperback version is a different size from all of the other books in the series, but finally I broke down and picked it up.
So I spent Sunday reading, finished off the book I was reading at the time and then watched the Emmy's. Why oh why did I watch the Emmy's?
So that was birthday weekend.
It started out Friday with the baseball game and dinner, which I've already talked about. But before that I had a little time to do some shopping around the Forks. I didn't get to a lot but I went to Kite and Kaboodle and picked up the second book in the Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins. Now some of you may be saying "but aren't those books written for teenagers?" To which I would reply, what's your point. Seriously they're good. You should check it out.
Then on Saturday I went to see Dinner for Schmucks with my brother and his girlfriend. Overall I would say it wasn't a good movie but it had funny moments. But I got to the mall early, so again I had shopping time. So I stopped in at Chapters and picked up a couple more books. The last book in that series and also the latest book in the Outlander series which I also recommend. I've been putting off buying this book because the paperback version is a different size from all of the other books in the series, but finally I broke down and picked it up.
So I spent Sunday reading, finished off the book I was reading at the time and then watched the Emmy's. Why oh why did I watch the Emmy's?
So that was birthday weekend.
Friday, August 27, 2010
My First Ball Game
Okay so maybe I don't hate baseball quite so much. Or maybe it was the company.
Today was my first live-action baseball game. And while it wasn't the major leagues at least it was entertaining. We did a little pregame dinner at the Old Spaghetti Factory since it was my birthday and the game started at 7 and my friends got off work at 5. Then we walked over to the ballpark just as the first inning was starting.
The home team lost 3-0 but you can't win 'em all I guess. But we did win free pancakes because the Goldeyes' pitcher struck out the "original pancake house's pancake batter". So now I'm going to have to go collect on those some day. Tons of foul balls though.
All in all I'd say it was a pretty good birthday outing.
Today was my first live-action baseball game. And while it wasn't the major leagues at least it was entertaining. We did a little pregame dinner at the Old Spaghetti Factory since it was my birthday and the game started at 7 and my friends got off work at 5. Then we walked over to the ballpark just as the first inning was starting.
The home team lost 3-0 but you can't win 'em all I guess. But we did win free pancakes because the Goldeyes' pitcher struck out the "original pancake house's pancake batter". So now I'm going to have to go collect on those some day. Tons of foul balls though.
All in all I'd say it was a pretty good birthday outing.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Fantasy Football Season is Back
Last year's fantasy football season was kind of a bust for me. I spent about 5 weeks of it hospitalized and unable to participate fully. As a result I finished second last (the last place guy just quit). Anyway I had kind of thought since I wasn't really able to put out my best effort and it was getting close to the beginning of the season that I wouldn't be invited back this year.
But I got my invite yesterday and set up my team. Last year I named my team "Off Constantly" which was my brother's suggestion. And since my team was terrible I'm sure more than one of my league mates said "I beat Off Constantly this weekend". See how that's funny?
This year my team name is more topical. I went with "Favre's Sexy Texts" based on this Deadspin story. Also see this video tribute to the situation.
Can't wait for the draft to see who I get. Happy Football everybody.
But I got my invite yesterday and set up my team. Last year I named my team "Off Constantly" which was my brother's suggestion. And since my team was terrible I'm sure more than one of my league mates said "I beat Off Constantly this weekend". See how that's funny?
This year my team name is more topical. I went with "Favre's Sexy Texts" based on this Deadspin story. Also see this video tribute to the situation.
Can't wait for the draft to see who I get. Happy Football everybody.
Monday, August 23, 2010
A week later
Things just seem to keep getting more complicated. A week after this happened I'm still struggling with what to do.
A brilliant woman told me to quit talking to him and I think that's where I'm at. I took some time and tried to discuss with him how we were going to carry on as friends without all of that other stuff getting in the way. There was no satisfactory solution but to hope that over time it wouldn't hurt so much. Well almost a week later it still really hurt. And frankly the last thing I need in my life right now is more hurt. So I reached the conclusion that while it would be hard I would suck it up, take KEG's advice and stop talking to him.
So I tried to tell him that. It didn't go well. First of all it hurt like hell. I mean to go from spending hours a day together to none at all was just a terrible thought. But I rationalized it by saying to myself that the only way for both of us to truly move on was to make a clean break. For some reason he got angry with me. He told me to take some time to figure out what I wanted, and then when I told him he got mad. So mad in fact that he said some really, really terrible hurtful things to me.
He later apologized for these things and told me he spoke out of anger and pretty much begged me not to cut him out of my life completely. I told him I'd think about it and he agreed to give me as much time and space as I needed. The problem is now I'm just not sure that he really is the guy I thought he was. I can understand that he was upset but what he said was totally uncalled for. At this point if he's waiting to hear from me it's looking like it might be a long time, and might be a simple FU. Yes I realize that's not real grown up but I'm not so sure that he even deserves a grown up reaction from me.
A brilliant woman told me to quit talking to him and I think that's where I'm at. I took some time and tried to discuss with him how we were going to carry on as friends without all of that other stuff getting in the way. There was no satisfactory solution but to hope that over time it wouldn't hurt so much. Well almost a week later it still really hurt. And frankly the last thing I need in my life right now is more hurt. So I reached the conclusion that while it would be hard I would suck it up, take KEG's advice and stop talking to him.
So I tried to tell him that. It didn't go well. First of all it hurt like hell. I mean to go from spending hours a day together to none at all was just a terrible thought. But I rationalized it by saying to myself that the only way for both of us to truly move on was to make a clean break. For some reason he got angry with me. He told me to take some time to figure out what I wanted, and then when I told him he got mad. So mad in fact that he said some really, really terrible hurtful things to me.
He later apologized for these things and told me he spoke out of anger and pretty much begged me not to cut him out of my life completely. I told him I'd think about it and he agreed to give me as much time and space as I needed. The problem is now I'm just not sure that he really is the guy I thought he was. I can understand that he was upset but what he said was totally uncalled for. At this point if he's waiting to hear from me it's looking like it might be a long time, and might be a simple FU. Yes I realize that's not real grown up but I'm not so sure that he even deserves a grown up reaction from me.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
The end to the relationship that wasn't
I'm sure some of you have been wondering about my love life since I wrote this post about a month ago. Well here's the story.
I met this guy online (hey we're in the digital age I won't feel bad for meeting people online!) about 4 months ago and we've been talking everyday ever since. Usually for several hours a day. But sadly he's 19.5 hours away by car. About 3.5 by plane. From the beginning I think we knew that distance was going to be an issue, but in a world of Skype and webcams and long distance relationships it was possible that maybe it could work out. Well it didn't. As much as we always wished we could be together physically to kiss or hug or cuddle it just wasn't practical.
Even when we talked about visiting each other there was always a problem. And neither of us is exactly rolling in cash. So I guess it just wasn't meant to be. So we had the where do we stand talk and settled on friends. The problem is it's hard to talk to him now because all of those romantic notions I had about him are still in my head.
But it's even harder now as I'm finding out there are things he didn't tell me because he didn't want to hurt me. Like that he's been dating. We had talked about how we were going to deal with the issue of dating other people because we weren't together and we live so far apart. And I said I wanted to know. He was always reluctant and didn't want to tell me unless things got serious but I needed to know so that I could properly prepare myself for what was to come. So he agreed. Or at least he agreed in theory, apparently in practice he felt the need to protect me.
So yeah we're done. It's been a couple days now and it's still a little rough. But I'm not quite ready to cut him out of my life completely. I know he cares about me, and I care about him. So it's hard to just say so long. But right now I'm so pissed at him that I don't even want to talk to him. Am I out of line? Am I over reacting to his lie by ommission? Have you tried the long distance thing?
Edit: After reviewing the transcripts (of course I save these things) it turns out it was an actual explicit lie and not a lie by ommission. Which makes it a little worse.
I met this guy online (hey we're in the digital age I won't feel bad for meeting people online!) about 4 months ago and we've been talking everyday ever since. Usually for several hours a day. But sadly he's 19.5 hours away by car. About 3.5 by plane. From the beginning I think we knew that distance was going to be an issue, but in a world of Skype and webcams and long distance relationships it was possible that maybe it could work out. Well it didn't. As much as we always wished we could be together physically to kiss or hug or cuddle it just wasn't practical.
Even when we talked about visiting each other there was always a problem. And neither of us is exactly rolling in cash. So I guess it just wasn't meant to be. So we had the where do we stand talk and settled on friends. The problem is it's hard to talk to him now because all of those romantic notions I had about him are still in my head.
But it's even harder now as I'm finding out there are things he didn't tell me because he didn't want to hurt me. Like that he's been dating. We had talked about how we were going to deal with the issue of dating other people because we weren't together and we live so far apart. And I said I wanted to know. He was always reluctant and didn't want to tell me unless things got serious but I needed to know so that I could properly prepare myself for what was to come. So he agreed. Or at least he agreed in theory, apparently in practice he felt the need to protect me.
So yeah we're done. It's been a couple days now and it's still a little rough. But I'm not quite ready to cut him out of my life completely. I know he cares about me, and I care about him. So it's hard to just say so long. But right now I'm so pissed at him that I don't even want to talk to him. Am I out of line? Am I over reacting to his lie by ommission? Have you tried the long distance thing?
Edit: After reviewing the transcripts (of course I save these things) it turns out it was an actual explicit lie and not a lie by ommission. Which makes it a little worse.
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Losing Touch
I went to a going away picnic today for a friend who is moving to Switzerland next week. I'm super excited for her and wish her all the best of luck on her journey. She and I lived in residence together at University my first two years and we've tried to keep in touch ever since.
Which got me thinking about all of the people that I know from residence that I HAVEN'T kept in touch with. Have our lives just diverged that much since our student days that we no longer have anything to discuss? Was residence really our only common link? Is it worth attempting to reconnect with these people or should I just remember the good times and reflect on that part of my life from time to time?
I may never have answers to these questions. Do you still keep in touch with your friends from college or university? Have you been able to reconnect with anyone you've lost track of over the years?
Which got me thinking about all of the people that I know from residence that I HAVEN'T kept in touch with. Have our lives just diverged that much since our student days that we no longer have anything to discuss? Was residence really our only common link? Is it worth attempting to reconnect with these people or should I just remember the good times and reflect on that part of my life from time to time?
I may never have answers to these questions. Do you still keep in touch with your friends from college or university? Have you been able to reconnect with anyone you've lost track of over the years?
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Rain Delay
So I didn't ever mention that I won tickets to a baseball game. About a month ago I was in the Chiropractor's office and there was a draw for tickets to a game for the local minor league team. Then they called me last week and told me I won. I was going to take my Dad because he's never been to a game but my cousin was getting married that day so he had to be at the wedding. So I called my brothers and they were all busy that day too. So I asked one of the guys from work if he wanted to go. He agreed and so I was pretty excited for the game today.
But wouldn't you know after standing around for an hour and a half the game was rained out. So now I have to go back to the stadium and exchange the tickets for another game. Hopefully my friend will be able to make it to the game.
But wouldn't you know after standing around for an hour and a half the game was rained out. So now I have to go back to the stadium and exchange the tickets for another game. Hopefully my friend will be able to make it to the game.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Sometimes being nice just has it's own rewards.
So my brother and I have been going to Folklorama shows for the past two weeks. We whipped through our first family pack by Thursday of last week and thought we could easily get through another by the end of this week. However circumstances were not in our favor. He was tired, then I was sick, then he had stuff to do, and when we did go to a show on Tuesday I forgot to take the tickets. So we had a lot of tickets left when my older brother and I finally did g
et to a show tonight.
I looked at the family pack which had 10 tickets left and thought there's no way I'm going to use all of these in the next 3 days (Folklorama ends on Sunday) so I turned to the group behind us and asked if they already had tickets. They didn't so I offered to use some of my prepaid tickets to pay for their admission. We all missed the first show cut off by about 10 people so the organizers of the pavilion shuffled us upstairs to see the cultural displays and get some food before the show. Although some of the food was downstairs but they took us to get it and we were allowed to bring it up. Once my brother and I had gotten our downstairs food and found our way upstairs again we were sitting at the same table as the group of young girls (and a mother) that I had paid for. So we chatted a bit. Then we went down to watch the second show. Just before the show started the mom comes up to me with a plastic bag and says "the girls just wanted to say thanks". The bag was filled with all sorts of Scandinavian (that's the pavilion we went to tonight) goodies, Daim chocolates, some sort of Swedish strawberry cream cookies, Danish baking.
So it just goes to show that sometimes doing something out of the goodness of your heart has rewards. I didn't expect anything in return for admission I just thought I'd do a good deed for today. But I thought it would be rude to refuse the gift. So now I'm just going to have to eat sweets for the next week. THANKS GIRLS!
So my brother and I have been going to Folklorama shows for the past two weeks. We whipped through our first family pack by Thursday of last week and thought we could easily get through another by the end of this week. However circumstances were not in our favor. He was tired, then I was sick, then he had stuff to do, and when we did go to a show on Tuesday I forgot to take the tickets. So we had a lot of tickets left when my older brother and I finally did g

I looked at the family pack which had 10 tickets left and thought there's no way I'm going to use all of these in the next 3 days (Folklorama ends on Sunday) so I turned to the group behind us and asked if they already had tickets. They didn't so I offered to use some of my prepaid tickets to pay for their admission. We all missed the first show cut off by about 10 people so the organizers of the pavilion shuffled us upstairs to see the cultural displays and get some food before the show. Although some of the food was downstairs but they took us to get it and we were allowed to bring it up. Once my brother and I had gotten our downstairs food and found our way upstairs again we were sitting at the same table as the group of young girls (and a mother) that I had paid for. So we chatted a bit. Then we went down to watch the second show. Just before the show started the mom comes up to me with a plastic bag and says "the girls just wanted to say thanks". The bag was filled with all sorts of Scandinavian (that's the pavilion we went to tonight) goodies, Daim chocolates, some sort of Swedish strawberry cream cookies, Danish baking.
So it just goes to show that sometimes doing something out of the goodness of your heart has rewards. I didn't expect anything in return for admission I just thought I'd do a good deed for today. But I thought it would be rude to refuse the gift. So now I'm just going to have to eat sweets for the next week. THANKS GIRLS!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
And this is why you need to have a backup credit card
So my mom called today to tell me that I had a call from CIBC fraud services. I didn't think it was a big deal just that maybe they were checking on my recent trip to the US. So I called. Then they started asking me all sorts of questions about my account "to verify" they said. Well I'm no dummy and the number I called wasn't the number on the back of the card so I called that number and started all over.
Well as it turns out my card was compromised, that is one of the stores at which I purchased something had their information stolen so my card number was made public. So they voided my card and they are going to send me a new one.
Thank goodness I have two credit cards (one for just such an emergency) and also thankfully CIBC was looking out for me.
Well as it turns out my card was compromised, that is one of the stores at which I purchased something had their information stolen so my card number was made public. So they voided my card and they are going to send me a new one.
Thank goodness I have two credit cards (one for just such an emergency) and also thankfully CIBC was looking out for me.
Sunday, August 08, 2010
Well this should be interesting
There is something wrong with my cell phone. I don't really know how to describe it other than that the screen doesn't always work. This is an issue when you've got a touchscreen phone. So i took it in to Rogers today so that they can send it in for repairs, but of course while I was there the phone worked perfectly fine.
Anyway they did give me a donor phone but it's one of those old late 90s models. At least it's a flip phone. But I have no idea how to use it. But the good thing is I won't be stranded on the highway without a phone. But I guess no texting for me for a while.
The problem started occurring after the bar on Friday night. I suspect they're going to tell me it's water damage but really it's more like perspiration damage. So it won't be covered under warranty, but we'll see. Until then I guess I'll just have to figure out how to use the clunker.
Anyway they did give me a donor phone but it's one of those old late 90s models. At least it's a flip phone. But I have no idea how to use it. But the good thing is I won't be stranded on the highway without a phone. But I guess no texting for me for a while.
The problem started occurring after the bar on Friday night. I suspect they're going to tell me it's water damage but really it's more like perspiration damage. So it won't be covered under warranty, but we'll see. Until then I guess I'll just have to figure out how to use the clunker.
Saturday, August 07, 2010
Another Random Sighting
Okay it's been a couple of years since the first one. About 4 in fact but still. Tonight I had another random run in with Jonathan Toews. The first one happened when me and my friend went to the mall, then to River City Sports and finally to Tim Horton's where he was with his family. Kinda strange but it was also a little exciting.
Tonight I was at the club with a couple of friends for a friend's birthday. I haven't been to a bar in about 6 months. Not since the last birthday party I attended. And who should arrive at the bar about 10 minutes later but our favorite Conn Smythe trophy winner. I knew right away that it was him but I didn't care, he's a young guy out on the town, big deal. But all night long you heard whispers of "Jonathan Toews". Then the birthday girl found me on her way to the bathroom and got really excited to tell me he was there.
So if it's not a big deal why am I writing about it? More to keep track of it than anything else. I mean if it keeps happening I have to assume he's stalking me, right? For the record I'm just kidding about the stalking part.
Tonight I was at the club with a couple of friends for a friend's birthday. I haven't been to a bar in about 6 months. Not since the last birthday party I attended. And who should arrive at the bar about 10 minutes later but our favorite Conn Smythe trophy winner. I knew right away that it was him but I didn't care, he's a young guy out on the town, big deal. But all night long you heard whispers of "Jonathan Toews". Then the birthday girl found me on her way to the bathroom and got really excited to tell me he was there.
So if it's not a big deal why am I writing about it? More to keep track of it than anything else. I mean if it keeps happening I have to assume he's stalking me, right? For the record I'm just kidding about the stalking part.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
What to do? What to do?
It's been a while I know. But there isn't too much to report. I'm trying to figure out a new career path and finding all sorts or road blocks along the way. As I said before not having taken physics in high school is a problem.
I found a really cool sounding program called Cardiovascular Perfusion. But you have to either be an RN or a Respiratory Therapist first OR have a BSc. with a bunch of specific courses including physics.
I also looked into Clinical Genetics but you have to be a certified MLS (Medical Laboratory Scientist) to get into that program. I've actually thought about taking the MLS program. My mom is a MLS and my younger brother is a Medical Radiological Technologist. So I actually know a lot about Medical Diagnostics and how all of that works and what the job prospects are like. I just don't know if I would love it for the rest of my life.
It's kind of a lot to take in I guess. Stupid quarter life crisis.
Have you found the career of your dreams? Do you have any advice for me?
I found a really cool sounding program called Cardiovascular Perfusion. But you have to either be an RN or a Respiratory Therapist first OR have a BSc. with a bunch of specific courses including physics.
I also looked into Clinical Genetics but you have to be a certified MLS (Medical Laboratory Scientist) to get into that program. I've actually thought about taking the MLS program. My mom is a MLS and my younger brother is a Medical Radiological Technologist. So I actually know a lot about Medical Diagnostics and how all of that works and what the job prospects are like. I just don't know if I would love it for the rest of my life.
It's kind of a lot to take in I guess. Stupid quarter life crisis.
Have you found the career of your dreams? Do you have any advice for me?
Saturday, July 24, 2010
My Adventures in Golf
So we had a family gathering this weekend. Which is fun for about an hour, then the kids start being kids (loud and well loud), you run out of things to say to your aunts and uncles, and you've already asked all your cousins how their jobs, spouses and children are doing. Then you have to
find something else to entertain yourself. In my family's case it involves pulling out a guitar. Which again gets old real quick, especially if you don't know any of the songs.
So when my cousin and brother were going golfing with his girlfriend and they were looking for a 4th, I said I'd do it. I had been golfing very briefly once in school for gym class but that was the extent of my golfing experience. So at first I kind of chickened out and changed my mind but I ended up going anyway.
Because I was sharing my brother's girlfriend's clubs we had to ride together, which was fine. Except she thought it would be funny to make me drive the golf cart, since her parents own a cart so she's driven one several times. As it turns out the best part of golfing is driving that cart around.
I was so bad that I didn't keep score and we played best ball most of the time, between the two of us girls just so it didn't take as long. Yup, golf is NOT the sport for me. But I did manage to outwit the sun this time. 2 hours on course and no sunburn.
find something else to entertain yourself. In my family's case it involves pulling out a guitar. Which again gets old real quick, especially if you don't know any of the songs.
So when my cousin and brother were going golfing with his girlfriend and they were looking for a 4th, I said I'd do it. I had been golfing very briefly once in school for gym class but that was the extent of my golfing experience. So at first I kind of chickened out and changed my mind but I ended up going anyway.
Because I was sharing my brother's girlfriend's clubs we had to ride together, which was fine. Except she thought it would be funny to make me drive the golf cart, since her parents own a cart so she's driven one several times. As it turns out the best part of golfing is driving that cart around.
I was so bad that I didn't keep score and we played best ball most of the time, between the two of us girls just so it didn't take as long. Yup, golf is NOT the sport for me. But I did manage to outwit the sun this time. 2 hours on course and no sunburn.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Post Vacay let down
You know that feeling you have when you come back from vacation and you just want to go back? Well I'm experiencing that now. I needed a couple days at home to get myself back in order again but now I'm ready for the next vacation. Lucky for me I already sort of have plans. Although they aren't exactly finalized.
I can't believe how much shopping we did. Seriously it was mostly eat, shop, drive, shop, sleep. I'd like to see the sites and do some stuff the next time and not just shop all the time. But we'll see what happens.
It was a nice trip though. But I'm glad to be back. It felt so good to sleep in my own bed.
Have you every experienced post vacay let down? Where are you planning to go next?
I can't believe how much shopping we did. Seriously it was mostly eat, shop, drive, shop, sleep. I'd like to see the sites and do some stuff the next time and not just shop all the time. But we'll see what happens.
It was a nice trip though. But I'm glad to be back. It felt so good to sleep in my own bed.
Have you every experienced post vacay let down? Where are you planning to go next?
Friday, July 16, 2010
Vacay time
Everyone needs a little summer vacation. So my brother and I are taking ours this weekend in Fargo/Minneapolis. We're mostly going to shop but also there will be food and resting. And a whole whack of driving. Follow along here if you'd like.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
A minor change
Just a quick note on the new template. I'm not in love with this one but I felt like it was time for a change. So chances are I'll be changing it in not too long. I've found a couple of templates I liked but when I tried to but it into blogger it kicked it out saying that it was ill formatted. Well until I learn XML I'll have to use the ones that do actually work here.
Let me know what you think.
Let me know what you think.
And we're off
I'm not going to attempt to live blog the World Cup Final because it's soccer and half the time I have no idea what's going on. It would really just be a bunch of "hot guy passes to other hot guy", "hot guys hit the post", "hot guy scores". So instead I'm just going to say that it started and I'm excited.

In case you some how missed it I'm cheering for Spain. Not because I have any Spainish ancestral background, but simply because the Spanish boys are hot. Even if Nando isn't starting today. I suppose I'll just have to focus on Sergio Ramos instead. Definitely an acquired taste that one.

Viva Espana!
Wednesday, July 07, 2010
How does that even happen?
I must be the most accident prone person ever. Well no that's not true, I've only ever broken one bone in my life. But I do manage to run into things, or scrape myself up on things or step on things everyday. So it should come as no surprise that I would somehow manage to get a sewing needles pierced through my toe.
That's right I didn't just step on it and it got stuck in the fleshy part of my toe. Oh no, It went right from the bottom up through my toe and out right near the side of the nail. Somehow this needle was on my bedroom floor and when I went to go to bed last night, bam! right through the toe.
It hurts like hell too, but it doesn't look infected and my brother wrapped it in gauze for me so I'm sure it will be fine. But really how does stuff like this keep happening to me?
That's right I didn't just step on it and it got stuck in the fleshy part of my toe. Oh no, It went right from the bottom up through my toe and out right near the side of the nail. Somehow this needle was on my bedroom floor and when I went to go to bed last night, bam! right through the toe.
It hurts like hell too, but it doesn't look infected and my brother wrapped it in gauze for me so I'm sure it will be fine. But really how does stuff like this keep happening to me?
Sunday, July 04, 2010
On the Show Road
I know it's been a week since the last time I've done a post and I apologize. It's been a really weird week, full of ups and downs. Capped by today's trip to yet another cattle show.
I got up shortly after 5 this morning to get the animals all packed in the trailer and get out on the road for the 2.5 hour trip. We had to make 2 pit stops along the way. The second where I bought my breakfast of beef jerky and cheddar chips. We got to the show and as always Dad had a bunch of little errands to run and people he needed to talk to, which lead to me washing every animal and fitting most of them for the show. Luckily Dad's not too picky about fitting so really it involves blowing them (with what is essentially an industrial strength blow drier) and spraying them with finishing spray (kind of like shine serum).
The show itself was kind of disappointing but there were some good cattle there. So what can you do? But this is probably the end of the summer show circuit for us (which really just consisted of the two shows). There is one more in Saskatchewan at the end of August that we might go to, but somehow I doubt it. So our next thing with be Agribition in November.
Agribition is a bitch (10 days, most of which are spent sitting around doing nothing) but if you want to be a big player on the cattle scene it's the place to be. At least in Canada. With that said I think it's sleeping time.
I got up shortly after 5 this morning to get the animals all packed in the trailer and get out on the road for the 2.5 hour trip. We had to make 2 pit stops along the way. The second where I bought my breakfast of beef jerky and cheddar chips. We got to the show and as always Dad had a bunch of little errands to run and people he needed to talk to, which lead to me washing every animal and fitting most of them for the show. Luckily Dad's not too picky about fitting so really it involves blowing them (with what is essentially an industrial strength blow drier) and spraying them with finishing spray (kind of like shine serum).
The show itself was kind of disappointing but there were some good cattle there. So what can you do? But this is probably the end of the summer show circuit for us (which really just consisted of the two shows). There is one more in Saskatchewan at the end of August that we might go to, but somehow I doubt it. So our next thing with be Agribition in November.
Agribition is a bitch (10 days, most of which are spent sitting around doing nothing) but if you want to be a big player on the cattle scene it's the place to be. At least in Canada. With that said I think it's sleeping time.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
A little Musical Number
For those of you that don't know me very well I'm a country girl at heart. I was raised out in the middle of nowhere so naturally my music genre of choice is country.
So I picked some new tunes the other day. Not all that new but new to me. A lot of Johnny Reid. I love Johnny Reid. Seriously who else can get away with using bagpipes in a country song? So awesome! Also he's got a lot of really romantic songs. If I can swing it with whoever I'm marrying I want "A woman like you" as my first dance. I'm considering going to see one of his shows at the Concert Hall when he's in town in October. But I don't really want to go by myself. Anyone want to go or know someone who might?
Need I remind you bagpipes.
So I picked some new tunes the other day. Not all that new but new to me. A lot of Johnny Reid. I love Johnny Reid. Seriously who else can get away with using bagpipes in a country song? So awesome! Also he's got a lot of really romantic songs. If I can swing it with whoever I'm marrying I want "A woman like you" as my first dance. I'm considering going to see one of his shows at the Concert Hall when he's in town in October. But I don't really want to go by myself. Anyone want to go or know someone who might?
Need I remind you bagpipes.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
My Lack of Physics Bites Me in the Butt Again
Every once in a while I think maybe I should go back to school and take something completely different. One of the things I've thought about a couple of times is Applied Chemistry. I took the intro chem courses as part of my first degree and I didn't do too badly. I also find chemistry kind of interesting. And mixing things to create new things? Awesome.
So I looked into it a little farther, and in order to do the industrial chemistry option I'd have to take physics. I didn't take physics in high school because my high school physics teacher was kind of a jerk. And I didn't take the prep courses in University because well why would I spend $300 for 0 credit courses that prepare you for courses you don't need to take?
So no physics means no Applied Chemistry. I'll just have to come up with something else.
So I looked into it a little farther, and in order to do the industrial chemistry option I'd have to take physics. I didn't take physics in high school because my high school physics teacher was kind of a jerk. And I didn't take the prep courses in University because well why would I spend $300 for 0 credit courses that prepare you for courses you don't need to take?
So no physics means no Applied Chemistry. I'll just have to come up with something else.
Well at least I'm looking well these days
Over the last couple of weeks I've run into several people who I would have called co-workers if not for the fact that I've been on an extended sick leave. I don't even quite know what to call them.
Anyway I guess it's not a big mystery that I'm not working there at the moment but most of them have asked where I'm working now, which concerns me because I don't know if they just assume that I've left the company or if they've been told that I'm not going to be returning. But that's not something to worry about at the moment. For now I'm just going to focus on the fact that they've said I'm looking well.
There may be several reasons for my looking better (probably more relaxed than anything else) these days. First of all I've been off work for over a year. When you don't have the stress of having to deal with work everyday. You know that look that people have when they come back from 2 weeks vacation? Well multiply that by 26. The second thing is the drugs, once you're on the right combination of things to help deal with your illness you start to feel a lot better and that probably comes out in your actions and mannerisms. The third contributing factor is probably the new man in my life. You know how people in love just have this glow about them, well I don't think we're at that point but there is some definite like going on. Things aren't exactly perfect in this respect, we're still trying to work some things out, but as he reminds me all the time we'll figure it out. But if someone were to make a movie about my life he'd definitely be the love interest.
So yeah there are probably some good reasons I'm looking better these days, even if I don't feel it all the time. Now I just need to gradually add some very mild stressors to my life to try and get things back on track.
Anyway I guess it's not a big mystery that I'm not working there at the moment but most of them have asked where I'm working now, which concerns me because I don't know if they just assume that I've left the company or if they've been told that I'm not going to be returning. But that's not something to worry about at the moment. For now I'm just going to focus on the fact that they've said I'm looking well.
There may be several reasons for my looking better (probably more relaxed than anything else) these days. First of all I've been off work for over a year. When you don't have the stress of having to deal with work everyday. You know that look that people have when they come back from 2 weeks vacation? Well multiply that by 26. The second thing is the drugs, once you're on the right combination of things to help deal with your illness you start to feel a lot better and that probably comes out in your actions and mannerisms. The third contributing factor is probably the new man in my life. You know how people in love just have this glow about them, well I don't think we're at that point but there is some definite like going on. Things aren't exactly perfect in this respect, we're still trying to work some things out, but as he reminds me all the time we'll figure it out. But if someone were to make a movie about my life he'd definitely be the love interest.
So yeah there are probably some good reasons I'm looking better these days, even if I don't feel it all the time. Now I just need to gradually add some very mild stressors to my life to try and get things back on track.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Construction, Construction, Oil Spill, Parking Ticket
Today has been a bad day for me and driving. Luckily no actual injury to the car but some definite frustration.
First of all this morning I decided I'd go to the mall to pick up some casual clothes at Old Navy. I like Old Navy because there stuff is comfortable. I got stuck in a construction zone for almost half an hour. That sucked. Then on the way back even more construction.
Then I had a nice hour and a half break to watch soccer , before I had to drive to the hospital for a treatment. A stretch of my usual path to the hospital was closed due to an oil spill so I had to detour. The traffic was so incredibly heavy on the detour that I was very nearly late for my treatment so I parked in the first available spot with an open meter, paid and ran inside. Sadly this spot was handicapped parking only but I was in such a rush and distraught from the terrible drive I didn't read the sign properly. So now I've got a $150 fine to pay.
So next time I take the bus.
First of all this morning I decided I'd go to the mall to pick up some casual clothes at Old Navy. I like Old Navy because there stuff is comfortable. I got stuck in a construction zone for almost half an hour. That sucked. Then on the way back even more construction.
Then I had a nice hour and a half break to watch soccer , before I had to drive to the hospital for a treatment. A stretch of my usual path to the hospital was closed due to an oil spill so I had to detour. The traffic was so incredibly heavy on the detour that I was very nearly late for my treatment so I parked in the first available spot with an open meter, paid and ran inside. Sadly this spot was handicapped parking only but I was in such a rush and distraught from the terrible drive I didn't read the sign properly. So now I've got a $150 fine to pay.
So next time I take the bus.
First Nando sighting of the World Cup
I haven't been watching as much of the World Cup as I had expected but today I caught part of the Spain-Honduras match, entirely accidentally. I had turned the TV on to watch Wimbledon and it was on CBC, from the last time I had tried to watch soccer. Turned it to TSN it was commericals so I turned back and there was Spain. 

Oh good times. Horray for Nando. Though he's a lot less noticeable with short dark hair than his long blonde locks. Also look at the picture above and tell me Spain isn't bringing the hotness to the World Cup. Iker, Yes. Sergio, somedays. Nando, everyday of the week and twice on Sunday.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Technological Advancement
I've decided that it's time for me to venture back into the world of cellular phone ownership. I haven't had a cell phone in about 6 years. Not since my dad lost my phone somewhere in the pasture while fixing fences.
The main argument against having a cell phone all these years was a combination of a) you needed a landline to get highspeed internet and b)I'm usually somewhere where I have a phone, you can call me at home or at work and if I'm not in either of those two places then I probably don't need to be talking to someone anyway.
But things have obviously changed. Now we have cable internet which doesn't require a landline at all. I've been off work for a while now (I can't believe it's been this long) and I've suddenly found myself without a phone when I really wished I had one. I've also been driving back and forth to the farm lately (almost every weekend) and you never know when you might need to make an emergency call from the side of the highway. The other big recent life change has been developing a relationship with someone who lives a fair distance away. We spend a lot of time IMing each other and well we could text more easily if I had a cell.
So now the problem is to choose a service provider. I know people who are on MTS and people who are on Rogers and not really a whole lot of complaints for either company. So it's a matter of figuring out what works best for what I intend to do, which is a lot of texting and a little bit of websurfing. Which then brings up the question of Smartphone or Voice Only? I'm still torn here as I don't really get enough e-mail to make it worth it, BUT I would like to have web capability that isn't going to cost me an arm and a leg. Someone recommended waiting for the new iPhone to hit Canada and I was going to take her advice, but what do I need a $700 phone for?
So anyone have any ideas or suggestions? I'm going with Rogers or MTS because come this fall they'll have the best province wide coverage. Which I'll need if I'm out at the farm a lot. Is there anything else I need to consider when looking at what to do here? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The main argument against having a cell phone all these years was a combination of a) you needed a landline to get highspeed internet and b)I'm usually somewhere where I have a phone, you can call me at home or at work and if I'm not in either of those two places then I probably don't need to be talking to someone anyway.
But things have obviously changed. Now we have cable internet which doesn't require a landline at all. I've been off work for a while now (I can't believe it's been this long) and I've suddenly found myself without a phone when I really wished I had one. I've also been driving back and forth to the farm lately (almost every weekend) and you never know when you might need to make an emergency call from the side of the highway. The other big recent life change has been developing a relationship with someone who lives a fair distance away. We spend a lot of time IMing each other and well we could text more easily if I had a cell.
So now the problem is to choose a service provider. I know people who are on MTS and people who are on Rogers and not really a whole lot of complaints for either company. So it's a matter of figuring out what works best for what I intend to do, which is a lot of texting and a little bit of websurfing. Which then brings up the question of Smartphone or Voice Only? I'm still torn here as I don't really get enough e-mail to make it worth it, BUT I would like to have web capability that isn't going to cost me an arm and a leg. Someone recommended waiting for the new iPhone to hit Canada and I was going to take her advice, but what do I need a $700 phone for?
So anyone have any ideas or suggestions? I'm going with Rogers or MTS because come this fall they'll have the best province wide coverage. Which I'll need if I'm out at the farm a lot. Is there anything else I need to consider when looking at what to do here? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Poor, Poor Independant Ice Cream Sellers
I don't know if this is a whole new franchising option or what but the Tim Horton's by our place hooked up with Cold Stone Creamery. Sadly it is right beside one ice cream place and just a block from another.
As much as I like our independant ice cream stores (the one is so punny it hurts, because I'm always laughing you see) I have to say after trying out the Cold Stone ice cream these places are screwed.
As much as I like our independant ice cream stores (the one is so punny it hurts, because I'm always laughing you see) I have to say after trying out the Cold Stone ice cream these places are screwed.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Another Fair Complete
There are probably 3 big events in my hometown that bring in a large amount of people from outside of town, the winter carnival, the bull sale, and the Agricultural Fair.
I have strong ties to each of these events. The carnival was the big finale to our figure skating season. The bull sales was more of an opportunity to socialize with people I had either met on the show road or in school when I was at University. And the fair was really THE must see event in our town. For me it meant 4-H achievement and showing cows for mom and dad.
I don't do much showing anymore, it's kind of a combination of I have my own life now and I don't get out to the farm enough. But I realized this weekend that I kind of missed it.
We took 7 head to the show this year. Which means we had a lot of work to do. Lucky for me dad did most of the prep work while I was in the city during the week but I've been home every weekend for a month to help out.
All in all this year was a pretty forgettable show as far as our results go. I don't begrudge the judge for his placements but I am disappointed that maybe our animals weren't quite ready for the show.
But anyway that's another Fair in the books. I don't know if I'll do it again next year but we'll see what happens.
I have strong ties to each of these events. The carnival was the big finale to our figure skating season. The bull sales was more of an opportunity to socialize with people I had either met on the show road or in school when I was at University. And the fair was really THE must see event in our town. For me it meant 4-H achievement and showing cows for mom and dad.
I don't do much showing anymore, it's kind of a combination of I have my own life now and I don't get out to the farm enough. But I realized this weekend that I kind of missed it.
We took 7 head to the show this year. Which means we had a lot of work to do. Lucky for me dad did most of the prep work while I was in the city during the week but I've been home every weekend for a month to help out.
All in all this year was a pretty forgettable show as far as our results go. I don't begrudge the judge for his placements but I am disappointed that maybe our animals weren't quite ready for the show.
But anyway that's another Fair in the books. I don't know if I'll do it again next year but we'll see what happens.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
And now to wait for October
In case you missed it the Stanley Cup Finals are over. Congratulations to the Chicago Blackhawks. The Chicago win is important to me for only one reason, the Cup is coming to town! I probably won't go to see the public viewing but it's nice to know that I could if I wanted to. I also won a little wager I had going with a friend so now I'm just hoping that he pays up. I'm sure he will though. Oh and also Jonathan Toews won the Conn Smythe. Good times.

No more hockey until October, what's a girl to do? My own plan is to check out sexy soccer players during the World Cup.

No more hockey until October, what's a girl to do? My own plan is to check out sexy soccer players during the World Cup.
Sunday, June 06, 2010
It's the finals
I've been so distracted this year that I've barely watched any of the French Open, which is my favorite major. It's so bad that I didn't even realize until I got up this morning that the Men's final was today.
I shouldn't really comment here because well frankly I haven't watched much of this year's tourney but Nadal is in tough against Robin Soderling, who you may remember knocked off Rafa last year at the French.
But anyway Vamos Rafa! That is all.
I shouldn't really comment here because well frankly I haven't watched much of this year's tourney but Nadal is in tough against Robin Soderling, who you may remember knocked off Rafa last year at the French.
But anyway Vamos Rafa! That is all.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Feasting With My Parents
For the last couple of weekends, and the next couple of weekends I've been out at the farm helping my parents prepare for the local fair. There is a lot of work to do but at least I know that they're going to keep me well fed.
On Friday night we had fried chicken which is one of my favorite meals. Saturday was spaghetti and Ribs, Sunday we had Lasagna and Steaks. Yup even if it was a terrible weekend the food would have saved it.
For the record it wasn't a terrible weekend but the weather sucked and it's awfully wet outside.
On Friday night we had fried chicken which is one of my favorite meals. Saturday was spaghetti and Ribs, Sunday we had Lasagna and Steaks. Yup even if it was a terrible weekend the food would have saved it.
For the record it wasn't a terrible weekend but the weather sucked and it's awfully wet outside.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Quick Hits
Sorry I know it's been a long time since my last post. There's just been a lot going on, and nothing at the same time. Well nothing worth writing about anyway.
Volleyball has ended. It was good time, I had fun. We did a wind-up at Boston Pizza on Wednesday after we were done playing. So that's the end of that. We might play again in the fall. And I might play even if my brother doesn't, but it was a lot of fun playing together.
Things are going well at the Museum and I'm hoping to increase my hours in the next couple of weeks just to see how it goes.
It's pouring rain here right now and I love it. I love the rain and I love thunderstorms, easily my favorite part of summer.
That's about it for now. Enjoy your day.
Volleyball has ended. It was good time, I had fun. We did a wind-up at Boston Pizza on Wednesday after we were done playing. So that's the end of that. We might play again in the fall. And I might play even if my brother doesn't, but it was a lot of fun playing together.
Things are going well at the Museum and I'm hoping to increase my hours in the next couple of weeks just to see how it goes.
It's pouring rain here right now and I love it. I love the rain and I love thunderstorms, easily my favorite part of summer.
That's about it for now. Enjoy your day.
Monday, May 24, 2010
I just got PWN'D
So remember that awesome board game I was telling you about ? Well my younger brother just kicked my ass! So badly that we didn't even finish.
His starting line was a 63 power ranking, you get a extra goal to start with for every power point over 52 so he had a automatic starting 11 goals. I had zero goals to start, so there was no way I could win a match. Even if I scored the maximum 3 goals per period I still would have lost by 2 goals.
Here's what his starting line up card looked like:
The 10s mean the power ranking, the card under the top middle card is the Hart Trophy for MVP. And the yellow chip is a long term contract chip meaning that I wouldn't be able to steal that player in Free Agency. Not that I had any money to do it anyway.
Oh well better luck next time I guess.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
The New Website Love of My Life
A few months ago someone recommended that I join Goodreads.com. I wasn't really convinced because usually when my friends recommend books to me I end up disappointed because I don't like them as much as they did. But after dealing with the creepy Amazon recommendation I've been struggling to find a new source for book reviews to recommend some books that I might not pick up otherwise.
I love that once you rate a book it gives you recommendations of books in similar categories. Like the "best books of 2007" or "best science fiction", however I have noticed that a) when you chose a category there seems to be a lot of books by the same author, so if you've tried some of their stuff and you don't like it well then the list is kind of a waste for you, and b)Many of the books end up in best and worst lists, take Twilight for example it appears in both "best books ever" and "worst books of all time".
I guess you just have to take the time to read the reviews to figure out if you think you'll like it.
Edit: Just took a look at the "Worst Books of all Time List", and while I'm not suprised there were A LOT of books by conservative authors. But being a conservative I've kind of gotten used to this sort of crap.
I love that once you rate a book it gives you recommendations of books in similar categories. Like the "best books of 2007" or "best science fiction", however I have noticed that a) when you chose a category there seems to be a lot of books by the same author, so if you've tried some of their stuff and you don't like it well then the list is kind of a waste for you, and b)Many of the books end up in best and worst lists, take Twilight for example it appears in both "best books ever" and "worst books of all time".
I guess you just have to take the time to read the reviews to figure out if you think you'll like it.
Edit: Just took a look at the "Worst Books of all Time List", and while I'm not suprised there were A LOT of books by conservative authors. But being a conservative I've kind of gotten used to this sort of crap.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Did I miss the memo?
Was there some sort of new law passed that speed limits were reduced by 10km/hr for the long weekend. I swear, everyone on the highway was going 90 today. I passed 3 semis on my way home and I almost never pass a semi because it's their job to get things to where they need to go as quickly as they legally can.
Also anyone who is collecting CPP should have their driver's license taken away. The drive out to my parents' was excruciating today.
Also anyone who is collecting CPP should have their driver's license taken away. The drive out to my parents' was excruciating today.
I need a break
It seems lately that every time I need to make a decision I end up making the wrong one. Especially when it involves other people. I just don't know how to play well with others I guess. I'm trying to make the right choices for me or at least what I think are the right choices, but in the process I'm hurting those around me.
If you are reading this and you feel like I have wronged you in the past 2 weeks, I'm so sorry. I just need some time away from things to straighten out my head a little bit. I'm going out to the farm this weekend to get some good country air and hopefully get a better handle on things.
Enjoy the long weekend!
If you are reading this and you feel like I have wronged you in the past 2 weeks, I'm so sorry. I just need some time away from things to straighten out my head a little bit. I'm going out to the farm this weekend to get some good country air and hopefully get a better handle on things.
Enjoy the long weekend!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Amazon recommends...
Holy crap, you rate one shape shifter romance novel and Amazon thinks you're some sort of sexual deviant.
A while ago I bought some DVDs from Amazon.ca, since then I've been getting frequent e-mails about whatever they happen to have on sale this week. Sometimes I go back and check out what they recommended to me and I'll rate things if I've seen them or read them so that perhaps my recommendations are a little more accurate to what I actually like.
So a couple of months ago this book by Shelley Laurenston came up on the recommendations list. It was a romance novel, and you know every once in a while it doesn't hurt to do a little frivolous reading just to pass the time. So I read it, I liked it, I rated it.
Well today I go to check out my recommendations and a book comes up so I read the synopsis. And holy crap, they must think I'm some sort of freak over there because this books was just... I don't even know how to describe it. Essentially 3 brothers live in a hunting cabin, one of them finds this chick in the woods and brings her home. They then proceed (all 4 of them) to partake in romantic endeavors with each other. Now granted I haven't actually read the book, but holy shit. They're brothers for Christs sake! I don't know if I'm more disturbed that people have actually read this book and given it positive reviews or that someone actually wrote this.
What kind of world do we live in? And please Amazon just recommend nice normal books. Pretty please. Thanks.
A while ago I bought some DVDs from Amazon.ca, since then I've been getting frequent e-mails about whatever they happen to have on sale this week. Sometimes I go back and check out what they recommended to me and I'll rate things if I've seen them or read them so that perhaps my recommendations are a little more accurate to what I actually like.
So a couple of months ago this book by Shelley Laurenston came up on the recommendations list. It was a romance novel, and you know every once in a while it doesn't hurt to do a little frivolous reading just to pass the time. So I read it, I liked it, I rated it.
Well today I go to check out my recommendations and a book comes up so I read the synopsis. And holy crap, they must think I'm some sort of freak over there because this books was just... I don't even know how to describe it. Essentially 3 brothers live in a hunting cabin, one of them finds this chick in the woods and brings her home. They then proceed (all 4 of them) to partake in romantic endeavors with each other. Now granted I haven't actually read the book, but holy shit. They're brothers for Christs sake! I don't know if I'm more disturbed that people have actually read this book and given it positive reviews or that someone actually wrote this.
What kind of world do we live in? And please Amazon just recommend nice normal books. Pretty please. Thanks.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Living the Dream
I'm about to start a new feature here at my blog. It consists of telling you every time I beat people at Big League Manager. But before I get into it, let me explain what it is.
Essentially it's a board game in which you run a hockey team. You pick an NHL team to represent you. Some people like to stick with one team, I like to mix it up a little usually choosing small market teams or teams that blow in real life.
Then you distribute the cash, you start with 2.6 million dollars in the bank with which to run your team for the year. Then you "draft "your players which essential means picking them off the pile of cards, you start with 2 first round draft picks. Then you proceed to choose 8 other players from the goalie, defenseman and forward piles until you have 10 total player cards. You choose 6 players as your starting 6: 1 goalie, 2 defensemen, and 3 forwards. The remaining 4 players make up your starting bench. Once you're done this the fun starts. You roll the dice and you land on squares which explain what you need to do next. It's kind of like monopoly in this way. Some of the squares require you to pay money to the league in exchange for the privilege of drafting a new player or signing a player to a long term contract. Some of the squares pay you money for random events like new ownership. Some squares require you to pick up a League Notebook cards, which are a lot like the chance or community chest cards in Monopoly. The best square though is the "play the match" square. Because the whole point of the game is to win the most matches and therefore win the game. You roll a dice with the numbers 1-3 on it for each period to determine how many goals your team scored in that period. The point is of course to score more points than your opponent. There are a lot of other intricacies to this game but I want to keep this description fairly brief. Win the most matches, win the game. If you want to know more about the game go here . If you're looking to try it out come visit. I'll take you on.
Today I picked up the Stanley cup expansion pack in which the top 2 players from the regular season play off to see who takes the prize. I took my Atlanta Thrashers to the promised land tonight, beating out the Edmonton Oilers and the New York Islanders who were managed by my brothers. That's right I'm awesome.
Essentially it's a board game in which you run a hockey team. You pick an NHL team to represent you. Some people like to stick with one team, I like to mix it up a little usually choosing small market teams or teams that blow in real life.
Then you distribute the cash, you start with 2.6 million dollars in the bank with which to run your team for the year. Then you "draft "your players which essential means picking them off the pile of cards, you start with 2 first round draft picks. Then you proceed to choose 8 other players from the goalie, defenseman and forward piles until you have 10 total player cards. You choose 6 players as your starting 6: 1 goalie, 2 defensemen, and 3 forwards. The remaining 4 players make up your starting bench. Once you're done this the fun starts. You roll the dice and you land on squares which explain what you need to do next. It's kind of like monopoly in this way. Some of the squares require you to pay money to the league in exchange for the privilege of drafting a new player or signing a player to a long term contract. Some of the squares pay you money for random events like new ownership. Some squares require you to pick up a League Notebook cards, which are a lot like the chance or community chest cards in Monopoly. The best square though is the "play the match" square. Because the whole point of the game is to win the most matches and therefore win the game. You roll a dice with the numbers 1-3 on it for each period to determine how many goals your team scored in that period. The point is of course to score more points than your opponent. There are a lot of other intricacies to this game but I want to keep this description fairly brief. Win the most matches, win the game. If you want to know more about the game go here . If you're looking to try it out come visit. I'll take you on.
Today I picked up the Stanley cup expansion pack in which the top 2 players from the regular season play off to see who takes the prize. I took my Atlanta Thrashers to the promised land tonight, beating out the Edmonton Oilers and the New York Islanders who were managed by my brothers. That's right I'm awesome.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Today was Castle day
I didn't plan it, but pretty much all I did today was catch up on back episodes of Castle. If you guys haven't seen this show, well it's freaking brilliant. Yeah it's one of those murder investigation/cop shows. But it's much more of a Dramody than an actual drama.
The whole Beckett/Castle dynamic is so funny. Just finished watching the Dominatrix episode (Season 2, Episode 16 I believe) and all I can say is, hilarious.
Castle: What aren't you telling me?
Beckett: So much. So So much.
Seriously check it out.
The whole Beckett/Castle dynamic is so funny. Just finished watching the Dominatrix episode (Season 2, Episode 16 I believe) and all I can say is, hilarious.
Castle: What aren't you telling me?
Beckett: So much. So So much.
Seriously check it out.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
I'm sorry about the lack of blogging I've been otherwise occupied as of late. Well that's not exactly true I've been around the internets I've just been trying to sort some stuff out. As you know I'm extremely cerebral so I spend a lot of time trying to sort things out in my head before I get to the point of discussing them with anyone.
But lately I've been really bored and kind of lonely, not in a sexual sense but just in a lack of attention kind of way so I've found myself trying something I hadn't done in a really long time. I turned to the chatrooms of the internet. First of all with all this new social media to people still use chatrooms? Apparently yes, although also apparently for more sexual endeavors than for meeting new people. But I have managed to find a few new people to fill my time.
But let me tell you a story about one of the people I met. I've managed to find myself an internet stalker. Now this is probably mostly my fault but I guess I just didn't expect things to get out of hand so quickly. Things started off innocently enough, just getting all the typical details, age, location, occupation, level of education stuff like that. He seemed like an alright guy and since I don't photograph well I didn't have any current pictures to share so when he asked if he could see me I decided to turn on my webcam. Again totally innocent nothing more than a head shot and he told me he thought I was beautiful, and who doesn't love hearing how attractive they are? But towards the end of that first conversation I should have realized things were a little off when he told me he'd miss me. I, of course replied that he couldn't miss me because he had just met me.
Over the next 2 weeks we briefly chatted almost every day, again very general hey how are you, what did you do today kind of stuff. But then one day he asked me if I was looking for a boyfriend and I said I wasn't actively looking. Then I asked him the same question and he told me he had a girlfriend, to which I was confused because well as of two weeks before he had said he was single. So I inquired further, which made me even more confused. So I decided to drop the subject and move onto something else. So as a joke I asked him if he ever talked about me to his friends and he said yes. So then the follow up was of course what do you say about me. His answer was that he said he had a girlfriend, he was talking about me!
And that freaked me out. I had known this guy for like 3 weeks maybe and he was telling people I was his girlfriend. So at this point I really didn't know if I should just block him so that he wouldn't be able to talk to me anymore or stick it out and see if things returned to somewhat normal. I haven't really talked to him since but he's left me some messages to tell me he misses talking to me. So maybe things could return to normal. I haven't blocked him yet but I'm not above doing it either if things continue to be creepy.
For now I'm managed to not give away too much personal information and he is half a continent away so I think I'm fairly safe, but you just never kn0w what kind of creeps you're going to meet.
But lately I've been really bored and kind of lonely, not in a sexual sense but just in a lack of attention kind of way so I've found myself trying something I hadn't done in a really long time. I turned to the chatrooms of the internet. First of all with all this new social media to people still use chatrooms? Apparently yes, although also apparently for more sexual endeavors than for meeting new people. But I have managed to find a few new people to fill my time.
But let me tell you a story about one of the people I met. I've managed to find myself an internet stalker. Now this is probably mostly my fault but I guess I just didn't expect things to get out of hand so quickly. Things started off innocently enough, just getting all the typical details, age, location, occupation, level of education stuff like that. He seemed like an alright guy and since I don't photograph well I didn't have any current pictures to share so when he asked if he could see me I decided to turn on my webcam. Again totally innocent nothing more than a head shot and he told me he thought I was beautiful, and who doesn't love hearing how attractive they are? But towards the end of that first conversation I should have realized things were a little off when he told me he'd miss me. I, of course replied that he couldn't miss me because he had just met me.
Over the next 2 weeks we briefly chatted almost every day, again very general hey how are you, what did you do today kind of stuff. But then one day he asked me if I was looking for a boyfriend and I said I wasn't actively looking. Then I asked him the same question and he told me he had a girlfriend, to which I was confused because well as of two weeks before he had said he was single. So I inquired further, which made me even more confused. So I decided to drop the subject and move onto something else. So as a joke I asked him if he ever talked about me to his friends and he said yes. So then the follow up was of course what do you say about me. His answer was that he said he had a girlfriend, he was talking about me!
And that freaked me out. I had known this guy for like 3 weeks maybe and he was telling people I was his girlfriend. So at this point I really didn't know if I should just block him so that he wouldn't be able to talk to me anymore or stick it out and see if things returned to somewhat normal. I haven't really talked to him since but he's left me some messages to tell me he misses talking to me. So maybe things could return to normal. I haven't blocked him yet but I'm not above doing it either if things continue to be creepy.
For now I'm managed to not give away too much personal information and he is half a continent away so I think I'm fairly safe, but you just never kn0w what kind of creeps you're going to meet.
Sunday, May 09, 2010
I always forget how boring it is here
I came out to the farm for the weekend, because today is Mother's Day and I hadn't been home for a while. But now I'm about ready to go back to the city. It's not like I would be doing anything more at home than I can do here but it just seems a lot more boring.
Now that my parents are hooked up for wireless I can get internet on my laptop but it's slow internet so it probably going to take a whole night to download anything. I'm not really feeling like watching a movie and it's only like half an hour now until the hockey game starts. The Canucks really need to win this one.
Really I just don't feel like doing much of anything. I tried to take a nap this afternoon but that wasn't happening so I ended up catching up on episodes of the Vampire Diaries and Castle. But now I'm out of episodes and like I said the download speeds here suck ass.
One more thing before I leave, I really must watch my expression around my mom. She's very perceptive and as much as I love here there are just some things that I'm not ready to tell her yet or maybe ever.
Now that my parents are hooked up for wireless I can get internet on my laptop but it's slow internet so it probably going to take a whole night to download anything. I'm not really feeling like watching a movie and it's only like half an hour now until the hockey game starts. The Canucks really need to win this one.
Really I just don't feel like doing much of anything. I tried to take a nap this afternoon but that wasn't happening so I ended up catching up on episodes of the Vampire Diaries and Castle. But now I'm out of episodes and like I said the download speeds here suck ass.
One more thing before I leave, I really must watch my expression around my mom. She's very perceptive and as much as I love here there are just some things that I'm not ready to tell her yet or maybe ever.
Friday, May 07, 2010
I'm sick of the CBC
I'm about to say something that most conservatives have been saying for years. I'm sick of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation and their obvious bias. For the most part when I don't like something I just avoid it hoping that if others do the same it won't survive. You know the whole voting with your dollars thing. This works for private broadcasters. People don't watch, companies don't buy advertising, broadcaster either changes programing or goes broke. Not so much with our national public broadcaster.
I'm alright with supporting Canadian programming. That aspect of the CBC doesn't bother me. What bothers me is the obvious political stance of the programming. Particularly This Hour has 22 minutes which hasn't been funny in quite sometime anyway. But again I normally avoid it. The problem right now is that CBC is currently carrying parts of the Stanley Cup playoffs so when I forget to change the channel to another before I shut off my TV I'm subjected to a regular attack on my political beliefs. Now I know that the writers of the show are just presenting their own beliefs but why are MY tax dollars going to support them?
I'm alright with supporting Canadian programming. That aspect of the CBC doesn't bother me. What bothers me is the obvious political stance of the programming. Particularly This Hour has 22 minutes which hasn't been funny in quite sometime anyway. But again I normally avoid it. The problem right now is that CBC is currently carrying parts of the Stanley Cup playoffs so when I forget to change the channel to another before I shut off my TV I'm subjected to a regular attack on my political beliefs. Now I know that the writers of the show are just presenting their own beliefs but why are MY tax dollars going to support them?
Too Funny
You know how I tend to get a little obsessive over things right? Well this whole Sidney Crosby thing is going a little too far. No I haven't been watching every interview that's ever been done. That would take far too much time, though it's not like I have much else to do. But I did do a little Youtube-ing. And I found this:
Now until I saw this I had never heard this song, but it is rather appropriate, no? Also the Max Talbot dancing thing cracks me up everytime! He's hilarious.
Now until I saw this I had never heard this song, but it is rather appropriate, no? Also the Max Talbot dancing thing cracks me up everytime! He's hilarious.
Wednesday, May 05, 2010
Stepping back into the real world
Part of my illness (and probably most illnesses for that matter) is the desire to withdraw from life. I've done a fair bit of this over the past year. Sure I've been going to all my treatments and I still go to Tim Horton's regularly so I'm not a total shut in, but I have kind of made a point of not making plans with people.
This has had two different consequences, the first is that I don't really know what's going on with all of the people who had been a part of my life until I got sick. It also showed who would actually miss me if I was no longer a part of their lives. Those people who haven't even bothered to send an e-mail or facebook message in the last year.
But this post is supposed to be about my efforts to reconnect with some of those people before I really attempt to get my whole life back in order. I've chosen to start with the people who I feel will be most supportive of my efforts. At the same time I don't want people that I'm not quite ready to see to feel that I'm ignoring them or something. That's not the point. It's simply that some people are aware of what I'm going through because I've been able to tell them at least a little bit about what's going on.
Yes it's a small step. But it's a step.
This has had two different consequences, the first is that I don't really know what's going on with all of the people who had been a part of my life until I got sick. It also showed who would actually miss me if I was no longer a part of their lives. Those people who haven't even bothered to send an e-mail or facebook message in the last year.
But this post is supposed to be about my efforts to reconnect with some of those people before I really attempt to get my whole life back in order. I've chosen to start with the people who I feel will be most supportive of my efforts. At the same time I don't want people that I'm not quite ready to see to feel that I'm ignoring them or something. That's not the point. It's simply that some people are aware of what I'm going through because I've been able to tell them at least a little bit about what's going on.
Yes it's a small step. But it's a step.
Monday, May 03, 2010
"Honey, what's Sidney Crosby doing in our shower?" and other hilarity
You know you have too much time on your hands when you spend half a day checking out Youtube videos. The quality on this is pretty low but I thought some of these were pretty funny.
Nothing to Report
I know it's been several days since I posted anything but I just haven't had anything to say really. Here's a quick rundown of my weekend.
My older brother came over to do his taxes on Friday, which of course was the last day to file. I had the tax software for the whole family so everyone came here to do it. Everyone else just did it before the deadline.
Then he and I proceeded to play Big League Manager which he bought me for Christmas but I hadn't played yet. Essentially you run an NHL team so you draft player and make trades and sign free agents and of course play matches. It's actually a lot of fun.
On Saturday night my parents came in and took the whole family (me, my brothers and my brother's girlfriend) out to Tony Roma's for supper. It was super good. I haven't been to Tony Roma's in a while and who doesn't like ribs? Then Mom and Dad came over to our place so that Dad could replace the battery in my car. Technically I could have done this myself or paid someone to do this but I just never got it done. I think maybe my parents are lonely and want me to come home more often which requires a working vehicle. I also sent my cat home with them for a while. It's kind of a long story but I'm thinking about giving him up for adoption.
Sunday was a pretty slack day, I watched 2 hockey games and well that was about it. And so there you have my weekend update. Exciting stuff, eh?
My older brother came over to do his taxes on Friday, which of course was the last day to file. I had the tax software for the whole family so everyone came here to do it. Everyone else just did it before the deadline.
Then he and I proceeded to play Big League Manager which he bought me for Christmas but I hadn't played yet. Essentially you run an NHL team so you draft player and make trades and sign free agents and of course play matches. It's actually a lot of fun.
On Saturday night my parents came in and took the whole family (me, my brothers and my brother's girlfriend) out to Tony Roma's for supper. It was super good. I haven't been to Tony Roma's in a while and who doesn't like ribs? Then Mom and Dad came over to our place so that Dad could replace the battery in my car. Technically I could have done this myself or paid someone to do this but I just never got it done. I think maybe my parents are lonely and want me to come home more often which requires a working vehicle. I also sent my cat home with them for a while. It's kind of a long story but I'm thinking about giving him up for adoption.
Sunday was a pretty slack day, I watched 2 hockey games and well that was about it. And so there you have my weekend update. Exciting stuff, eh?
Thursday, April 29, 2010
5 hours down
I've now spent 5 hours volunteering at the Museum and hope to spend many more. It's great!
The first day I spent 3 hours doing transcription which you would think would be totally boring but really it's not. I'm transcribing interviews that were done with people who were influential in the development of one of the exhibits. So it's really interesting to hear the process of the development of the exhibits rather than just the history behind the actual artifacts.
The other thing that I'll be doing is working on what they call "animation carts" where I get to explain artifacts to people. This could be really cool or really boring depending on how many people you get and how interested they are. Today we did training and there were a lot of kids running around the Museum so maybe not my ideal audience but we'll see how it goes. First official gallery shift starts next week.
The first day I spent 3 hours doing transcription which you would think would be totally boring but really it's not. I'm transcribing interviews that were done with people who were influential in the development of one of the exhibits. So it's really interesting to hear the process of the development of the exhibits rather than just the history behind the actual artifacts.
The other thing that I'll be doing is working on what they call "animation carts" where I get to explain artifacts to people. This could be really cool or really boring depending on how many people you get and how interested they are. Today we did training and there were a lot of kids running around the Museum so maybe not my ideal audience but we'll see how it goes. First official gallery shift starts next week.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Just a little spring cleaning
I've been running on the same template for a while now and while I still like it, I thought it was time for something a little different. Some day I'm going to have to learn how to build my own template so that I can really personalize my blog but for now this is going to have to do. Hope you enjoy it.
Have a good day!
Have a good day!
I miss the old Facebook

It's hard to believe that I've been on Facebook for over 4 years. I've seen it go through numerous makeovers and "enhancements". But I have to say that I'm longing for the old days, where Facebook was just between you and other college kids.
Granted under that definition I would no longer qualify to have a profile and I get that as people who had profiles graduated the site was going to have to be expanded so that those people could continue to enjoy the site. But opening it up to everyone and apparently everything has just made it kind of a joke.
First of all having prospective employers scan the site to check up on your hijinx. The thing that gets me about it though is that you can't always control what other people do or say or write on your wall. I've personally asked all my friends not to tag me in pictures. Not because I do anything that I'm embarrassed about but just because well I'm a person and yes I do like to have the occasional drink. But no future employer needs to see this. Especially since it may seem that I drink a lot more than I do if the only time I'm tagged in photos is when I've been drinking. It's none of their business and I certainly don't go around posting these pictures myself but I also don't think that I should have to worry about what my acquaintances decide to post. Yes, you can untag yourself from photos, but who wants to spend all their time fixing other people's mistakes? Now I'm pretty good about being appropriate. If you google my name you get about 3 entries about me. None of which are embarrassing or inappropriate. But I don't trust Facebook to be the same.
And then there is the issue of who to friend. I personally try not to friend anyone that I don't know in the flesh. I think I've got about 4 people who I don't actually physically know. Most of these are people who share my surname and because I'm all about history and knowing where you came from I didn't think it could hurt to add them for genealogical reasons. Who knows they might be a not so distant relative. But then you have my real relatives, you know the ones you only see on Christmas and special family occasions like weddings. Under old Facebook rules this would not even be a discussion since my cousins chose the pregnant and married route (and sometimes just the pregnant part). But they are technically family and I would feel bad if I had rejected their friend request. But really the more they post random status messages and choose to "like" different groups or phrases the more I want to just tear into them for being utterly ridiculous. And yet I hold my tongue for the aforementioned potential employer problem.
Which brings me to the next thing on my list of reasons Facebook is no longer the social networking site that I had grown to love. The stupid groups. Doesn't it just seem like there is a group for absolutely everything? I mean, really "I bet this steak can get more friends than PETA"? Really?!? This needs a group? Sure I've gone ahead and marked some things as "like". Starbucks for example, Moss from "The IT Crowd" (which if you work in an office and haven't watched I highly recommend), but I mean these are things that people are going to learn about me pretty quickly in regular conversation.
Okay I think that's enough of this for now. All I'm saying is that I miss old Facebook and there is a pretty good chance that I'll be disappearing from the Facebook scene in the very near future.
What are your thoughts on Facebook? Greatest invention ever or the potential downfall of civilization?
Granted under that definition I would no longer qualify to have a profile and I get that as people who had profiles graduated the site was going to have to be expanded so that those people could continue to enjoy the site. But opening it up to everyone and apparently everything has just made it kind of a joke.
First of all having prospective employers scan the site to check up on your hijinx. The thing that gets me about it though is that you can't always control what other people do or say or write on your wall. I've personally asked all my friends not to tag me in pictures. Not because I do anything that I'm embarrassed about but just because well I'm a person and yes I do like to have the occasional drink. But no future employer needs to see this. Especially since it may seem that I drink a lot more than I do if the only time I'm tagged in photos is when I've been drinking. It's none of their business and I certainly don't go around posting these pictures myself but I also don't think that I should have to worry about what my acquaintances decide to post. Yes, you can untag yourself from photos, but who wants to spend all their time fixing other people's mistakes? Now I'm pretty good about being appropriate. If you google my name you get about 3 entries about me. None of which are embarrassing or inappropriate. But I don't trust Facebook to be the same.
And then there is the issue of who to friend. I personally try not to friend anyone that I don't know in the flesh. I think I've got about 4 people who I don't actually physically know. Most of these are people who share my surname and because I'm all about history and knowing where you came from I didn't think it could hurt to add them for genealogical reasons. Who knows they might be a not so distant relative. But then you have my real relatives, you know the ones you only see on Christmas and special family occasions like weddings. Under old Facebook rules this would not even be a discussion since my cousins chose the pregnant and married route (and sometimes just the pregnant part). But they are technically family and I would feel bad if I had rejected their friend request. But really the more they post random status messages and choose to "like" different groups or phrases the more I want to just tear into them for being utterly ridiculous. And yet I hold my tongue for the aforementioned potential employer problem.
Which brings me to the next thing on my list of reasons Facebook is no longer the social networking site that I had grown to love. The stupid groups. Doesn't it just seem like there is a group for absolutely everything? I mean, really "I bet this steak can get more friends than PETA"? Really?!? This needs a group? Sure I've gone ahead and marked some things as "like". Starbucks for example, Moss from "The IT Crowd" (which if you work in an office and haven't watched I highly recommend), but I mean these are things that people are going to learn about me pretty quickly in regular conversation.
Okay I think that's enough of this for now. All I'm saying is that I miss old Facebook and there is a pretty good chance that I'll be disappearing from the Facebook scene in the very near future.
What are your thoughts on Facebook? Greatest invention ever or the potential downfall of civilization?
Monday, April 26, 2010
More Mauer
While extremely bored last night I started looking at the feature articles on Yahoo, where I came across this . Now I'm not usually a fan of Yahoo blogs but it was Joe Mauer and so totally worth the time. Although I'm finding that the more I learn about Mr. Mauer the more there is to dislike. Hip Hop? Chevys? Ummm... no. So from now on I'm going to skip the interviews and just focus on his excellent play and smokin' good looks. And this commercial which I find totally hilarious:
About the NFL Draft
The NFL Draft was last week. It started on Thursday night and then came back for subsequent rounds until Sunday. I didn't really watch it as I was busy watching playoff hockey but I was interested in where my now former college football boyfriend would end up. There was some intrigue about where Tim Tebow would get drafted and which team would take a chance on him.
Most folks figured somewhere in the second round. He went in the first round 26th overall to the Denver Broncos.
Now after the whole Jay Cutler trade incident I really can't support the Broncos and so this is the end of the line for me and Timmy T (unless he gets traded, oh please oh please oh please). But immediately after I found out he was going to Denver I decided to take one more trip through google images to get him out of my system.
Here's what I found:

Most folks figured somewhere in the second round. He went in the first round 26th overall to the Denver Broncos.
Now after the whole Jay Cutler trade incident I really can't support the Broncos and so this is the end of the line for me and Timmy T (unless he gets traded, oh please oh please oh please). But immediately after I found out he was going to Denver I decided to take one more trip through google images to get him out of my system.
Here's what I found:

Thursday, April 22, 2010
Add me to the list...

Does this post make me sound as pathetic as I think it does? Yeah, alright I'll just have to learn to deal with it. So what are your thoughts on Sidney Crosby?
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
In search of a success story
All through my illness doctors and other medical professionals have been telling me about how recovery is possible and how many people go on to live long, healthy and successful lives afterwards. I need to find these people and figure out how they do it.
I had this fear when I went on sick leave that it was going to ruin my career. Don't worry the doctor's said they can't fire you for being sick. This is true but they can make it awfully difficult to come back, or to find another job. It really makes me think that it's about time to take that leap and move in a completely different direction, since the path that I'm on doesn't seem to be going anywhere.
I just need to find some uplifting stories of people who have been able to get their lives back on track. Just to prove that it can be done.
I had this fear when I went on sick leave that it was going to ruin my career. Don't worry the doctor's said they can't fire you for being sick. This is true but they can make it awfully difficult to come back, or to find another job. It really makes me think that it's about time to take that leap and move in a completely different direction, since the path that I'm on doesn't seem to be going anywhere.
I just need to find some uplifting stories of people who have been able to get their lives back on track. Just to prove that it can be done.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Team Edward vs. Team Jacob
There is a debate within fans of the Twilight saga over which guy Bella should be with, Edward or Jacob. I've read the books and I have to say that I was leaning towards Team Jacob. Now that I've watched the first half of New Moon I'm going to say that I'm firmly planted on the Jacob side.
So readers what do you thing? Are you an Edward or a Jacob?
So readers what do you thing? Are you an Edward or a Jacob?
Saturday, April 17, 2010
I need a verdict
All right folks here's a question I've been struggling with for some a while. Cristiano Ronaldo is a an amazing soccer player, I don't think anyone argues this point. But I can't decide if he's hot or if he's just a giant douche. My opinion seems to change depending on the picture.
The man does have an amazing body and isn't shy about letting the world know it.And he sure is pretty. See the following example:
The man does have an amazing body and isn't shy about letting the world know it.And he sure is pretty. See the following example:
But I find hat when he's not half naked he's either
- carrying a man bag (well he is European but still)
- wearing too much hair gel
- or making hideous fashion choices
You can find prime examples of these by doing a quick google image search but here's a couple to start:
So please vote in my poll and help me take a stance on C-Ron.
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