Sunday, July 04, 2010

On the Show Road

I know it's been a week since the last time I've done a post and I apologize. It's been a really weird week, full of ups and downs. Capped by today's trip to yet another cattle show.

I got up shortly after 5 this morning to get the animals all packed in the trailer and get out on the road for the 2.5 hour trip. We had to make 2 pit stops along the way. The second where I bought my breakfast of beef jerky and cheddar chips. We got to the show and as always Dad had a bunch of little errands to run and people he needed to talk to, which lead to me washing every animal and fitting most of them for the show. Luckily Dad's not too picky about fitting so really it involves blowing them (with what is essentially an industrial strength blow drier) and spraying them with finishing spray (kind of like shine serum).

The show itself was kind of disappointing but there were some good cattle there. So what can you do? But this is probably the end of the summer show circuit for us (which really just consisted of the two shows). There is one more in Saskatchewan at the end of August that we might go to, but somehow I doubt it. So our next thing with be Agribition in November.

Agribition is a bitch (10 days, most of which are spent sitting around doing nothing) but if you want to be a big player on the cattle scene it's the place to be. At least in Canada. With that said I think it's sleeping time.

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