Friday, July 11, 2008

Goal of the Week

That's it I'm sick of giving myself unrealistic goals or at least ones that I know I'm only going to have to force myself to do. Like last week's goal . Seriously I kind of knew that I wasn't going to work on it. I was busy doing other things like running 2-a-day blog posts. Anyway so I'm only one seam closer to finishing which I guess leaves 2 seams and 3 hems to do.

This weeks goal is one that I'm probably going to finish tonight. I want to finish reading the third book in the Stephanie Myers Twilight series. Thanks to KEG* for suggesting these books to me. They're pretty good and not terribly heavy reading.

*This is the blog moniker I'm giving her because she refuses to come up with anything better for me to work with and I suspect I will need to mention her often

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