I should start by mentioning the great christmas tradition of gathering around the TV to watch 19 year olds play hockey. It's good times. So much so that last year I rushed home from my Organic Chem class just in time to watch the game. I would have skipped but it's organic freaking chemistry. Anyway, yes World Junior's good times.
My big problem this year is that I still find the players attractive even though I KNOW they're too young for me.
Anyway back to live streaming video. So I've got the game on while I'm filing when my boss comes in. I had fully intended to cut the sound as soon as I was done filing because I'm at work, but I hadn't gotten to that point yet. Anyway so my boss comes in and tells me that I should turn up the sound. So I got to watch the game.
Thank god I'm in my new department or I would have been in big shit for this.