Tuesday, October 28, 2008

What's a girl to do

I'm so confused. I went from excited to scared to worried in a matter of about 15 minutes.

Every couple of weeks I get the idea that perhaps it's time to take myself out of the corporate world and wander back into academia. I've now been out of school for about a year and a half and I've saved up a little actually a very little bit of money but enough to pay for one semester of my Master's degree anyway. After that I'm sure I can get funding for the rest of it. Anyway, I had convinced myself that it was too late to apply for next September as one my top choice has a December deadline for fall admission, but then I found out that some of the other schools I'm considering have deadlines as late as June.

So my first issue is to school or not to school. There's the whole "what would a Master's degree do for me?" thing. Sure it's something that I want to do but do the benefits of doing it now outweigh the costs of quitting my job and leaving all the friends I've made at work. At the same time perhaps this isn't a big deal. Not that it wouldn't make me sad but in reality I'm probably going to have to move on from here anyway.

So the second issue then is am I just looking for an escape from my current position. I think the answer to this one is a resounding yes. Last week I was ready to quit and seek training for a medical profession. This week I'm looking at continuing on my current career path that I also give up on every other week.

Oddly enough, even though I'm not looking to do anything for almost a year I really have to move fast to get stuff done. There is the testing, and the gathering of references and the transcript ordering. It's a mess.

I just don't know if it's the right time yet.

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